Dungeon Issue #127 PDF

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Cover Date Oct 2005 Shipped to Subscribers 23 Aug 2005 Appeared on Newsstands 13 Sep 2005

The Hall of Harsh Reflections
by Jason Bulmahn
The Free City: a shining gem in the crown of cultured civilization. Beneath the surface of this bustling metropolis is a rot, festering in the darkness, manipulating the lives of those unaware of its presence. Now a small adventuring band from out of town may be in over their heads. Their actions in Diamond Lake have attracted the wrath of one of the city’s hidden masters. A gang of infiltrators and an enigmatic mastermind plot their destruction, and only tracing the rot to the root can stop the onslaught. An Age of Worms Adventure Path adventure for 7th-level characters.

The Hive
by Phillip Larwood
The once-dwarven wizard Hehranna knows that her previous race, for all its pride and skill, is hampered and distracted by lesser concerns—family, friendship, emotion. Once they join the Hive, they won’t begrudge a few moments of pain in exchange for the industrious awakening she has to offer them. A D&D adventure for 5th-level characters.

Dungeon of the Crypt
by Eric L. Boyd
The High Hunt leaves the streets of Waterdeep and heads beneath the City of the Dead where monstrous criminal overlords compete for the favor of their mysterious master. It will take more than skill with a blade to cut through the web of deceit and treachery that surrounds the Vampire Master of Waterdeep. Do you have what it takes to survive the Dungeon of the Crypt? A FORGOTTEN REALMS adventure for 13th-level characters.

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