Dragon Issue #330

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Return to the Far Realm
by Bruce R. Cordell
Explore a dimension out of synch with the known planes in this expansive treatment by Bruce Cordell. Learn about cenebrotic blots, where the Far Realm touches the Material Plane, and steep your characters in the lore of cenebrosis, the ability to manipulate weird Far Realm energies. A host of new spells and creatures rounds out a spectacular article that is absolutely not to be missed.

Shapers of Shadow: Eberron’s Umbragen
by Keith Baker
Learn about the mysterious shadow elves of Eberron from Keith Baker, the setting’s creator! This reclusive drow sect dwells on the thrilling continent of Xen’drik, manipulating affairs with a special bond to a shadowy realm known as the Umbra. A new prestige class and a variety of feats give you everything you need to insert the Umbragen into your Eberron campaign.

Coming Home
by Matt Forbeck
Four heroes of Eberron enter the Mournland to carve out a new home. A prelude to Marked for Death, the first novel in the upcoming Lost Mark Trilogy.

The Ecology of the Chuul, Class Acts, Bazaar of the Bizarre, First Watch, Scale Mail, Spellcraft, Sage Advice, and comics.

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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If you love the Far Realm.


Then this issue of Dragon is the perfect one. I honestly admit to being obsessed with the works of H.P. Lovecraft and other writings of the Cthulhu Mythos. So the Far Realm to me is just the kinda place Cthulhu or old Dagon would hang out to have some fun before destroying all human life, just because they can.

I enjoyed the Eberron fiction greatly, the section about the dark elves of Eberron was also a great read.

Even if the issue isn't for you, the cover art is just wonderful.

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