One Minute Sand Game Timer

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

List Price: $1.60

Our Price: $1.44

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This one minute sand timer is perfect for any game where you want to speed up play.

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Very useful actually...


I use these to make sure players in real time response situation know I'm not playing favorites.

Last year I ran a game where the trap in effect radiated poison gas damaging STR reset every round and triggered until they solved the puzzle. The puzzle was out of a puzzle book (rated easy), one of those puzzles that was so easy and obvious, but players over thought. Each round the skeletons killed would be replaced by a seperate summon trap (pushovers for the party level). The players turns for looking at the puzzle was limited for one minute for traps.

Three of these babies were perfect for making that puzzle ROCK. Seeing time running out adds an element of suspense! If you get this, it's inexpensive! Buy three or four, as one really doesn't cut it when the turn ends before the sand runs out.

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