Grim Reaper

soulhunter80's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Silver Crusade

Holy crap, this is meant for me! I cannot wait!

Silver Crusade

Does anyone know if these or any other changes will be implemented before the final product? My group will be finishing up Doomsday Dawn tonight (finally), and my wife plans to GM the PF2 society scenarios next month. Just wondering if we should hold off knowing there are official rules updates coming or maybe just add this stuff on the fly to try it out?

Silver Crusade

Hello. I'm trying to place my order for the Playtest and when I get to step 3 of the process to select a payment method, I click the button and it disappears, and nothing else shows up. I have a saved payment method so I'd just use that but nothing shows up once I click that button.