About skizzerz - Arueshalae
Tier 3.5 // 2 Hero Points
Female Outsider Succubus Spy
Strength d6 ☐+1
Dexterity d8 ☑+1 ☑+2 ☑+3 ☐+4
-- Ranged: Dexterity +2
-- Disable: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 ☐+1 ☐+2
Intelligence d6 ☐+1 ☐+2 ☐+3
Wisdom d4 ☐+1
Charisma d12 ☐+1 ☐+2 ☐+3 ☐+4
-- Knowledge: Charisma +1
-- Diplomacy: Charisma +3
Hand Size: 5 ☐6 ☐7
Proficient With: Weapons
Electricity, Fire, and Poison damage dealt to you is reduced by 3 (☑ 5).
You may evade your encounter (☐ then if it is your turn, you may move).
When the cohort Arueshalae's Gift is displayed next to a character's deck, add 1d4 (☑+1)(☐+2) to his checks that use a marked skill. At the start of your (☑ or any) turn, you may add Arueshalae's Gift to your hand.
☐ Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal a card that has the Desna trait or a blessing to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+1 (☐+2) random cards from his discard pile into his deck, then discard the card you revealed (☐ and that character may draw a card).
☐ At the start of your turn you may examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a boon, (☐ you may) put it on the bottom of the location deck.
Favored Card Type: Blessing
Weapon 4 ☐5
Spell - ☐1
Armor 1 ☐2
Item 3 ☐4 ☐5
Ally 2 ☑3 ☑4
Blessing 5 ☑6 ☐7 ☐8
Cohort: Arueshalae's Gift
☑ ☐ ☐ Treasure Hunter: After you win a scenario, check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to gain an additional deck upgrade.
Class Deck Box
Hell's Vengeance 2 Character Deck (Cards from HV2 marked with * to indicate pre-Core)
Finesse Pack
Ranged Pack
Starbow, Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers (Marked with * to indicate pre-Core)
Starting Deck
Weapons: Starknife, Longbow, Corrosive Dagger +1*, Heavy Crossbow
Armor: Chain Shirt
Items: Thieves' Tools*, Compass, Spyglass
Allies: Grave Tender*, Ukobach*
Blessings: 2x Prayer, 2x Blessing of the Archdevils*, Blessing of Barbatos*
Cohort: Arueshalae's Gift
Current Deck
Weapons: Keen Starknife, Starbow*, Corrosive Dagger +1*, Seeking Longbow
Armor: Glamered Leather Armor
Items: Compass, Bloodroot Poison*, Helpful Haversack, Swallowtail Bracers*
Allies: Cerulean Mastermind, Gentleman Explorer, Priest of Abadar, Sergeant-At-Arms
Blessings: Blessing of Baalzebul*, Blessing of Urgathoa*, Desna's Freedom, The Cyclone, The Savored Sting, The Winged Serpent
Cohort: Arueshalae's Gift
7-1A: Once Bitten, Twice-Born
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Loot: Ring of Protection. Bonus deck upgrade.
Tier Reward: Power Feat: Hand Size 6
Deck Upgrade: Ukobach -> Priest of Abadar (Ally 1), Blessing of Barbatos -> Desna's Freedom (Blessing 1)
7-1B: Easy on the Merchandise
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Loot: Leech. Bonus deck upgrade.
Tier Reward: Skill Feat: Dexterity +1
Deck Upgrade: Prayer -> Blessing of Baalzebul (Blessing 1), Thieves' Tools -> Helpful Haversack (Item 1)
7-1C: A Brotherly Brawl
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Loot: Deathbane Light Crossbow, Shield of Resistance.
Tier Reward: Card Feat: 3 Allies
Deck Upgrade: (Empty) -> Gentleman Explorer (Ally 1)
7-1D: The Rotten Rodeo
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Loot: Enervation, The Lost
Adventure Reward: For the rest of the Adventure Path, after you rebuild your deck, you may banish a card from it to choose a card from the vault whose level is #-2 (minimum 0). Adventure Card Guild players choose the card from their deck box instead.
Legendary Reward: You may erase 1 feat then gain 1 feat of the same type you erased. Did not use.
Tier Reward: Hero Point (now 1). Increase to Tier 2.
Deck Upgrade: Prayer -> The Winged Serpent (Blessing 1)
7-2A: Mortuary Mischief
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Loot: The Prince of Pain, Our Lord in Iron
Tier Reward: Power Feat: Arueshalae's Gift gives 1d4+1
Deck Upgrade: (None)
Notes: Spent a Hero Point (now 0).
7-2B: A Day at the Races
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Loot: The Avalanche, The Cricket
Tier Reward: Skill Feat: Dexterity +2
Deck Upgrade: Blessing of the Archdevils -> Blessing of Urgathoa (Blessing 2)
7-2C: Unconventional Allies
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Loot: Duskwarden Ranger
Tier Reward: Card Feat: 4 Allies
Deck Upgrade: (Empty) -> Sergeant-At-Arms (Ally 2), Chain Shirt -> Glamered Leather Armor (Armor 2)
Notes: Used Treasure Hunter boon (2 uses remaining)
7-2D: What Lies Beneath the City
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: For the rest of the Adventure Path, when you avenge, all characters ignore effects on the bane that happen when it is undefeated.
Adventure Reward: Choose a type of boon. For the rest of the Adventure Path, when you rebuild your deck, keep an additional boon of that type. Each scenario, before drawing your starting hand, search your deck and set aside 1 boon of that type until the end of the scenario. Item chosen.
Legendary Reward: You may erase 1 feat then gain 1 feat of the same type you erased. Erase Power Feat: Hand Size 6, gain Power Feat: reduce Electricity, Fire, and Poison damage by 5.
Tier Reward: Hero Point (now 1). Increase to Tier 3.
Deck Upgrade: Starknife -> Keen Starknife (Weapon 2)
7-3A: The Eyes Below
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Each character chooses a type of boon then draws a random level 3 boon of that type from the vault. Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Tier Reward: Role card: Redeemed. Power feat: Draw Arueshalae's Gift every turn.
Deck Upgrade: Heavy Crossbow -> Seeking Longbow (Weapon 3), Spyglass -> Bloodroot Poison (Item 3)
7-3B: Descent into the Forbidden Ossuary
Difficulty: Legendary
Scenario Reward: Each character chooses a type of boon then draws a random level 3 boon of that type from the vault. Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Tier Reward: Skill Feat: Dex +3
Deck Upgrade: Blessing of the Archdevils -> The Winged Serpent (Blessing 3)
6-90A: A Ghostly Welcome
Difficulty: Normal
Scenario Reward: For the rest of this adventure, on your check, you may recharge # cards to add 1d4 and the Magic trait.
Tier Reward: Card Feat: 6 Blessings
Deck Upgrade: Grave Tender -> Cerulean Mastermind (Ally 3), (Empty) -> The Cyclone (Blessing 1)
6-90B: Death by Dinnerware
Difficulty: Normal
Scenario Reward: For the rest of the adventure, at the end of your turn, if your location has 7-# or fewer cards, you may examine the top card of your location.
Tier Reward: Hero Point (now 2)
Deck Upgrade: (Empty) -> Priest of Abadar (Ally 1)
Notes: Banished Priest of Abadar
6-90C: Society of the Veil
Difficulty: Normal
Scenario Reward: Each character draws a new blessing or spell. Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade. Blessing chosen.
Tier Reward: Hero Point (now 3)
Deck Upgrade: (None)