redleo1972's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


heliodorus04 wrote:

I expect the answer to be "no, you can't" but please respect my need to earnestly ask the question.

I have GM'd about 4 or 5 games, I guess now. I enjoy it.

But I've consistently run across a couple players in my area who rob the game of fun for me because they don't seem to be there to HAVE fun. They are there to beat every encounter as fast and lopsidedly as possible. One in particular never smiles, laughs, interacts with other players, and has treated me in a way I feel is disrespectful (he has 30 years experience, I've been playing PFS since August but RPing for 30 years as well) so he likes to roll his eyes at me a lot.

I play in my free time to have fun. I have PTSD, and I don't need to try to compete with one player to make it fun for the other 5 and for myself. The only solution I see is to give up trying to run PFS in my area.

What are my options?

Make the encounters lamer and lamer until they leave, and those who are having fun, make it more of a Role Playing Game that they have to solve puzzles and answer questions that makes it so that those who would have fun, now must be the dominate ones at the table. I personally like to attack the party of OP junkies with a little of Domestic cats. See what your big tanks and casters do with them.