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Literature Selection and Preview

You should select the literature for the essay by yourself. The student must show his ability to use catalogs and bibliographic directories, as well as lecture and seminar materials.

Independent work in the selection of literature assumes systematic consultations with the teacher. The list of selected literature should be agreed with him, and also it is necessary to consult what the latest changes and additions should be taken into account when working on the selected literature. As you become familiar with the source, they are included in the list of references.First, look at Go to essay writing service reviews., it is necessary to find out how the content of a particular book or magazine article corresponds to the chosen topic. In addition, without such familiarization, it is impossible to get a full idea of the range of issues covered by the topic, and to make an initial version of the essay plan.

Making an initial plan

On the basis of a preliminary literature review, an initial version of the essay plan should be carefully thought through and compiled. When drafting the plan, you should determine the approximate range of issues that will be addressed in the individual paragraphs and determine the sequence of issues that will be outlined in them. These questions will not be specified in the main (official) plan. These questions are intended for the "internal", working plan, according to which the essay is written.

The work plan should reflect the main idea of the work, reveal its content and nature. It should highlight the most relevant issues of the topic. The drafted plan should be coordinated with the teacher.

Writing an essay

The introduction should include a brief statement of your understanding and approach to answering the question.In buyessayclub service, assume to do in the essay (your goals), and what your essay will not include, as well as give brief definitions of key terms (enough in one sentence).

If the essay provides research and assessments of how (or why) scholars use key terms to refer to concepts differently or give them different meanings, then you need to reflect those points in the introduction.

Your own judgments should be given in the main part of the essay (for example, give it under a separate subheading).

The main part of the essay involves developing your argumentation and analysis and justifying them based on the available data, other arguments, and positions on the issue. This is the main content of your essay, and it represents the main difficulty. It is to this end that the subheadings that structure your argument are important; it is where you must justify (logically, using data or rigorous reasoning) your proposed argumentation (analysis).

When filling sections with your argumentation (corresponding to subheadings), limit yourself within a paragraph to addressing one main thought. To write a draft essay, it is useful to apply the technique of sequential numbering of all the paragraphs - it helps you to ensure that each paragraph (and its main idea) corresponds to "its place", i.e. that in the logical sequence each paragraph follows the previous paragraph and precedes the subsequent one. In the final version, paragraph numbering can be removed.

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