RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Starfinder Society GM. 300 posts (304 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.
The adventure has a solid mix of RP, skill checks, normal combat, and an interesting starship combat. My only real issue with the scenario is that it is a little weak on how the PCs should approach the situation. The Starfinder organization, like the Pathfinder organization is inherently Neutral in disposition. This scenario seems to assume that the PCs will be good and act inherently good.......my PCs didn't do anything to gain infamy...but just barely avoided that in a number of situations. It was a lot of fun though and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I certainly enjoyed running it
It does several things well and while there are some things that could be better or done more intuitively, over all it is fun scenario that a lot of people at my local chapter/lodge are enjoying.
I'm not a fan of the way quests are done. I understand that they are broken up in order to be presented in 1 hour sections but when a player plays them all together and in order, it feels super disjointed. With that said, this quest was done well and had more of a natural sort of flow to it then previous quests I have played or run (all of them)