Abderrahmane Zagora

Haafiz's page

178 posts. Organized Play character for Wilmannator.


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Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Inquisitors need a single level dip... but everyone knows it's barbarian you need!

Well done on keeping up with the specialization, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight. I'm sure Kuragin will do so also.

Ran out of time to post a moving it along post (wanted to get my PC posts in) so will move along tomorrow. Added benefit will be that Kuragin will get more time to post.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Sign me up for some 'hype'! Perception bonus, cool... but: increases the user’s base land speed by 10 feet.

Haafiz on hype? It's got to be done!

Oh, chronicle all good and downloaded. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Yes please. Slow track for me.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Thanks for running, Jyri! Had a blast and it was good to finally play this one from season 6. Those trippers were a turd... and to have two lots of them in separate combats speaks of devilry (or a lack of imagination) on the author's behalf. It's the sort of combo that can really only be done for NPCs (especially in a PFS context) and it's so deadly. If a pair of players did that with their GM credit blobs, I'd be pretty mad about it as a GM... and would roll my eyes a lot as a player. At least Haafiz, broken as he is, works solo and has a limited number of rounds he can be insane during.

Also, it was great to play with you again Keith! You may not have punched as high during the last combat, but it wouldn't have been the same without you. Hope to see you on PbP again soon!

Should we hit up Bold Strider to start up our next scenario now?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

No need to ever apologize for botting to finish a combat quickly!

"Well done, Gunari," Haafiz congratulates the Caydenite, "Thank you for accepting my combat advice, too. I know you are well versed with the rapier, but we needed to stop him from destroying the book. All of you did so well, and it has been my extreme pleasure to serve with all of you. I hope we can venture together again some time. For now, though, I am sure that you will want to reunite with your friend Lort. He will be back in Absalom soon, no doubt. I was also considering staying here in Nantambu... if the enchanting Aya Allahe will have me, that is."

So, what was the deal with the singer outside? Simple coincidence?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Open Haafiz's second spoiler.

"Thank you Gunari!" Haafiz cries as he speeds forwards, "Next, see if you can pull him out of there so we can all have a go at him!"

Briefly, Haafiz stands almost heel-to-toe with Gunari as he strikes out at Dreggs. He then jumps backwards and into the corner of the room to clear the way.

Forgot to mention that he'd be using spring attack. Also added the wrong totals. Should be 35 damage total. Token updated on the map.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Not sure when I'll be able to post again, so time for some conditionals!

If Gunari fails the grapple or does something other than grapple Dreggs:

Haafiz prays that Desna guide his aim (swift action: change to judgement of justice, +2 to hit, no bane) and rushes forwards and to grab Dreggs himself.

Grapple vs Dreggs, judgement: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 2 = 22 -- If he's armed, he gets an AoO.

If Gunari successfully grapples Dreggs:

Haafiz rushes forwards in an effort to do as much harm to this would-be book destroyer as he can. He asks Desna to allow his weapon to strike hardest against creature's of Dregg's type and does his best to make his goddess proud. (Swift action: change bane to "Dreggs bane")

Nodachi vs Dreggs, bane, str belt, fatigued: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 + 1 - 1 = 31
Damage vs Dreggs, judgement, bane, str belt, fatigued: 1d10 + 5 + 3 + 2d6 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 3 + (4, 3) + 1 - 1 = 20
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 + 1 - 1 = 31
Crit damage (no bane): 1d10 + 5 + 3 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 3 + 1 - 1 = 15

46 damage total.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Quite right on not entering rage while fatigued! My apologies for not knowing my class better. I got confused with the differences of the unchained barbarian when discussing the skald's inspired rage (which is actually the thing that doesn't require that you're not fatigued).

"Gunari, if you grab him, I think I could strike at him even with you in the way!" Haafiz cries out, "Just stop him from getting that book!"

Suggesting Gunari grapples him to stop him from casting or moving. Haafiz can then use spring attack to attack him from Gunari's square and then move out of it.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Sorry, forgot to explicitly end the rage then restart the rage and update my tagline. Yes he is fatigued, but he still wanted to stay in a rage. Up to you. Either I get another rage round, or please add 2 to the damage vs Thilza. Either way, he'll rage now. He also has the strength belt, which effectively cancels out the strength penalty from fatigue (so an additional +1 damage to Thilza please). Let me know if you want me to include the belt in my stats, my feeling was that it would be more of a pain in the butt than it was worth for me.

Haafiz changes his judgement to one of wanton destruction, his rage-filled heart yearns to see this woman fall for the pain she and her minions have inflicted upon he and his friends.

Adamantine +1 nodachi vs Thilza, power attack, bane, str belt, fatigue, partial cover (corner): 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 11 - 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 - 2 = 29
Damage, power attack, bane, str belt, fatigue, judgement: 1d10 + 9 + 6 + 2d6 + 2 - 2 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 6 + (2, 6) + 2 - 2 + 3 = 30
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 11 - 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 - 2 = 21
Crit Damage (if confirms, no bane): 1d10 + 9 + 6 + 2 - 2 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 6 + 2 - 2 + 3 = 22

52 damage total if a 21 confirms, otherwise 30 damage.

Blur (1,2 misses): 1d10 ⇒ 6

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7
GM Karma wrote:
@Haafiz: Do you have bane active?

Forgot to say - so that would be "no" before now, however please change it to "Thilza bane" (or whatever race she is) as his swift action.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz quickly casts see invisibility and moves after Thilza. Realizing that only bedrooms lie to the north, he checks down south for her... but tries to appear as though he is searching for her blind and listening out for her footfalls. Weapon drawn, but waving it around blindly, he walks down the hallway to the point where he could reach out and touch her, but he flails wildly to give the impression that he doesn't know where she is.

"I will find you, witch. You have to open a door some time! When you do, I will be ready!" Haafiz shouts, deliberately loudly as though speaking to someone further down the hallway.

Bluff to appear as though he can't see her: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26 -- Hopefully I get +5 for her wanting to believe me, since she is after all invisible.

The aim here is to get her to think Haafiz can't see her so he can get an AoO off on her if she casts or moves out of the way.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

FYI, Haafiz stood in his last post. Colon would get an AoO on him. Haafiz will wait to see if the others can down the wood golem. He'd like to cast see invisibility and chase after Thilza.

"Try to down him, Cyrus," Haafiz encourages his countryman, "That was a mighty blow you struck before. I'll see if I can find that woman."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Sorry for the delay. Busy day yesterday. Haafiz acts after Cyrus and Raven - so he will wait to attack Colon until after either of those two have had a chance to do so. If Colon is downed before his turn, he'll stand up from prone and cast see invisibility instead (and won't use bane this round).

"Well done, Finarin!" Haafiz is suitably impressed once more by the elf's prowess. He twists on the floor and tries to improve his chances against his foe by concentrating his holy on bringing justice rather than pain to this man (swift action: switch to judgement of justice, +2 to attack) and lashes out.

Adamantine +1 nodachi vs Colon, power attack, bane, str belt, prone, judgement: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 + 2 = 25
Damage, power attack, bane, str belt: 1d10 + 9 + 6 + 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 6 + (3, 2) + 2 = 25

Feeling lucky, Haafiz chances to stand up in Colon's presence. At least his friends are not around to help him out.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Crap! Just realized Haafiz was wearing a belt of strength. Jyri, please add +1 to the above attack roll and +2 to the damage roll (not that it's likely to help), total of: 16 to hit / [/b]30[/b] damage.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Not sure if they're killed yet - since they just tripped me! ;-) Not saying you weren't doing good work, just wanted to make sure it continued.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"Friends, I think it might behoove us to kill these trip-freaks first!" Haafiz suggests, letting his anger show through his usually calm exterior.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Updated my HP. FYI, due to the raging 14 temporary HP, he's only down to -31. Still... shocking! That tandem trip combo is insane!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz charges up a 'Colon-bane' (not sure what creature type he is, human?) and lashes out at the tripping freak.

Adamantine +1 nodachi vs Gearsman, power attack, bane, prone: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 = 15
Damage, power attack, judgement, bane: 1d10 + 9 + 6 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 6 + 3 + (4, 4) = 28

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Just wanted to check, "glancing blow" - did my sword hit or miss AC 22? ie. Did Haafiz do any damage at all? It will mostly just affect whether I power attack it next time or not.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"Thanks for getting the doors!" Haafiz hears the chanting and skirts around the edge of the black tentacles towards the sound. On the way, he utters a quick prayer that Desna allow his blows to strike hard, allows his righteous fury to overtake him and takes a swipe at the gearsman with his adamantine Nodachi.

Swift: judgement of destruciton +3 damage, Free: rage, Full-round: spring attack vs gearsman (move full 60ft, provoke no AoOs from him), ending movement at the caster (stepped around to enter threatened square last).

Adamantine +1 nodachi vs Gearsman, power attack: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 11 - 2 = 22
Damage (adamantine), power attack, judgement: 1d10 + 9 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 6 + 3 = 20

After lashing out at the robot, Haafiz ignores any clumsy swipe it makes and heads straight up to menace the woman in charge.

"You might as well give up now," he offers, "We have already shown your compatriots the consequences of failing to accept our mercy. Do not make the same mistake."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz rushes in after Cyrus and takes a look around. He hears the chaos in the next room and yells out, "Aya! Arvellos! Close and bar these doors behind me!"

Hoping that someone comes to do so, Haafiz is out of time to do such menial things himself. His friends need help! He continues through the house, past Finarin and sizes up the situation. "Need help? Where do you need me?"

Double move. Wow. 120ft gets you a looooong way!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Seeing no ill effects from the singing (and unaware of the assault on the Lodge), Haafiz moves over to confer with Cyrus. (Double move. If he can, he'll pick out the sealing wax from his ears as he moves - it's normally a free action to drop something, and it's so cheap he doesn't care if it falls to the ground. Up to you if it makes a difference that it's shoved in his ears or not).

"The timing and placement of this singer is most strange, and I have not seen such a crowd gather out here before," Haafiz notes, "Do you think she could be a purposeful distraction? What next, friend?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Level 7 is a sweet spot to have a toon at for playing locally (it hits 3/4 of the different tiered games - 3-7, 5-9 and 7-11). Planning to keep him that way (7) as long as possible. Lort returns next scenario. No question about it. He'll slow track as needed.

@Jyri: How much XP will Amaranti have after he gets this GM credit?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Just a note:

Slow advancement for me please!

Player Name: Damien
Character Name: Haafiz
PFS #: 135100-7
This Chronicle (Technic Siege): #14
Starting XP: 18 1/2
Starting PP: 16
Starting Fame: 30
Starting Gold: 3,852
Day Job Roll: None.

Thanks Jyri! Great work running the Drongos. Can't wait for the final confrontation.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz cranes his neck for a better look at the woman, but knowing that something is bound to be going down at any moment he decides not to take any chances. He reaches into a belt pouch and produces two pre-sized lumps of beeswax and shoves them into his ears (move action and standard action respectively, I think. Earplugs: +2 on hearing-based saves).

"I suggest caution my friends," Haafiz says, far louder than he intends, "I sense something foul may be afoot here."

I'm not sure how much the crowd is blocking Haafiz or not, but no movement this round yet anyway. I also sent the bazaar to the back (because it was in front of my portrait). That revealed a few other things (including some PCs and an additional Cyrus next to them). Not sure if you wanted it to or not. Sorry if not.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz allows his rage to subside and picks himself up off the floor. "Well, that went quite well. I forget how effective you all are - and Gunari! Quite the replacement for Amaranti you are! Excellent rapier work. I just wish I could have fought the battle from my feet. They are much more effective at bracing my blows than my back."

The Keleshite seems a little winded as he moves over to Finarin to inspect the haul. He quickly grabs a potion of cure moderate wounds and, with a grin on his face, throws the potion of featherstep to Gunari, "For next time Finarin muddies up the battlefield!"

He has a feel of the belt, "Well, this could be most useful. Is anyone else, like me, missing their own version?" Unless another martial character wants it, I'll take the belt of strength.

With that sorted out, Haafiz approaches Sal, "I take it you have heard of the Pathfinder Society. My name is Haafiz and we are Pathfinders. The Technic League were your pursuers and after a book called A Thread of Silver. They no doubt traced it to your possession and perhaps realized that you sold this particular book to a man called Arvellos. They want it - at all costs, it seems. Please let us know what you told them and what they told you. Depending upon what they know, they may very well be headed straight to the Lodge. We can protect you there, if you like - but I would not blame you if you wanted to skip town. You are free to do what you will, and you have our best wishes."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz shakes his head as Nobbs continues along his path to self destruction. "So be it."

Nodachi vs Vimes, power attack, bane, prone: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 = 16
Damage, power attack, bane: 1d10 + 7 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 6 + (4, 6) = 24

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"Trollhound? No you did not say," Haafiz says conversationally as Gunari sprays him with Vimes' blood, "That must have smelled almost as bad as these fiends here."

The Keleshite turns to the last remaining man (I'm assuming Gunari downs Vimes with that!), "Surrender. There is no hope for you in this fight. If you continue, you will not survive. At least in the chains of justice there is a hope of redemption and release." While Haafiz despises slavery and the loss of freedom in all its forms, incarceration to bring justice is preferable to corporal punishment.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz quickly changes his bane to human bane (assuming that is what Vimes is) and decides against getting up to face such expert trippers. He instead lashes out from his position on the floor.

"Well, that was some fancy work to get me on the floor... but you will join me soon!" Haafiz declares as he swishes upwards (slightly awkwardly) with his prized nodachi.

Nodachi vs Vimes, power attack, bane, prone: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 11 - 2 + 2 - 4 = 13
Damage, power attack, bane: 1d10 + 7 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 6 + (4, 1) = 28

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Shield of faith before entering the tavern (duration 6 minutes).

Haafiz activates his oread bane ability, calling upon Desna to show him the right way to penetrate their rocky exteriors. He lifts his feet up lightly in the air, mystically finding the correct footing even on the shattered earth littering the floor. With his devotions done, he allows the blood to fill his head. The pressure pushes forth upon his eyes until all he sees is the oread.

"You are mine," he says simply as he moves with unnatural speed and precision to strike out at him. Haafiz briefly considers stepping back afterwards, but decides that it would be best to keep his foe up against the table so that he can't drink the potion without consequences.

Bane: swift, Agile feet: free, Rage: free, Move 60ft, Spring attack (for better position without AoO).

+1 Adamantine Nodachi vs Thurlok, power attack, bane: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 11 - 2 + 2 = 24
Damage, power attack, bane: 1d10 + 7 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 6 + (4, 6) = 25

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"I think I would rather have Cyrus along," Haafiz ponders aloud, "He is excellent at finding things and the sort of activities we are likely to find at a Sczarni camp. I can run very fast if the need arises and I am sure I could make it back to mount the first part of a defense of the lodge if needed. Would that Amaranti were here and could leave that magnificent serpent Kaisharga behind as a guard."

Vote for keep the party together (not that it's my choice) and going out to find Sal (obviously).

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"Yes, Gunari, that has been gnawing at me also," Haafiz nods, "Perhaps we should at least spend a little time looking for Sal. After all, the golems are here and can probably hold them off - and I do not thing Nantambu is such a big place. Cyrus can stay here (maybe with someone else) and also aid Aya and Arvellos in holding any assailants off. I am pretty sure I saw some signal whistles in the supply room. Those could be used to get us to come back."

Haafiz was fence sitting as it was. Leaving a man to death or captivity - even if he may not even be in town - just doesn't sit well with him (even though he knows what his duty to the Society is). Let's find Sal!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"I agree with Gunari. I feel bad that this Sal Durivan may have gotten swept up in all of this," Haafiz notes, "But our first duty is to the Lodge. We do not even know if he is in town, let alone if he has been captured. If we fend off the Technic lead - or if the gods are very kind and they do not attack - then we can look for him and make sure he is safe."

Haafiz wanders the perimeter, making sure Cyrus does not get distracted. He elbows his fellow Keleshite in the ribs playfully when he notices the younger man looking at an ebon-skinned woman with a particularly cat-like gait.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"Not much. They were indeed of the Technic League," Haafiz tries to recall any details of significance, "It seems they have more allies who may be after the book. I am not sure how much longer our rumors will fool them - they may already be aware that Arvellos is a Pathfinder and trace him back here. Is there anything else we can do to help with the Lodge's defenses?"

If nothing is suggested, Haafiz joins Cyrus on his rounds.

Also, not sure how long it took to get back to the lodge... should I just remove my see invisibility and shield of faith buffs?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"It is good that you did not reveal anything," Haafiz notes, "But I would not have blamed you if you had. Mind you, giving torturers what they want does not always assure your survival. Let us get back to Sharrowsmith Exports."

Without further delay, Haafiz makes a bee-line for the Pathfinder's Lodge in Nantambu (assuming everyone else follows and Cyrus's search turns up nothing of course!).

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

That was my bad. Haafiz instead would have asked:

"Arvellos, did you reveal the location of the book to the Technic League? Do they know where it is?"

Let's head back to the Lodge!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"Arvellos, what became of the book?" Haafiz asks the obvious question, dreading the answer.

Regardless of the man's reply, Haafiz helps to get ready for a return to Sharrowsmith Exports. "More beer at the lodge than here? The way Lort tells it, you are never short of beer when Gunari is around..."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"Well, I could certainly use such a belt," offers Haafiz, reaching over for it, "I have neglected to pick up such a device myself. If no one else would like it, I will get some use out of it..."

Haafiz turns back to Arvellos, "We are Pathfinders like you, my good friend. It seems we are lucky to have gotten here when we did. Now, how about we mop up here while you fill us in on exactly why you went to ground and then how you were captured. I hope you will have no objections to coming straight back to Sharrowsmith Exports to hole up for a while."

Haafiz leaves the questions he has about A Thread of Silver for after Arvellos gets a chance to explain himself.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz looks crestfallen for a moment, having not dealt a single blow during the entire combat. He checks to see if the man is alive, and if so he reopens the wound with his nodachi. "Do not deny people their freedom."

With that, Haafiz pushes his body of the platform and rushes down to the bruised man in the chair. He ejects a wand from his wrist sheath and chants the keyword to complete the spell and heal whoever he touches.

CLW Wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

"Easy now, you are with friends," he says to the victim of the Technic League while carefully untying his bonds, "Tell us, what happened here? Do you know where Arvellos is... or are you he?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Haafiz tries to figure out what this spell is, but has no idea. Shrugging, he concentrates on the Kellid in front of him.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz swiftly runs past the transformed Kellid, ready to flank him on the other side.

Acrobatics to avoid AoO: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 -- 28 AC vs AoOs.

"It is you who will pay," the Keleshite, readies his nodachi, happy to finally be once more in the fight, "And you are running out of places to flee to!"

For a guy who can move 60ft, I've sure been away from the action a lot!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

After seeing through the illusory wall (move action, see posts above*) Haafiz rushes up the stairs, ready to do battle with the ooze. Angry with his poor battlefield positioning (the speedy Keleshite is unused to being out of the fray) Haafiz spits a silent curse at the ground while waiting in the back for a better chance at his foes.

Urgh. Feeling a little useless right now.

* If I need to roll again for the save:
Will save, knows its an illusion: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 4 = 30

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Gunari interacted with it by moving through it, so gets his free save. If he fails the save, he'd be rebuffed and 'feel' like the wall was solid.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz will make the disbelief his first move action in next turn, if that's okay.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7
GM Karma wrote:
You can only disbelieve the illusion, if you "interact" with it. Whatever it means technically...

Not true. You can also get a saving throw if you "study it carefully" - which is about as vague a description in RAW as it can possibly get. As a GM, I always assumed this is what anyone did automatically upon being told something is illusory (or realising the spell just cast was of the illusion school)... same as stating you are disbelieving an illusion in older school D&D. This is what Haafiz was attempting.

RAW, scroll down to "illusion" -> "saving throws".

Since it is listed under saving throws and saves are actionless, I've always ruled that "study it carefully" is too. You could rule that studying it carefully is a move action (like a perception check), a standard action (like most things that don't have a stated action time) or more, but it's up to you. Suffice it to say you don't need to touch it (at range or otherwise) to disbelieve an illusion.

I did a fair bit of digging about this before running an illusory battle in Isle of Dread. While it's not PFS and I could rule it any way I liked, I still wanted to be sure that I was being fair to those involved. There is no clarification to "study it carefully" that I've found. Expect table variation in PFS, then, I guess... but it's up to you!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Haafiz spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

"The wall is illusory!" Haafiz yells to his companions, "Look beyond it, the gnome is still there."

Haafiz will to disbelieve, knows it's an illusion: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 4 = 26

Pretty sure Haafiz gave Ibid good enough directions to narrow down the guy's location - there was only one square he could be flanking Cyrus from.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

"He's right behind you, Cyrus - and he can fly now!" cries Haafiz in warning, "He's flanking with sextuple vision over there! Can anyone dispel magic?"

Haafiz weighs up the situation and decides that a spell might be best. He rushes forwards to just within range (40 ft) and targets the flying invisible guy with an ear piercing scream.

Haafiz opens his mouth and shouts something that only Zentyr can hear, "I'm coming for you!"

Sonic damage vs Zentyr: 3d8 ⇒ (3, 4, 7) = 14 + dazed

Fort save DC 13 for half damage and negate dazed.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

I think that's because hero lab doesn't include full magic item descriptions under "special abilities" - it just adds enhancement bonuses to the right places, and puts situational stuff there. I could be wrong, but it seems to be the case. Silly Hero Lab.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7
GM Karma wrote:
Damien, how do you get 60ft speed. The first 50ft I get, but where does the last 10ft come from? Just curious... Still, I'll mark him on the map, and move you the 60ft

30ft base

10ft travel domain
10ft barbarian
10ft boots of swift fury

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Keleshi) Level 7, #-7

Sorry, I should have traced my intended line of movement. I'm planning to run in and then beeline for invisible guy so I can threaten him. I'll trace my line. Stop me when I see him and then take me straight to him with my remaining movement. I have 60ft.

I don't think any of these guys have acted, but just in case one of them has and I (the player) missed it.

Haafiz rushes into the warehouse, looking everywhere for the foe who disappeared.

"You think you can run from me? Ha!" cries the spry Keleshite as he races effortlessly around the room, scanning for invisible miscreants.

Haafiz acrobatics to avoid AoO, full speed: 1d20 + 12 - 10 ⇒ (20) + 12 - 10 = 22 -- AC 28 vs AoOs, due to mobility feat.

A crit? Argh! I take it back! I want to attack the gearsman.

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