jhansonxi's page

Goblin Squad Member. 42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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The Master Craftsman feat is one sure way to get it, within limitations.

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Craft is for making items.

Profession is industry knowledge (identifying who made an item, for example).

Bluff covers sales and marketing.

Appraise is for determining value.

Sense Motive is for identifying a lie about an item.

Sleight Of Hand is for unauthorized 100% discounts.

Perception is for identifying people getting unauthorized discounts.

Escape Artist is for, well, you know.

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Only armor normally made with a substantial amount of metal or stone can be made out of obsidian.
Weigh/cost 75% of normal item.
+1 circumstance bonus to Stealth in dim or lesser light.
10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10 (same as Blood Crystal).

Specific armor:
Obsidian Studded Leather armor
Stats as adjusted above.
When struck by natural or unarmed strikes, attacker receives 1 point of slashing damage.

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Same as standard Darkleaf Cloth but armor counts as one category lighter, except for light armor. Price +50% over standard Darkleaf Cloth.

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Can be used without sight.
+25GP per spell level.
Unless user is acclimated to blindness, the DC for deciphering and avoiding mishaps is increased by 5 (in addition to any other adjustments due to lighting and environmental effects).