
eddiephlash's page

Organized Play Member. 349 posts (6,012 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 29 Organized Play characters. 19 aliases.

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Female Gnome Combat Paladin, Tier 6, Deck Handler

Raz was my 1002 character. I played them through two separate multi-table specials and skipped out on Adventure 3 of this scenario. Ended with 11 xp at tier 6 and 9 hero points. Certainly not the most powerful character in the game, and one in retrospect whose powers would have been a lot more effective in a live game, I still had a blast playing them with their unique mechanics.

Thanks all, and hope our paths cross once again.

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Very cool! I love the art style and use of miniatures. I'm intrigued by the 3d grid as that is something that doesn't get a ton of real use at the table, or even playing on Foundry.

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Sounds like I'll be taking this over. Waiting on Paizo support to hand the reins over, and looking into what needs done on the acg site.

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I love the old bounties. Micro adventures that you could insert into basically any campaign. Any thought on bringing these back in any way, possibly at higher level?

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Skittergoblin Cardmancer

At one point, we used this thread to highlight amazing accomplishments in PACG, and I have just experienced quite the devastating combo.

Playing the penultimate scenario of season 3, which has this rule:

3-6D wrote:

At the end of your turn, roll 1d6; you are dealt 1d4 damage of the following type:

1–2. Acid damage
3–4. Electricity damage
5–6. Fire damage

...which is already quite nasty paired with the adventure rule:

Adventure 6 wrote:
When you are dealt Acid, Electricity, or Fire damage, if that damage is neither reduced to 0 nor reduced by at least 2, suffer the scourge Curse of the Mummy.

And for those who forgot the lovely tier 6 curse:

Mummy's Curse wrote:
when you are dealt damage that is not reduced, bury 1 card you would discard as damage.

We decided to group up at Sky Pharaoh's Throne, which has this power: When you are dealt damage that is not reduced, bury 1 random card from your discard pile.

So which creature did I run into? Sard.

Sard wrote:
After you act, each character at your location is dealt 1d4+1 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Poison damage.

I of course have no damage reduction in hand, and I roll max damage on the elec, so even though I have two blessings (scenario power lets you bury a blessing to reduce any damage by 2), I'm going to be burying cards to the location. I decide to hand wipe and because of the location/scenario combo, end up burying a total of three cards to this madness.

After resetting my hand, I pull two damage reduction cards which are just in time to miss all the fun. And I haven't even seen how my companions have faired yet!

I love this game!

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Sipping my tea and remembering when folks were up in arms about PF2E when it was launched, and seeing lots of similar comments here.

For me, this is nothing but good news! It makes sense from a business perspective, and will undoubtedly have a strong impact on the community and Organized Play. I've always been Starfinder-curious, and this seems like the perfect excuse to jump in!

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I don't care about ancestry/background/gender, all PCs in my group if I run this will be required to have a beard.

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Seelah-ACG wrote:
Is there anyone to talk to if a GM doesn't give out Chronicle sheets after a game or games?

Card Society is effectively dead, so reporting is increasingly irrelevant. I'm not sure many games from the last couple years are still being reported. If desired for your own records, you can make your own chronicle, using the template here.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks everybody for sharing their stories, June always holds so many heavy feelings and emotions. Everybody is deserving of love and respect!

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I consider myself a fairly new GM still, even after playing for a couple years, I've still only ran games with my one group.

How I handle rarity, isn't something I've ever thought very intentionally about.

Common things are things they can assume freely exist in the world. Things they can buy in stores, types of people they interact with on a semi-regular basis, deities they've heard of, abilities they are expected to be able to learn, etc.

Uncommon/Rare things are always "just ask me first". I'll probably say yes, unless I don't think it fits with the themes/setting/mechanics as we've been playing.

This is definitely not a one size fits all. Some uncommon things that are a hard "no" in a small town might be available in a larger town. Or I might bump up the price. For uncommon/rare feats they want to take, I usually want an in-character/story reason why it makes sense for them to have access to this thing.

The game I run is fairly globe-trotting, so most things have been/will be on the table at some point, but if I were running a more region-specific campaign, like Frozen Flame, then these things would be MUCH harder to come by, and even some common options could be locked out.

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I feel vindicated. The Wood Golem appearance that used in a game I ran nearly wiped the mostly ranged party, and it did kill their intern. That thing is vicious!

Wonderful write up as always! I dream of playing at such a well produced table someday!

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Female Gnome Combat Paladin, Tier 6, Deck Handler

First xp at tier 6.

I'm a bit interested in the Chest of Keeping loot, and if nobody else is, I'll take a card feat for an extra item slot. Otherwise, it'll be used for a power feat, increasing my Paladin power to 1d6+2.

Only upgrade I'm interested in:
Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 336: Impervious Fortress Plate

Still head to Sunburst to grab a Camel.

Regarding taking over of the running of this table, I am not available now, but possibly at the start of next month I can get things going. I'd also be willing to help out somebody new if they are interested in learning the BR tools.

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Here you go!

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Skittergoblin Cardmancer
Matsu Kurisu wrote:

Sorry been offline with Covid :-(
Has the player sign ups for PACG opened up?
If so, can you point me to instructions?
redeux wrote:

I forgot Gameday is different and player sign-ups open immediately (as games are being offered).

So if any BR's are starting new games, please post your game in the the Recruitment tab.


So player and gm signups are both live, though we are too late for adventure support at this point. I haven't seen a ton of activity on the recruitment tab, so I'm not aware of new campaigns starting up at this point.

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Skittergoblin Cardmancer

You always get a hero point with a successful scenario. Since 1-1 grants you a specific feat, you get that as well. So you can each take 2 skill feats, or a skill feat and a power/card feat, or a skill feat and save your other hero point.

Regardless, for the rest of the campaign, your maximum number of Skill feats is now equal to #+1, and any future skill feats granted to you when you are already at this maximum will be converted to hero points.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I think ACG fans have known what was up for some time now, but it is very nice to get some actual acknowledgement from Paizo that things are no longer continuing. I hope that one day the stars will align to bring back (some version of) my favorite board game of all time.

Until then, I have ongoing pbp games, semi-regular games via tabletop simulator, and I have no plans to get rid of all my physical copies, and I look forward to playing them with my kids one day.

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There are still active pbp and tts games. Check out the main pbp hub and either the PACG community discord or the Organized Play discord for more info.

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If you still play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, I highly recommend A Night at Bloodthorne Manor, which is a very fun standalone adventure that takes place in a haunted house.

Store Link

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I love this game and this community so much. It sounds like hyperbole, but finding this game literally saved my life.

Thanks to all the folks in this thread sharing their thoughts, feelings, and opinions; thanks especially to Keith for a peek behind the curtain.

I for one have no intentions of quitting the game. I continue to run games as part of the Mindscape weekly lodge online in Tabletop Simulator (find us on Discord and Warhorn - next week I'm starting a year 6 game running Thursday nights). I still have a home game of Wrath set up on my side desk that I take an occasional turn during downtime at work. And I very much look forward to playing with my kids once they get older.

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Oh this is so rad! I'm excited to check this out, and to dust off my old MM box!

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A Pathfinder Adventure Card Game postmortem panel would be my biggest dream announcement.

Well, second only to Starfinder Adventure Card Game Announced! wishful thinking.

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Michael Sayre wrote:

Do you know what stances/styles the monk might be taking and what class paths the other classes are looking at, or is that also part of what you're looking for advice on?

Yea, the Monk in particular is probably the least planned out character at the moment, and also the least experienced player. Some of the other comments encouraged focusing on Str and Athletics, so we'll look at the options around there.

Thanks to all!

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Hi, I'm running a game for a group that is new to second edition, and they've selected Monk, Wizard, Alchemist, and Bard for their characters' classes. I'm a new BR, but we all have a decent amount of RPG experience from other systems.

With this party, I'm imagining that encounters will entail the Monk constantly surrounded on the front lines, while the Alchemist and Wizard run around lighting things on fire, and the Bard helplessly trying to keep everybody on their feet.

Are there any particular considerations in terms of equipment or starting skills/feats/proficiencies that you would recommend? Or ways I can modify encounters to make them balanced and fun for the full group?

Thanks in advance!

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Male Cheliax Tier 4 Arcane/Occult Acadamae Graduate Wizard Deck Handler
BR Dinketry wrote:

We started this game when the ACG was still supported by its parent company.

That one hurts the most.

I'm happy to have played a support character at a pbp table that actually made use of my support powers!

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PwrSrg wrote:
So it has now been another 9 months. ANYTHING??

The recent blog announced that the society component of the game is over, with a finale special/open at Paizocon next month.

The card game itself has had no such official announcement, though it is through general understanding that it is similarly over.

There remains an active pbp and tts playing groups at the forum and the Discord, the later of which has some folks investigating some shared user-created content.

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So Sad!!!

I echo the thoughts and feelings of Race and Tyler above. Playing acg online has been a great escape, especially this past year.

Speaking of opportunities to continue to play, however, we are still running live games via tabletop simulator in our online Mindscape lodge. Please sign up for a game at our Warhorn event page! And come chat with us on the acg related channels at the Organized Play Online discord.

There are several games being played right now from a variety of seasons. We look forward to seeing you!

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See somewhat similar thread regarding one of Koren's powers.

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Of course! Just ignore any rules or rewards that specify PACS characters. Most often this comes in the form of a "bonus deck upgrade" but when playing non-PACS rules, you aren't limited in the number of cards that can be upgraded in a single scenario.

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"zombie-drawn carriage" sounds like it might be a real wild scenario!

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Skittergoblin Cardmancer

One of my favorite character builds I've seen played is Nathan Davis' Erasmus. For those unfamiliar, Erasmus is a neat character (one who is on my short list to play) with a fun power:

Erasmus wrote:
At the start of any turn, you may choose a card type and recharge every card of that type; add (☐ 1 plus) the number of cards recharged to your checks until the end of the turn.

The power gamers (ugh) in the audience might already be spinning their wheels on how to maximize the use of that power. Some obvious things like taking extra feats for hand size, or making use of particular boons that affect your hand might come to mind.

In our Season of Plundered Tombs campaign, Nathan has combined the above with a clever use of Plant cards (which ignore hand size), Shapechange (which can change one's hand size, as well as improve some skills), and the amazing loot card: Tetisurah (which gives you a hand reset at the top of your turn).

This particular combo then leads to crazy turns like this where Erasmus had a whopping +7 to every single check, and was still able to take multiple explores and close a location!

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You are not alone in asking for what is coming next for PACG!

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Tabletop Simulator is currently %50 off. We've been using a sanctioned mod for PACS at the various online conventions, and even have a weekly lodge that plays using TTS every week.

There's never been a better time to check out Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Online! For any questions, hit up the #mindscape-tts-lodge channel at [url=][/url]

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Tabletop Simulator is currently %50 off. We've been using a sanctioned mod for PACS at the various online conventions, and even have a weekly lodge that plays using TTS every week.

There's never been a better time to check out Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Online! For any questions, hit up the #mindscape-tts-lodge channel at

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Skittergoblin Cardmancer

Ever thought of trying live PACG online? Tabletop Simulator is currently %50 off. We've been using a sanctioned mod for PACS at the various online conventions, and even have a weekly lodge that plays using TTS every week.

There's never been a better time to check out Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Online!

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Any chance of returning to this blog series? I'd love to do a playthrough on Legendary with all of the recommended additions. "Keith Mode!"

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You are free to do either! I would only caution against adding in too many class decks as it dilutes the boon pool making it harder to acquire the cards that you really want.

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Female Halfling Tier 3 Magic Smash Martial Adept Fighter Deck Handler

Discard Besmara and recharge Ederleigh Baines.
Knowledge 11: 2d8 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (5, 6) + 3 + (3) = 17 Defeated!
New item: Skeleton Anchor. Hey! Item 4!

Display Bearskin.

Flenta wrote:

Hand: Crowbar, Dragonbane Greatsword, Safe Harbor, Rage, Skeleton Anchor,

Displayed: White War Paint, Bearskin Armor, Riffle Scrolls,
Deck: 3 Discard: 7 Buried: 3
Current Location: Dinosaur Corral
Hero Points: 1
Other: Add 1d4 + 1 to all local combat

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): 0
Recharged: Geyser, Sklar-quah Thundercaller, Ederleigh Baines,
Discard Pile: Ice and Fire, Blessing of Nethys, Hellknight of the Nail, Earthbreaker, Blessing of Pharasma, Create Mindscape, Blessing of Besmara,
Buried Pile: Vicious Scythe, The Avalanche, Brine's Sting,

Skills and Powers:
Strength d10 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3 ☐ +4
Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Acrobatics: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Intelligence d8 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

Favored Card: Weapon or Spell
Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6 ☑ 7
Role: Martial Adept
After you play an Arcane spell for its power, recharge a new Arcane spell that is level #–2 or lower (minimum 0)
When you would discard a weapon for its power, you may recharge it instead.
☑ For your Attack combat check, you may use the skill Arcane: Intelligence +2.
Shirt reroll used
Add 1d4 ([x] +1) to a local combat check by a character at your location.
Boon: Amateur Swashbuckler: [x] [x] [x] [x] You may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to add or remove the Swashbuckling trait from your check. If your character has the Swashbuckler trait, you may add an additional 1d4.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell

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I have a small group of tier 1 characters who are finishing up a mini module and might be interested in continuing on to a full AP. Hit me up on discord and I'll add you to the relevant threads. I'm Eddie#0220.

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Female Halfling Tier 3 Magic Smash Martial Adept Fighter Deck Handler

Safe Harbor recharged when playing Fly. After Fly, examined cards are not great, but House of Stolen Kisses doesn't look great either (lots of barriers), so (retcon) stay at hall and encounter Armor.
Con 7: 1d6 ⇒ 6 Auto-fail. - I miss die bumps.

End turn. Reset hand, drawing 5

Flenta wrote:

Hand: Dragonbane Greatsword, Pyrotechnic Blast, Vicious Scythe, Blessing of Nethys, White War Paint, Crowbar, Hellknight of the Nail,

Displayed: Create Mindscape, (At Hall of Champions), Riffle Scrolls, Ice and Fire,
Deck: 10 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Current Location: Hall of Champions
Hero Points: 1
Other: Add 1d4 + 1 to all local combat

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Cleric of Nethys, Earthbreaker, Brine's Sting, Benefaction, The Avalanche, Locate Object
Recharged: Obscure, Bearskin Armor, Vomit Twin, Safe Harbor,
Discard Pile: Blessing of Besmara,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d10 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☑ +3 ☐ +4
Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Acrobatics: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Intelligence d8 ☑ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

Favored Card: Weapon or Spell
Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6 ☑ 7
Role: Martial Adept
After you play an Arcane spell for its power, recharge a new Arcane spell that is level #–2 or lower (minimum 0)
When you would discard a weapon for its power, you may recharge it instead.
☑ For your Attack combat check, you may use the skill Arcane: Intelligence +2.
Shirt Reroll available
Add 1d4 ([x] +1) to a local combat check by a character at your location.
Boon: Amateur Swashbuckler: [x] [x] [x] [x] You may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to add or remove the Swashbuckling trait from your check. If your character has the Swashbuckler trait, you may add an additional 1d4.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell

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Female Halfling Tier 3 Magic Smash Martial Adept Fighter Deck Handler

Start turn. Hour is BotG. Move to Floating Shipyard. Explore card 1: Fargo Vitterande. Display Obscure. Recharge new spell: Illuminate. Hour increases difficulty by 3.
Fargo luck: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Of course!
Recharge greatsword and hydraulic push.

"Guess I'm gonna have to punch this thing!"

Villain encounter:

Check off last Amateur Swashbuckler boon to add swashbuckling. Discard Besmara to double bless.
Combat 20 + 3 = 23: 3d10 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (6, 3, 7) + 4 + (5) + (1) + 1 = 27 Success!

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Even though Paizocon has ended, the fun doesn't need to end with it!

We're continuing in the footsteps of the fun times we all had playing PACG at PCO by offering new, weekly sessions to play the published adventures and modules via the two methods discussed in the blog.

We're starting a weekly online event where you can play Adventure Card Society games with folks from around the world.
Sign up at Warhorn.

For more information or any questions, please visit us at the #mindscape-vtt-lodge channel in the Org Play Online discord server at

Hope to see many of you there!

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So, I know this thread is for Play-By-Post, but I imagine there might be some folks here who are interested in more live PACG play, so I'm breaking the rules just this once.

We're starting a new weekly event for live virtual PACS games! Since playing via Tabletop Simulator and the acg.orgplayonline site worked so well for Paizocon Online, we decided to make this an ongoing thing!

Sign up for the event at Warhorn.

For more information, see the new #mindscape-vtt-lodge channel in the Org Play Online discord server at

Playing games via PBP has been my favorite pastime in the last several years, and I am excited to be part of the team to offer the next evolution of online PACG! Hope you can come join us!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey all!

We're starting a new initiative to host live PACS games via Discord and Tabletop Simulator.

Each Thursday, join PAGC fans around the world to play through the latest Adventures and Modules. For more information, see the new #mindscape-vtt-lodge channel in the Org Play Online discord server at

Sign-ups are at Warhorn.
Hope you can join us and make this weekly event an ongoing adventure!

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Female Halfling Tier 3 Magic Smash Martial Adept Fighter Deck Handler

"Thanks for the heals!"

Heal 3, back to full.

Start turn, hour is Pharasma. Move to Harbor. Explore card 1: Benevolent Buckler.
Con 5: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Banished

Discard The Avalanche to explore card 2: Musket. Avalanche banishes it, then explore again, card 3: Pistol +1. As this is Elite and #-3 levels below our current tier, this should have been removed. Taking random Weapon instead: Falcata +1 (first non-elite card in there). Reveal Crowbar.
Melee 10: 1d10 + 4 + 1d8 ⇒ (7) + 4 + (6) = 17 Acquired
Any character may move.

End turn. Reset hand, discarding Earthbreaker and Cold Iron Greatsword, then drawing 3.

Flenta wrote:

Hand: Brine's Sting, Geyser, Dragonbane Greatsword, Crowbar, Hellknight of the Nail, Dehydrating Touch, Rekkish,

Displayed: Bearskin Armor, White War Paint, Riffle Scrolls, Create Mindscape,
Deck: 7 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Current Location: Harbor
Hero Points: 1
Other: Add 1d4 + 1 to all local combat

Deck, Discard, Buried:

Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Animated Shield, Hydraulic Push, Blessing of Nethys, Obscure, Anchor, Benefaction, Blessing of Besmara
Discard Pile: The Avalanche, Earthbreaker, Cold Iron Greatsword,
Buried Pile:

Skills and Powers:
Strength d10 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Acrobatics: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Intelligence d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 ☐ +1
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2

Favored Card: Weapon or Spell
Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6 ☑ 7
Role: Martial Adept
After you play an Arcane spell for its power, recharge a new Arcane spell that is level #–2 or lower (minimum 0)
When you would discard a weapon for its power, you may recharge it instead.
☑ For your Attack combat check, you may use the skill Arcane: Intelligence +2.
Shirt Reroll available
Add 1d4 ([x] +1) to a local combat check by a character at your location.
Boon: Amateur Swashbuckler: [x] [x] [x] [] You may check an unchecked box that precedes this reward to add or remove the Swashbuckling trait from your check. If your character has the Swashbuckler trait, you may add an additional 1d4.
Favored Card: Weapon or Spell

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Female Halfling Tier 3 Magic Smash Martial Adept Fighter Deck Handler

Start turn, hour is Blessing of the Gods. Move to Sea Caves. Get cured by MM, back to "full". Explore top card: Titan's Arm. Display Rage. (Recharge new spell: Bury Dehydrating touch for my BYA.
Con 13: 1d6 + 1d10 ⇒ (4) + (3) = 7
Cards from deck: 1d4 ⇒ 4: The Avalanche, Obscure, Remove Curse, White War Paint

After a shocking blow, Flenta draws her Dragonbane sword. This titan doesn't appear to be a dragonoid, but it will have to do.

For combat, Reveal and recharge Greatsword. Character power adds d4. Bury Crowbar to Rage. Mother uses Ambrosia for 2d6, Zova uses a blessing.
Combat 28: 2d10 + 4 + 1d12 + 2 + 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d10 + 2d6 ⇒ (8, 1) + 4 + (12) + 2 + (9) + (4) + (8) + (2, 2) = 52

"Maybe it was part dragon after all?"


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He is great at examining and manipulating his deck. However, note that you don't get to draw when you recharge a card. So, pending doing nothing else, you can recharge each card in your hand by repeatedly examining the top of your location. Aside from certain specific boons and location powers, card draw typically only happens at the end of your turn when you reset your hand.

I'd love to hear more about why you think this is broken or abusable!

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Woohoo! Glad to see the PACG shoutouts! We're a fun community, come play with us!

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Very neat! I've found that even Heroic difficulty has required the table to think things through more than usual. I'd like to again thank the devs for making more difficulty options available and look forward to more reports of teams willing to take on these challenges!

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Male Cheliax Tier 4 Arcane/Occult Acadamae Graduate Wizard Deck Handler

OK. Resetting back to cards only from my class and ultimate decks, my new deck is:

Radovan Cohort 0 Curse
Shadowless Sword Weapon 3 Tales
Object Reading Spell 2 Intrigue
Force Missile (Core) Spell 0 Tales
Good Omen (Core) Spell 1 Tales
Steal Book Spell 0 Tales
Life Drain Spell 1 Tales
Augury Spell 1 Tales
Thieves' Tools Item 0 Tales
Flawless Monocle Item 0 Intrigue
Cockroach Coat Item 1 Intrigue
Red Carriage Item 2 Tales
Lookout (Core) Ally 0 Intrigue
Acadamae Student (Core) Ally 0 Tales
Arnisant Ally 1 Tales
Blessing of Achaekek Blessing 1 Intrigue
Blessing of the Spy Blessing 0 Intrigue
Blessing of Gozreh Blessing 2 Tales

New deck after replacing Ultimate Intrigue with Adventure Packs: Arcane and Occult:

Radovan Cohort 0 Curse
Shadowless Sword Weapon 3 Tales
Fly Spell 2 Occult
Force Missile Spell 0 Arcane
Good Omen (Core) Spell 1 Tales - Core replacement
Firey Glare Spell 0 Occult
Life Drain Spell 1 Tales
Augury Spell 1 Tales
Sage's Journal Item 0 Arcane
Bracers of Protection Item 0 Occult
Gem of Mental Acuity Item 1 Occult
Red Carriage Item 2 Tales
Card Caster Ally 0 Occult
Acadamae Student Ally 0 Arcane
Arnisant Ally 1 Tales
The Foreign Trader Blessing 1 Arcane
Sands of the Hour Blessing 0 Arcane
Blessing of Gozreh Blessing 2 Tales

Will pass on the plague loot going forward.

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Ask and Ye shall receive

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