Jhofre Vascari

Xandar Coulsong's page

575 posts. Alias of Jesper Roland Sørensen.


Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | BP 22/29 | Init 4 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 13 | Fort +5 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | spell 1 (4/5), 2 (3/5), 3 (2/3)

About Xandar Coulsong

Xandar Coulsong 26 years, height 6.0 ft., weight 135 lbs.
Male human bard 8
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Deity Desna
Init: +4, perception: +12

AC: 15, Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 13
Hp: 72 (8d8+24)
Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +6, +4 against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.

Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Club +6/+1 (1d6/x2)
Ranged: Shortbow +8/+3 (1d8+1/x3)
Bard spells known / spells per day
3rd (3/3): Good hope, jester'sjaunt, major image DC19
2nd (4/5): Glitter dust DC17, mirror image, heroism, shadow anchor DC18
1st (5/5): Grease DC16, technomancy, silent image DC17, saving finale, deja vu DC16,
Cantrip: Detect magic, read magic, ghost sound DC15, message, prestidigitation, light,

Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 14, Wis: 10, Cha: 20
Base atk: 6 CMB: 6 CMD: 18
Feats: Technologist, spell focus Illusion, extra performance, spellsong, lingering performance,
Skills 8x8: Climb (1) +4, appraise (1) +6, diplomacy (8) +16, perception (8) +12, spellcraft (8) +13, linguistics (5) +10, use magic device (8) +16, perform dance (5) +13, stealth (1) +6,
Knowledge: Arcana (8) +17, dungeoneering (8) +17, history (1) +10, religion (1) +10, geography (1) +10, local (1) +10, nature (1) +10, nobility (0) +6, planes (1) +10,
Versatile performance: Bluff +16, sense motives +16, acrobatics +13, fly +13,
Background skills: Engineering (8) +18, perform sing (8) +16
Traits: Reactionary, Numerian archaeologist,
SQ: Bardic performance for 29 rounds/day (Countersong, inspire courage +2, distraction, fascinate, Inspire competence +3, suggestion, dirge of doom), versatile performance (sing, dance), lore master 1/day,
Languages: Common, hallit, elven, androffan, azlanti, orc, draconic, undercommon,
Combat Gear (55,5/58): Longbow, studded leather,
Adventuring gear: Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, fling and steel, inkm inkpen, journal, mess kit, mirror, rope, soap, torches (10), rations (5), waterskin, journal, acid flask, headband of alluring charisma, 664 GP

Background and apperance:

Xandar Coulsong was born in Mendev close to the Numerian border. He grew up listening to the stories of the starfall, and dreamed of traveling Numeria exploring all the places that the technic league have closed off from prying eyes. His parents are Pathfinder agents, who at the time were stationed in Mendev to study the worldwound, when their assignment brought them elsewhere; Xandar was left at the Grand lodge to study. Here he found out that he had a natural affinity with the spells many bards uses but he could not play a musical tone right if his life depended on it. However bad he was at the bardic art he more than made up for with his natural interest in everything old, and especially knowledge about Numeria that the society lacked qualified members to study.

Xandar found great joy in being transferred to the archaeology department, traveling to all sorts of digging sites and ruins with more skilled fighters to defend them, but he has learnt a few tricks so he could help with other things then spells. As the years passed he has been sent to many places but he particularly enjoy the areas close to Numeria as the technology they have there fascinates him even to this day. One day he accidently got trapped in a cave him and his team was exploring, the ceiling collapsed and his team certain that Xandar was dead, returned to Absalom without him and reported their findings and the loss of an agent. He found a way out and meet a tribe of friendly barbarians who assisted him to return to civilization, they took him to Torch where he has been since recovering and preparing to set out and explore the nearby sites before returning to the Grand lodge to find his team and parents.

Xandar is a tall slender human, with a light brown skin, short spiky black hair, one green and one blue eye. He does not look like he has seen much combat and more like a bookish type. He useal wears the standard traveling and exploring outfit provided by the Society, with a tabard over his armor in the color of the pathfinders, showing the rune of the open road on the middle of his chest.

He prefers to stand behind his companions aiding them with buff spells and controlling the battlefield. For weapons he prefer to use his mother's whip to trip the oncoming attacks and if needed he will draw a shortsword when getting into the thick of combat is unavoidable.