Viltere's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. *Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.


5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

looking forward to seeing everyone again this year

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

I think that'd be my best bet

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

So what places still have spots?

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

Quick question: is parking at the Westin something I would pay for out of pocket? And if so, how much should I budget for?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm sure that there will be the Most Optimal choice for doing any type of build but as long as I can have a functioning build that while might not be doing the most I could do mathematically it still falls within the range of what damage of that level or buffs of that level are, I personally am fine with trending away with doing the absolute most I could do in the area of what I'm going to do.
Now sure if the envoy and solarion are just not able to realistically keep up through the levels then theres a problem in the design but still I'm going to have to see just how lagging behind they are when I get my hands on the book.

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

Slot 1, Thursday AM (0700-1300): Marshal

Slot 2, Thursday Afternoon (1300-1900): OFF

Slot 3, Thursday PM (1900-0100): Marshal

Slot 4, Thursday Overnight (0100-0700): Playing SFS 1-01

Slot 5, Friday AM (0700-1300): Marshal

Slot 6, Friday Afternoon (1300-1900): Playing SFS 1-02

Slot 7, Friday PM (1900-0100): Marshal

Slot 8, Friday Overnight (0100-0700: OFF

Slot 9, Saturday AM (0700-1300): Marshal

Slot 10, Saturday Afternoon (1300-1900): Playing SFS 1-03

Slot 11, Saturday PM (1900-0100): Marshal

Slot 12, Saturday Overnight (0100-0700): OFF

Slot 13, Sunday AM (0800-1400)*: Marshal

Slot 14, Sunday Afternoon (1400-2000): OFF

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

My goal for this Gen Con is to not have to pay for any of my drinks. I only paid for 2 last year.

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

Holla at yo T1 HQ boi

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

Jack Brown wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Lucas Servideo wrote:
No need Sir you bought me enough Beer last GenCon.
Mmmmmmm, beer.

Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

Michael Meunier wrote:
Then someone needs to point me to them. And I'll definately take fearless leader's suggestion too!

All I had to do was stick with the last person that leaves who knows your name.

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

I don't know, there were some good room parties Saturday night/Sunday morning last year, and I'm not just saying that because I had all my drinks paid for.

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

Fromper wrote:
Not sure if I'll go to GenCon this year.

Guess that means I'll have to drive myself

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

I'm always happy when the call is put out, hope to see everyone at the HQ again this year.

5/5 Venture-Agent, Illinois—Chicago

I'm assuming that the HQ should also be on their way out soon as well?