Vertica Greenpyre's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Lindley Court.

About Vertica Greenpyre

Vertica Haqim, born in a slum in Oppara to a Qadiran street thug, was constantly bullied for her wispy green hair, which when put against her tanned skin, made her look even more ridiculous in the eyes of those around her. Wanting to protect herself, she demanded her mother teach her to fight. She was told she had one year to prove to her own mother that she was worth training.

And so, on Vertica's ninth birthday, she was kicked in the face be her own mother, knocked down again and again. The youth stood back up for the ninth time, and overcome with wrath, punched Janira Haqim in the side with such might that fire sprung forth. Janira stepped back and congratulated her daughter, saying that that mystic anger was proof enough that she was worth training.

Vertica refused.

She would not be trained by such a petty thug. She had no mother. She was no Haqim. She would be Vertica Greenpyre, and she would fight in the arenas until she had enough experience to take over the gang herself. Astonished by her daughter's hubris, Janira tried to take after her, but Vertica's anger sprung forth once more and her mother was badly burned by a swift punch.

After fighting in the arena for twenty-five years, Vertica met a warpriest of Sarenrae who saw something in her that she had long thought lost: that childlike joy, corrupted swiftly by a harsh life fighting. Vertica loved to fight, and while she fought best while emotional, it was not merely anger. So the priest fought with her, again and again, until she found that she wasn't getting angry any more, she was just enjoying the challenge, but the fire still burned forth.

Leaving her with a holy symbol, the priest thanked her for making their time worthwhile, for the redemption of a vengeful soul to a joyous fighter of faith was one they'd long-awaited.

Not long after, Vertica was recruited by the Society for her prowess in battle and strong personality. She was a recruit for quite some time, but has since been promoted to field agent.