Jarl Ceszac

Ulfen Death Squad's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 1,120 posts. 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists. 33 Organized Play characters.


I know this may have been asked and answered before but I am not able to find an answer.

On a Gargantuan Blue Dragon - Frightful Presence 330 FT & DC 28 - what would be the Duration of the effect and for dragons, would the effect be frightened or something else?

This is for an Adventure Path dragon.


Hello everyone,

In a little over a month, I will be playing my level 14 Human Universalist Wizard in one of the 12 - 15 scenarios that will bump him to level 15 and will most likely be his final farewell into retirment as a VC (I have the boon). He has just over 31,000 gold and I am not entirely sure what to spend it on. I am hoping I may get some help from you guys and gals.

Here is the major info:

STR 12
DEX 20 (14 + 6 from Belt)
Con 14
INT 27 (21 + 6 from Heaband)
WIS 12

AC 18, F-F 13, Touch 17

CMB +8, CMD 25

Fort 11, Ref 16, Will 15

Initiative: +11

Reactionary, Focused Mind

Spell Focus: Conjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, Transmutation
Augment Summoning
Improved Iniative
Lightning Reflexes
Maximized Spell, Heightened Spell Metamagic Feats
Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration
(Level 15 Feats are undecided as of now)

Notable Gear
Dark Leaf Explorer's Outfit
Bonded Item - Ring
Ring of Evasion
Ring of Protection +2
Hand of Glory
Belt of Dexterity +6
Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 (Fly Linguistics, Spellcraft)
Lesser Extend Metamagic Rod
Cloak of Resistance +5
Bracers of Armor +1
Gloves of Recon (Keeping due to it having proven useful two or so times)
Sandals of Quick Reconaissance
Pearls of Power Levels 1, 2, and 3 (1 of each)
3750 GP of Diamond Dust (Some for Stone Skin and the rest for healing purposes)
Bag of Holding
Acrimony Vail
Goggles on Night

With all of this being said, I do play him as a Universalist that focuses on Evocation spells with some Necromancy harming spells and other damage dealing spells. When needed, he will summon creatures through Summon Monster spells. Unless the spell is from a player companion book, I may already have enough spells with just over 100 to choose from in 4 spell books.

I do know that consumables like healing potions will need to purchased.

Any helpful info will be met with gratitude.


I have a character that is level 7 and 1/3 that I am sitting on for my area to put together a group to play Bonekeep 1, 2, and 3. I have learned that there is a new scenario out that is a sequel to a previous year's scenario that the same character has played. Yet, I am in a situation where I am unable to play bonekeep 1 and 2 and the new scenario since all 3 are 3-7 in range and after 2 more XP, my paladin is level 8.

Since I was not able to find an answer on my own with limited time, here is my question: with having started a level on normal progression (1xp, 2pp), can I change to slow progression during the same level (in this case, the movement from level 7 to level 8) or do I have to reach level 8 before changing to slow progression?


Since Gen Con 2015 has just came and went, I am looking at trying to finally going to Gen Con after 2 years of saying I am too broke to even try. I am going to man up and start saving the money to go to next year's Gen Con. I am asking for help in grouping together expected costs for 1 person going and staying in a hotel. For sake of argument of someone coming in at the last second and halving the cost, I will paying for everything myself including staying in a hotel room by myself (I am a snorer so I understand having to room alone).

What I am looking at is plane flight out on Wednesday, hotel room from Wednesday night to either Sunday or Monday morning, all event pass (if I can get the 4 day pass in time to avoid individual day tickets) plane flight out on either Sunday night or Monday at any time. I am also looking at 1 or 2 souvenirs and buying food there (not expensive dine out meals but fast food or food while playing society play).

I know the site of the event would be booked quickly and could be expensive but it would counteract taxi fares or the sweaty factor of a fat guy walking to the Con with pathfinder books and stuff. Any help is very appreciated.


For the favorite class bonus choices given in the advanced race guide, the human paladin can add points to one energy for its resist energies. Does this mean that the paladin gains static energy resistance for the selected energy or that the selected energy gains the bonuses when the spell resist energy is cast?


Hello everyone. First of all, apologies of this is in the wrong thread area. I have bought the new D&D collector's miniature Adult Red Dragon which does require assembly and painting. I am relatively new to the area of assembling and painting miniatures and was hoping the box would include a listing of what paints to buy for proper painting of the miniature. To my shame, it does not include any such list like the warhammer mini boxes do. I am asking for a list of advise on which paints to purchase for the painting of such a great mini. Any quality advise will be greatly appreciated.


Hello everyone. First of all, apologies of this is in the wrong thread area. I have bought the new D&D collector's miniature Adult Red Dragon which does require assembly and painting. I am relatively new to the area of assembling and painting miniatures and was hoping the box would include a listing of what paints to buy for proper painting of the miniature. To my shame, it does not include any such list like the warhammer mini boxes do. I am asking for a list of advise on which paints to purchase for the painting of such a great mini. Any quality advise will be greatly appreciated.


I have thought about building a cleric as a back up character in case I am forced to play a cleric in a homegame or AP. I am thinking about centering him around healing and buffs with either brew potion, craft wand, or both as crafting feats for extra healing.

The question I have is pertaining to an achievement feat from legacy of fire, healer's touch. I would have to heal 1,000 cumulative points using heal spells on other creatures but once I do, with the feat, any heal spell targeting creatures other than myself is treated as I'd under the maximized spell condition.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


I might be playing in carrion crown which would start in about a month and I have an idea about a character. I am interested in playing a pc that starts out as an arcane necromancer with the intentions of killing undead. There will most likely be one or more paladins so I cannot be evil or necessarily do evil things.

I could look for best optimal builds but looking more at storyline about how he travels the length of the AP with the best of his intentions of fighting undead only to fall at the end and pursue becoming a lich.

But I could use assistance in a build that is effective but does not come close to dinging as evil.


I have a possible gm/player question: If a creature that gets its abilities through age and not level, like that of a dragon, gets hit with a spell that deals negative levels (either temporary or permanent) will that work and if so, what specifics are effected?


I am possibly looking into getting back into GMing adventure paths and modules. Some of the people I have talked to about playing are not interested in pfs or receiving credit for playing. What do I do if I want gm credit but only 1 person if any cares about pfs credit for the module/ap?


I know this question may be very simple but here it goes: If I cast a spell with a metamagic ability (let's say - extend) that pushes the spell up in spell (let's say to 6th lvl spell) and I have a pearl of power 6, can I recall that spell that is metamagically enhanced or just a normal 6th level spell?

Basically wanting to know if it is pfs legal to recall spells that have been prepared with a metamagic ability with a pearl of power for the spell's new level?


Currently going through eyes of the ten with my level 12 fighter, the character I plan to play any credible thing beyond eyes of the ten I can so I have a question. In looking at stuff to buy/upgrade, I have been looking at the glove/hand slot and am wanting to know the value of gauntlet of rust. For the price of 11,500 GP, is the gauntlet of rust worth it over other glove items for a lvl 12 melee tank fighter?

And if I look to upgrade to greater version at a later point in time.


So we are finally getting a group together to run through Eyes of the Ten here in San Antonio with the first half of part 1 this Saturday.

5 member party
Lvl 12 fighter (me)
Lvl 12 Magus
Lvl 12 Monk of the 4 Winds (Acid damage I think)
Lvl 12 Rogue (could play his alchemist instead)
Lvl 12 ??? (Hasn't listed on Warhorn)

Part 1 (1st half) set for this Saturday and will continue for a 3 to 4 month run. Wish us luck.


Hello everyone. I am just wondering, if the Stargate SG-1 team was in pathfinder, what races and classes would they be. I am just wondering on O'Neill, Carter, Dr. Jackson, and Teal'C. Although I have no true hatred of Jonas Quinn, I am only looking at the main four and that Quinn was basically the same as Jackson.

I am having trouble classifying Col O'Neill and Major Carter ain terms of their class. They very well could be Human in terms of race although O'Neill could be Aasimar with his being slighter more along the evolution path in terms of the human evolution than Carter and Jackson.

Major Carter is the team member trained in disable devise since she is the main one always picking the door locks.

Dr. Jackson is either a Human Wizard or Human Investigator in my assumption with his vast knowledge of things and the languages and dialects he knows. Probably a vast investment in Linguistics along with Knowledges (Including: History, Local, Nobility, and possibly Geography).

Teal'C could be seen as either a Half-Orc or an Orc that has turned to favor the team's goals. I would build him as a two weapon fighter using the Orc Double Axe to be seen as the Jaffa staff weapon he uses in the series. In terms of class, he could be either a fighter or a ranger but I have him as a ranger for the class better suits him for flavor purposes.

Let me know what you think and what views you may have. I am just curious on what the team build up would look like if the team was on Galorian.


I am potentially going to play Rise of the Runelords in about a month or so and I only have an overall view of some things to expect (almost GMed it at one point) I do not know what to expect in the middle 80% and like it that way.

In not knowing what other players might be bringing to the the table, I thought I would build 3 or 4 characters so I can play whichever best fills the gab.

In terms of the tank/Damage per round guy, I am thinking about a sword and bad Human Cavalier (order of the dragon) armed with a shield and bastard sword (exotic weapon feat taken at 1st lvl) and can either fight on horseback or on the ground.

Does anyone have better ideas for a front line PC?


Playing my Oread monk for the 1st time this weekend and am planning on using the first 2PP to buy a wand for healing. I do apologize for the stupidity of this question with it coming from an experienced player. Since Oreads are native outsiders with a touch of earth elementals, can they receive clw healing or do they require infernal healing?


I have 2 questions regarding 2 of my aasimar characters.

The first question is not so about my aasimar summoner but is based from the favorite class point and where it goes. For aasimar summoners, they can place their favorite class point into DR/evil for their eidolons. My lvl 4 aasimar summoner's eidolon currently has DR 2/evil. My question is in dealing with evil creatures and their natural attacks. If a evil creature is neither demon nor devil (assuming their attacks are evil aligned by default), how do we tell if their attacks are evil aligned?

My other question has to deal with my aasimar devine hunter paladin I am creating for my next character. I am giving her the aasimar feats to where she has wings at 11th level. I am wanting to build up her fly skill before that but it states in the crb that ranks cannot be placed into the fly skill unless one already has the ability to fly, magically or naturally. Is there any way around that besides purchasing a potion of fly and carrying it around as the excuse until she hits lvl 11?

Thanks for any and all help.


I have a few questions about the legality of an item. I recently played a season 0 encounter (will not name it for possible spoilers) that on the chronicle sheet for high tier that I cannot find in any pathfinder book. It is "gloves of dexterity +2." I am aware that most, if not all, of season zero is based on 3.5.

1. How legal is this item as an item with being listed as a purchase able item @ 4,000 gp but is not listed in pathfinder material.

2. If legal, can it be treated like a belt of dexterity where I can pay 12k gp to upgrade it to a +4?

3. If I had the gloves of dexterity and a belt of dexterity, would they stack or would i take only the higher bonus?

4. (I am assuming this is a yes) Does one need a crediting chronicle sheet with this item for it to be legal to own?

Thank you for any help


1st off, my apologies to any that feel that this is in the wrong area but I did not see a board for regular GMing.

I am looking at trying to make a homegame built around Dragon's Demand and Wardens of the Reborn Forge. It would start wiyh DD and end with WotRF. This leaves me with a sandbox design of what to have the PCs do from level 7/8 to level 12. Obviously the PCs would encounter various things in traveling from the town of Belhaim to the border between Nex and Geb. But I have never built anything from scratch.

I am looking at building it to where the reputation of the PCs proceeding them to where someone seeks them out to take care of the problems we see in WotRF.

Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Hello everyone. I do apologize if this has been brought up before on the boards.

Since most up the rpg play I do every month is pfs (I do gm a small group that is almost finished with jade regent) and since pfs caps at lvl 12 with the retirement modules get you to lvl 13; I am wondering if there is any progression beyond that planned for the future. I know that pfs does provide credit from certain adventure paths and/or a handful of stand alone modules so a pfs pc could reach high levels (17-19) through these means.

But is paizo willing to put out a few more higher level stand alone modules so that people can enjoy several of their pfs PCs beyond lvl 13 without tag teaming them into and out of various AP areas?


I am GMing at a convention next week for pfs and should get 2 racial Boons for Oread race. I have decided to use one for my monk but haven't decided on the other. Since it is pfs, I have only built for levels 1 to 13.

Oread Monk of the 4 Winds

Str 18 (16 + 2)
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 9
Wis 16 (14 + 2)
Con 5 (7 - 2)

Ability score increases
lvl 4 & lvl 8 - strength
Lvl 12 - intelligence

Lvl 1 weapon focus: unarmed strike
Monk bonus: Dodge
Archtype: elemental fist (electricity)
Lvl 2 monk bonus: scorpion style
Lvl 3: toughness
Lvl 5: djinni style
Lvl 6 monk bonus: gorgon's fist
Lvl 7: lightning reflexes
Lvl 9: eldritch claws
Lvl 10 monk bonus: Medusa's wrath
Lvl 11: djinni spirit
Lvl 13: power attack

Items looking to purchase and upgrade as I go
Bodywrap of mighty strikes
Bracers of armor
Headband of inspired wisdom
Belt of giant strength
Amulet of mighty fist
Cloak of resistance
Ring of protection

Once I get higher in levels and have enough free gold I will sell the belt of giant strength +4 for a belt of physical might +4 (Str and dex)

Any info on adjusting this build or what to build with the 2nd boon is appreciated


Just wondering if it is possible for a pfs character to be knighted without being in a specific faction.


I have a feat combination question in combining the cleave feat thread with power attack and furious focus.

Cleaving allows you to continue attacking with your highest attack bonus, the # of attacks depending on the feat. With furious focus, you can power attack with no attack penalty on the 1st attack as long as you use a 2 handed weapon. So if I have this correctly, when combining these feats, you keep the highest attack bonus (just can't attack the 1st target again) but take a penalty after 1st attack for power attack.

Building a fighter tank for an AP that uses the vital strike and cleaving feat strings but I have never combined cleave with pa/ff.


I am GMing an encounter in a few weeks that has a barbarian monk as an NPC. It has intrigued me on possibly doing a pfs character as a barbarian/monk. But I have never played either class so I could use and would appreciate any help and info. I do not know the race yet.


I am building my cleric/fighter to be a part time DPS with channel smite through his 2 handed weapon. But in a cleric having to hold/touch the holy symbol to channel, how do I have part of the weapon's grip turned into a holy symbol and does that cost extra in the cost of the weapon? - basically a masterwork great Axe with the Holy symbol for Gorum as a hand placement


Hello everyone. I am new to GMing and newer to GMing pre built adventure paths. I am currently running a group through Thornkeep and they have expressed interest in doing a new campaign once Thornkeep is over. I want to run one of the adventure paths that gives PFS credit so that I can get credit for it with pfs. But since the players and I are in our first pre-built campaign, I was hoping to get some thoughts on what campaign to buy and run. I want to save Rise of the Rune Lorsd until a further point in time.

Any comments on what to purchase are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.