
Twistlok's page

Organized Play Member. 42 posts (8,355 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 31 aliases.

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Status: Mage Armor 15 Hours | Witch 15 | HP 89/89 | AC 18 | T 14 | F 15 | Per +2 | Init +9 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +13 | CMB +7 | CMD 21 | +6 Inferno Pistol 1d6 20x2 | Sickle +7 1d6 x2
Evil Eye (-4 DC25), Cackle (move), Misfortune (2 rnd, DC 24), Slumber (15 Rounds DC24) Flight (15/15 minutes)
CLW Wand 40/50 | 2/2 CLW Potion | Ray of Enfeeblement 33/34 (CL1 - DC15) | Ray of exhaustion 16/18 (CL5 - DC16)

Dilana looks around shocked. "I wasn't trying to... neverminded."

The witch points at the one who ordered the attack and speaks a single word. "अंधा"

Casting Power Word Blind

Spell Resistance: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

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Status: Mage Armor 15 Hours | Witch 15 | HP 89/89 | AC 18 | T 14 | F 15 | Per +2 | Init +9 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +13 | CMB +7 | CMD 21 | +6 Inferno Pistol 1d6 20x2 | Sickle +7 1d6 x2
Evil Eye (-4 DC25), Cackle (move), Misfortune (2 rnd, DC 24), Slumber (15 Rounds DC24) Flight (15/15 minutes)
CLW Wand 40/50 | 2/2 CLW Potion | Ray of Enfeeblement 33/34 (CL1 - DC15) | Ray of exhaustion 16/18 (CL5 - DC16)

Dilana is shocked at how well the conversation is going and very glad she held her tongue. Magic is all well and good but she would never have managed this conversation.

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Status: Mage Armor 15 Hours | Witch 15 | HP 89/89 | AC 18 | T 14 | F 15 | Per +2 | Init +9 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +13 | CMB +7 | CMD 21 | +6 Inferno Pistol 1d6 20x2 | Sickle +7 1d6 x2
Evil Eye (-4 DC25), Cackle (move), Misfortune (2 rnd, DC 24), Slumber (15 Rounds DC24) Flight (15/15 minutes)
CLW Wand 40/50 | 2/2 CLW Potion | Ray of Enfeeblement 33/34 (CL1 - DC15) | Ray of exhaustion 16/18 (CL5 - DC16)

I agree with most of the overall film criticism Elrys. A good story is more and more often placed second to other motivations and forces.

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Status: Mage Armor 15 Hours | Witch 15 | HP 89/89 | AC 18 | T 14 | F 15 | Per +2 | Init +9 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +13 | CMB +7 | CMD 21 | +6 Inferno Pistol 1d6 20x2 | Sickle +7 1d6 x2
Evil Eye (-4 DC25), Cackle (move), Misfortune (2 rnd, DC 24), Slumber (15 Rounds DC24) Flight (15/15 minutes)
CLW Wand 40/50 | 2/2 CLW Potion | Ray of Enfeeblement 33/34 (CL1 - DC15) | Ray of exhaustion 16/18 (CL5 - DC16)

A little ret-con for you Luthor, just for fun.

Dilana is reluctant to go shopping but she follows at a distance watching though windows where she can. Suddenly, she realizes that, for the first time in her life, she actually has the coin to ‘ treat you self’ as some of her customers use to say. Stepping into the store right at the moment that Luthor gets to the ladies section.

“Can you try these things on Luthor? I don’t wear armor and I need this corset but some of this looks fun and some just silly. That little one” pointing at the dress he didn’t mention “I just want to put it on where no one sees. Its so impractical… like how sometimes shops make the armor for women SOOO much smaller. Still I bet flying above the a field of battle cackling like crazy it would be quite a sight! Wouldn’t that be priceless?!?!?!” after a long pause “I am not going to buy it to be clear just laughing. I will where whatever and get a hat of disguise as well.”

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Status: Mage Armor 15 Hours | Witch 15 | HP 89/89 | AC 18 | T 14 | F 15 | Per +2 | Init +9 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +13 | CMB +7 | CMD 21 | +6 Inferno Pistol 1d6 20x2 | Sickle +7 1d6 x2
Evil Eye (-4 DC25), Cackle (move), Misfortune (2 rnd, DC 24), Slumber (15 Rounds DC24) Flight (15/15 minutes)
CLW Wand 40/50 | 2/2 CLW Potion | Ray of Enfeeblement 33/34 (CL1 - DC15) | Ray of exhaustion 16/18 (CL5 - DC16)

Seeing that Luthor is healing nicely Dilana does a little dance of celebration that a spell finally worked. Nothing extravagant just a little hop and a spin.

Once that is done she looks at the portable hole and grins.

"Just don't try and put it in a bag of holding or go in it with one. Honestly riding in it seems needlessly dangerous too me but I guess if properly prepared."

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Status: Mage Armor 15 Hours | Witch 15 | HP 89/89 | AC 18 | T 14 | F 15 | Per +2 | Init +9 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +13 | CMB +7 | CMD 21 | +6 Inferno Pistol 1d6 20x2 | Sickle +7 1d6 x2
Evil Eye (-4 DC25), Cackle (move), Misfortune (2 rnd, DC 24), Slumber (15 Rounds DC24) Flight (15/15 minutes)
CLW Wand 40/50 | 2/2 CLW Potion | Ray of Enfeeblement 33/34 (CL1 - DC15) | Ray of exhaustion 16/18 (CL5 - DC16)

"Finally got you! Suck on that, wait you can't!"

Dilana is a little excited that something finally worked.

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Status: One Negative Level | Darkvision 60 | Fighter 8 | HP: 82/90 | AC: 29/14/26| Init: +2 | Fort: +10 / Ref +6 / Will: +4 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 30 | Perception: +0 | 2/4 Hero Point HERO LAB CHARACTER SHEET

It has been enjoyable. Thank you for playing while you did.

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Status: One Negative Level | Darkvision 60 | Fighter 8 | HP: 82/90 | AC: 29/14/26| Init: +2 | Fort: +10 / Ref +6 / Will: +4 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 30 | Perception: +0 | 2/4 Hero Point HERO LAB CHARACTER SHEET

Oh dear. Get your rest and I hope you recover quickly.

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Status: One Negative Level | Darkvision 60 | Fighter 8 | HP: 82/90 | AC: 29/14/26| Init: +2 | Fort: +10 / Ref +6 / Will: +4 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 30 | Perception: +0 | 2/4 Hero Point HERO LAB CHARACTER SHEET

Front and center!!! Someone else may unlock the door but Trox is the breech and will always work to be first in any situation.

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Status: None | 9/9 CLW Potion | 1/1 Pearl | 1/1 Orc Slaying Arrow | 9/10 +1 Orc Bane Arrows Magus 8 | hp 40/40 | Init 6, Per 12 (L-LV) | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | CMD: 23 | CMB +9 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 | +12/+7 +1 Merianna's Thorn (1d8+4X20 | Long Sword +9 (1d8+3-19-20x2,S) | +10 Dagger (1d4+4 19-20/x2) Arcane 6/7 |

Looking up Somer gasps "Dragon?" but still smiles a little.

Know Arcamna/Plane/Dungeon: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 Is it really a dragon?

Quick as lightning his arrows fly when the dragon hits 30ft. The arrows again are covered in a dark gloom that he thinks might be fun against a flying creature.

+1 Merianna's Thorn PB SC: 1d20 + 12 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 1 - 2 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 1

+1 Merianna's Thorn PB SC: 1d20 + 7 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 1 - 2 = 8
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 = 12
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Gloomblind Bolts w/ 1st Hit: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3, 5) = 17 +Blind 1 DC17 Reflex

SO much for me awesome surprise round of blinding a dragon as it runs into the ground Crap rolls kill heroics every time.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Bethany seems to have been lost in a day dream, she was imagining what it was
like to be way to old and have a newborn ruining your sleep. The smashing of the door by Grilnik woke her up and she charges in behind him, Big Brother at the ready.

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Status: One Negative Level | Darkvision 60 | Fighter 8 | HP: 82/90 | AC: 29/14/26| Init: +2 | Fort: +10 / Ref +6 / Will: +4 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 30 | Perception: +0 | 2/4 Hero Point HERO LAB CHARACTER SHEET

Hearing the refusal to come out Trox shakes his head and raises his shield before stepping in front of the door. He voice is flat she stares daggers at the occupant.

"Best not move sunshine. Your outnumbered and outmatched, what you doing down here with the melon head goblins? Answer quick I won't give you time to hurt anyone if thats your aim."

Intimidation: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

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Status: One Negative Level | Darkvision 60 | Fighter 8 | HP: 82/90 | AC: 29/14/26| Init: +2 | Fort: +10 / Ref +6 / Will: +4 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 30 | Perception: +0 | 2/4 Hero Point HERO LAB CHARACTER SHEET

I always do be it at the table or at home by myself. The only bad time is when I am home with the family and they look at my like a crazy person.

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Status: One Negative Level | Darkvision 60 | Fighter 8 | HP: 82/90 | AC: 29/14/26| Init: +2 | Fort: +10 / Ref +6 / Will: +4 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 30 | Perception: +0 | 2/4 Hero Point HERO LAB CHARACTER SHEET

We are home and all are happy and healthy. A little frazzled and the three year old is very jealous to share daddy time but happy none the less.

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Status: None | 9/9 CLW Potion | 1/1 Pearl | 1/1 Orc Slaying Arrow | 9/10 +1 Orc Bane Arrows Magus 8 | hp 40/40 | Init 6, Per 12 (L-LV) | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | CMD: 23 | CMB +9 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 | +12/+7 +1 Merianna's Thorn (1d8+4X20 | Long Sword +9 (1d8+3-19-20x2,S) | +10 Dagger (1d4+4 19-20/x2) Arcane 6/7 |

Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

As this is going on and just before the spell goes off Somer will use prestidigitation, subtly, to make the air shimmer a bit. Figure every bit helps.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Looking to Vors Bethany clasps the tankard on the chain around her neck and speaks quietly.

"May the accidental god get you to the right place friend. He will get you where you need to be. If you had lived I would be dead I am sure."

She straightens and looks at Grilnik.

"Right. Save the town and smash what we must." her wounds still hurt but clearly she is putting on a game face though she has no idea what to do.

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Status: NONE | 4/6 Tremor CMB+6 +6 | 3/6 1st Level | /Sorcerer 3 | 8/18 HP | Init: +7 | AC12 / T12 /F10 | Fort 3 / Ref 4 / Will 3 | CMB 3 / CMD 13 | +2/+4 MW Spear 1d8 P | +1/+2 Dart 1d6 P |

As much as I loved Sami it is possible that Sarh might turn out to be my favorite character in years. She is at once revolting and compelling to me. I did not even think about how her general presentation plays into some of the themes I know exist in RotRL.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

"What could go wrong.

She follows along doing all she can to be quiet. She keeps Big Brother in her hand thinking it better then the bow.

Stealth: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

"Well.... that."

Vors did not move on map so wherever he went.

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Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

At the sound of the gate opening Mic gives the stature a light slap on the cheek.

"There you go mister naughty." turning to the others "Lets go before it comes to life and tries to get more from me."

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Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

Mic chuckles. "Well I was going to but your idea has merit and my lips have not touched a male in a long time, even a stature of one. Still.."

She moves to breath deeply into the stature.

Since i am sure this thing is going to try and suck the life out of me.
Whatever save I need against this thing trying to kill me :): 1d20 ⇒ 15

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Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

I am sure you have all noticed I have gone from posting at least once if not more a day to a more infrequent schedule. I am sorry but I think it will be slow on and off for some time.

We just found out that we are going to have a second child, another girl, which is great but will cut into my time. I am also starting a major construction project, that will take two years, at work which cuts into my normal work hour posting.

Rest assured I plan to see this to the end of book six, it just might take longer then I wanted.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Not really thinking these creatures are a threat Sami smiles but does not giggle as her hammer comes around at the closest.

Big Brother PA @ m4: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 - 2 = 18
Damage: 2d6 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2) + 3 + 4 = 15

"At least its not a rug, right. Right!?"

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

One year to the day that is amazing. My wife's sister is the same day but FIFTEEEN years older. Craxy timing.

My daughter is almost three and wants to play games. I am starting to do my one made up chose your own adventures with her, me kind of being the GM, to get her into things. Once we sell the house I will add a small dice component.

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Statue: Dodge AC23 - T14 - F13 none | Brawler 5 | 48/48 HP | AC22/19 | T13 | F19/16 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +1 | Brawlers Flurry +8/+8 1d8+4x2 | Unarmed +10 1d8+4 x2 | Cold Iron Dagger +9/+7 1d4+4 | 1/1 Knockout | 4/5 Martial Flexibiity LOOT SHEET

JOhn Thomas just smiles at the group and does his best to look harmless.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Don't forget you fell in a hole. :)

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Bethany watches the exit and shrugs. She is a little preoccupied as she grabs two flagons and a table to sit and right. Over the next two hours she starts several letters finally finishing one that will go to her dad. She is about to fold it before writing one post script to her brother.

'If I don't come back, a dragon has your hammer most likely. Sorry about that."

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

I have no doubt that Bethany would have mostly forgotten about the books but sure. :)

Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

"Well we found books, its a wizards tower or something. Strange? How would I know." she waves her hand dismissing the question as unimportant. " Also.... the feather? I answered your question and you ignored mine I think."

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Well some of my games are red but I do not think that is the addons fault. Still it makes me carzy lol.

Default alias does is not working for me.

Paizo should just hire you.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Peering in to make sure he is not dead Bethany yells down into the pit.

"Grilnik? You found a pit, what do you think it is worth?"

She turns back to the others waiting for a rope to be brought out.

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Nice to see people are interested.

GM do you want any feedback from the old players in this? I am fine either way but ask so I do not step on toes if unwanted.

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Checking in as one of the original players so I can keep track of what is going on.

For the record Zekal is Ranger 2 / Cleric 4 and I imagine will continue down the cleric path for the rest of his journey.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

I guess I should have said something sooner. It has been like that for sometime. I was kind of digging the idea of Bethany charging though hallways blind.

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Statue: Dodge AC23 - T14 - F13 none | Brawler 5 | 48/48 HP | AC22/19 | T13 | F19/16 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +1 | Brawlers Flurry +8/+8 1d8+4x2 | Unarmed +10 1d8+4 x2 | Cold Iron Dagger +9/+7 1d4+4 | 1/1 Knockout | 4/5 Martial Flexibiity LOOT SHEET

Since these seem like personal items not adding them to the loot sheet unless someone thinks I should.

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The more I read the more I pray HeroLab is ready day one. I love the options but there are so many, as a GM, it will really help to have a program do some record keeping and math.

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Statue: Dodge AC23 - T14 - F13 none | Brawler 5 | 48/48 HP | AC22/19 | T13 | F19/16 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +1 | Brawlers Flurry +8/+8 1d8+4x2 | Unarmed +10 1d8+4 x2 | Cold Iron Dagger +9/+7 1d4+4 | 1/1 Knockout | 4/5 Martial Flexibiity LOOT SHEET

Is there a grapple Coup de grâce? I guess not but I would love to go up and just try to snap a neck.

Oh and yes she stays 39 AND we get to ride rides so its a win, win win.

Grand Lodge

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Status: -2 STR | Wand CLW: 43/50 | 1/1 Bears Endurance | 1/1 CLW Fighter (melee) 2 | 01/20 HP | AC 22 | T 13 | F 19 | Init +4 | Per +0 | Fort +5 | Ref +2 | Will +0 | +6 Cold Iron Longsword 1d8+3 | +5 Silve Shortsword 1d6+2 19-20 | +4 Dagger 1d4+3 |

Barred cocks his head.

"Frogs, that cant be so bad."

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33. Adopting the Glass Cannon Guys
34. Being approachable and relate-able as a company

Grand Lodge

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Status: -2 STR | Wand CLW: 43/50 | 1/1 Bears Endurance | 1/1 CLW Fighter (melee) 2 | 01/20 HP | AC 22 | T 13 | F 19 | Init +4 | Per +0 | Fort +5 | Ref +2 | Will +0 | +6 Cold Iron Longsword 1d8+3 | +5 Silve Shortsword 1d6+2 19-20 | +4 Dagger 1d4+3 |

Barred cant help but smile a little as the statue shows its hostility. At least this is more in my range.

He hurries down the stairs and brings his longsword around at the creature legs.

Cold Iron Longsword: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

"Of course we are. Why else would we be here? Not treasure thats for sure."

While speaking she glances around the room for treasure.

Grand Lodge

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Status: -2 STR | Wand CLW: 43/50 | 1/1 Bears Endurance | 1/1 CLW Fighter (melee) 2 | 01/20 HP | AC 22 | T 13 | F 19 | Init +4 | Per +0 | Fort +5 | Ref +2 | Will +0 | +6 Cold Iron Longsword 1d8+3 | +5 Silve Shortsword 1d6+2 19-20 | +4 Dagger 1d4+3 |

Keeping back Barred just shakes his head every time they find a pit.

"Who would design something like this. If you don't want anyone in just collapse the entrance. No need for all these pits."

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Whispering to herself at first and getting gradually louder as she moves into the room.

"Keep calm fight smart. Keep calm fight smart. Keep calm fight smart. SMASH IT!"

She does not quite manage to keep it together.

Big Brother: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 6) + 4 = 16 [ooc] OH MY! I hope that hits.

Move action | rage | attack

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

in case it matters later, Bethany's current spells:
Lvl 2 Hit with Hammer
Lvl 1 Hit with Hammer
Lvl 2 Wish I had a Hammer

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Get a medium bag of holding and just leave its head sticking out. Mule transport made easy.

Grand Lodge

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Human Swashbuckler 18/18 HP | 18 AC | 14 Tch | 14 Flt | +3 Initative | +5 Perception | +1 Fort | +6 Ref | +0 Will | +6 MW Silver Rapier 1d6+1 18-20x2 | +5 Cold Iron Dart 1d5+1 20ft | 4/4 Panache | 3/3 Charmed Life | 2/2 Cold Iron Darts

Wow long convention. I run a convention center and wish we had more of that length!

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Status: None | 9/9 CLW Potion | 1/1 Pearl | 1/1 Orc Slaying Arrow | 9/10 +1 Orc Bane Arrows Magus 8 | hp 40/40 | Init 6, Per 12 (L-LV) | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | CMD: 23 | CMB +9 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 | +12/+7 +1 Merianna's Thorn (1d8+4X20 | Long Sword +9 (1d8+3-19-20x2,S) | +10 Dagger (1d4+4 19-20/x2) Arcane 6/7 |

Maybe I missed it. I had light beacons and direct people to the longhouse in my daily goals. Oh, and work out more for the new year.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Leaving Big Brother balanced on the corpse Bethany searches the area with the others.

"Key. Key? Key! I'm alive so come out come out or we will just take the boxes and you will be all alone forever. Don't you want to be with your friend the lock?"

She might still be getting herself together.

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17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |

Would it ever be anything but 'big brother' (earthbreaker)? Sounds great.

Grand Lodge

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Human Swashbuckler 18/18 HP | 18 AC | 14 Tch | 14 Flt | +3 Initative | +5 Perception | +1 Fort | +6 Ref | +0 Will | +6 MW Silver Rapier 1d6+1 18-20x2 | +5 Cold Iron Dart 1d5+1 20ft | 4/4 Panache | 3/3 Charmed Life | 2/2 Cold Iron Darts

"I did warn you I believe."

Herman takes a small step and eyes up the attacker in yellow pants before releasing an arrow.

Longbow: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12

Thats what I get for talking big I guess.

5ft step / studied target / point blank shot @ yellow

Grand Lodge

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Human Swashbuckler 18/18 HP | 18 AC | 14 Tch | 14 Flt | +3 Initative | +5 Perception | +1 Fort | +6 Ref | +0 Will | +6 MW Silver Rapier 1d6+1 18-20x2 | +5 Cold Iron Dart 1d5+1 20ft | 4/4 Panache | 3/3 Charmed Life | 2/2 Cold Iron Darts

Herman, frustrated beyond words, again tries to use his nimbleness to get free of the crowd.

"You people are very frustrating!"

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 I just can't with these rolls.

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Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

Merry Christmas form Saratoga Springs NY. We have about a foot of snow today so the world is clean and beautiful. I will pick up whit substantive posting tomorrow.

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