
Treesmasha Toothpickmaker's page

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@Jeven, it is not the poison that is dishonorable, it is the paladins take on the use of poisons that makes them dishonorable to use.

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Thank you bbangerter. The trouble is that the FAQ you linked to does not say what Malachi said. Rather is says, "In other words, once you decide you're using two-weapon fighting to get that extra attack on your turn (which you have to decide before you take any attacks on your turn), that decision locks you in to the format of "my primary weapon gets my main attack and my iterative attack, and my off hand weapon only gets the extra attack, and I apply two-weapon fighting penalties."

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Oh, just to stir things up a little...

I am using TWF and a Two-handed weapon as my main hand attack. My BAB is such that I get 3 iteratives plus 2 more off-hand attacks due to ITWF.

So, I make my 3 attacks with my main hand weapon.

Then as a free action, I remove my main hand from the weapon. Then as another free action, I place my main hand back on the weapon. I now make 2 attacks with my off-hand weapon which happens to be the exact same 2-hand weapon I have been using.

Definition of TWF: You can fight with a weapon wielded in each of your hands. You can make one extra attack each round with the secondary weapon.

For the pedantic would this be legal by RAW? If I was using a 1-handed weapon with 2 hands to start, and then switched, would that make a difference? What if my off-hand attacks only used it 1-handed?