
Tonnerre's page

Goblin Squad Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I'm enjoying it as well, though I was skeptical when I first heard about it.
What I dig the most is that the paladins are really into it(how could they not?) and are there for the experience rather than just a cash prize like other reality shows.

Bonnie and Shondo are my favorite cast members so far, but they've all been cool at one point or another.

Got any favorite?

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"Bloodrager - Male - Gnome - There isn't a male gnome yet and raging gnomes are funny"

Poor Balazar... maybe a Meet the Iconics entry would help this lonely, forgotten summoner Paizo. *hint*

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Wow nice!
Are the screen's panels set up horizontally (like 4e's screen) or vertically?