Alright. Recently RL has been kind of a b*tch. It’s kept me from playing or posting anything long, but thankfully it hasn’t kept me from running. So the last two game sessions have been pretty safe. The party has had a chance to catch their breath, regroup and plan ahead a bit. They’ve gotten very wary at this point. I’ll give the highlights.
“Phil” and “Ray”, whose actual names escape me at the moment, were found near a gas station. The gas station proved to a gold mine of resources, especially once the party found that there was a hidden shop were jeans were printed with fake labels. This yielded 30 pairs of jeans, some beer, a few porn mags, 1 roll of toilet paper and a half starved kitten. It also provided enough gas to refuel the bulldozer.
The party took a page out of the long haired girl’s book and started looting the cars near the gas station thoroughly. Eventually someone came up with the good idea of check trunks to see if there were any spare tires that had survived. This yielded them a working Camary, although not all the tires are the right size so the ride is pretty uncomfortable.
From a distance they finally spotted what they think is the source of the flame Jojo saw. About a mile down the street from the gas station was a very large crashed military helicopter. This looks a transport chopper and is huge even compared to the bulldozer. They have yet to attempt looting it, since every time they’ve been near it it’s been a time when the shadows were pretty long. It’s a fairly healthy dose of caution, but what sort of weapons might they have picked up from a military helicopter.
Lilly attempted to bargain with whatever is controlling events by scratching “what do I need to do to bribe you” into the dirt. Predictably she got no response.
Crystal had a nightmare where she was standing where the party is now. Several days seemed to pass then the sky clouded over with dark clouds. Rain began pouring from the sky and then slowly turned into a rain of creatures that covered everything in sight. She relayed this to O-Bai who brought to before the whole group. Crystal does have precognition, but she also has nightmares, so which this is is up for debate.
“Ray” made several attempts to figure out how he could create a safe path to the chopper in the morning. The result was an exhausted spellcaster who now has a better understand of how his spells work and on what scale.
The party eventually circled the city to the East and met up with the highway so they could attempt to reach the hospital. They took them time on the highway looking for any useful things that might be on the way, and they were not disappointed. They found a tire shipping truck that still had 10 tires in it. A large van that provided them a ladder and set of tools seemed like a good use for the tires, although they left the tires safe where they are for now.
Ryuu found the Japanese equivalent of a hostess truck. He was expecting all sorts of yummy goodness inside when he checked in the back. Too bad for him it was apparently post delivery rather than pre delivery. All that remained was an already opened pack of twinkies. So Ryuu was now the proud owner of 1 ½ twinkies. I’m a jerk sometimes.
Of course the twinkies weren’t just a joke. The more thoughtful party members decided to check the expiration date. This pair of twinkies was set to expire in 3/7/58. Several people immediately saw a problem with this number. Still it’s more information than they had before.
When they finally reached the hospital they found that it apparently had been the sight of a lot of confusion. Crash cars, overturned ambulances even a section of the hospital wall collapsed. One ambulance was still intact enough to provide a nice selection of medical supplies. While they were busy looting the van Ryuu found someone in one of the cars. This would be Ryuu’s replacement. The player decided that Ryuu wasn’t what he was hoping for. I think a lot of this comes from the fact that Ryuu is mute and the player is very vocal, just not a good fit for him. So the new character is an Umbrella Corp. Seems like except for that fact that he’s expecting Zombies and get critters instead he should do pretty well.
Of course while a section of the hospital collapsed, most of it did not and it is very impressive structure. It was more than 5 stories tall and covered a huge area. The party is all set to explore it’s dark depths in the hopes of something useful.