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Organized Play Member. 3,335 posts (6,636 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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Drejk wrote:
Fantasy NPC: Dreamkiller

Is that really your brain activity?

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"D20 Call of Cthulhu"

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Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field.

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What is brown and sticky?

A stick.

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Most people are shocked when they find out I'm not a qualified electrician.

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Grand Magus wrote:

I would like to live in its decline, so that I can ride around on a motorcycle fighting for gasoline and energy.


I've changed my mind. This sucks.

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I have given up on money and now home school children.

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Fish-Malkovich wrote:

I'm very imaginative, you need only say it and I can imagine it.

So, nothing. Absolute zero.

Ok, so what is the number of things you can imagine that so far have not been said to you?

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What happened in the fight between Chuck Norris and Superman?


The loser had to wear his underpants on the outside for the rest of his life.

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Twenty six letters is not enough to express every human thought.

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Has anyone used the online AI tools write homebrew adventures? Which tools did you use?

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David M Mallon wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Fantasy NPC: Sky Wolf. Winged wolves that live in clouds.
Very cool!
I feel like there was a missed opportunity here...

Sky Wolves vs Drones vs stinger missiles.

... and done.

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>This< may be a good, new data set we can submit.

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Also, sometimes the entire observatory is in orbit around Earth. Some people call these "Space Telescopes".

I think these are a wonder plot element for any Modern RPG campaign.

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Grand Magus wrote:

If anyone creates Cat Toys and sells them on Amazon.com, will you please make some Cthulhu themed cat toys I can buy?

My cat, who is the host of a demon, is asking for one.

Thank you, have a good day.

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Player 1: "Hey DM, how much longer will we go today?"
DM: "A few more hours."
Player 1: "Do you want me to order a pizza?"
DM: "Yes."

--- Notes: The above is meant to be interpreted as an example of good metagaming. If you do not think it is a good example, then I'll be over here eating pizza, interested in reading your replies. Thank you, have a good day.

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> Here < is a Bot repository. Maybe one of them is that online friend you chat with late at night?


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quibblemuch wrote:

Starring Halle Berri!

"Do you know what happens to a VC soldier when he gets struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."

You gain super viking powers?

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Gary Teter wrote:
How many magazines are named after songs?

If the elites enslave the rest of society those slaves will become less and less intelligent and become unable to maintain the society. The number of magazines will decline, and the number named after songs will decline. So as time progresses Lim_{t -> \inf} namedAfter(songs, magazines) => 0.

It appears to be an asymtotic sword fight.

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A physicist took the day off from the accelerator at CERN to do some shopping with his wife in Geneva. At ten o’clock, she was to get her hair cut. “Now, don’t wander off,” she admonished her husband. “I’ll be finished in an hour, and when I am I want to find you right here with the car.”

The physicist was sitting in the front seat on his phone when a beautiful young woman tapped on his window. Her car sensor was blinking she had a flat tire, and she owned no jack. Could he help?

He could, but in the process he got quite dirty. Fortunately the young woman’s apartment was nearby, so she invited him up to wash his hands.

Soon, however, one thing led to another. Two hours later the conscience-stricken physicist looked at his watch, which as all he happened to be wearing at the moment, and leaped to his feet. As he struggled into his clothes, and idea came to him.

“I’m doomed unless – so you have any flour here?”
“But, of course I have flour.”
“Good, I need some. An now sprinkle a bit of it over my jacket – especially the sleeves – wonderful!” Then he sprinted out the door.

His angry wife was waiting by the hair parlor. “Listen, darling,” he said, “Let me explain – I’m terribly sorry. You see, a young woman asked me to help her change her tire. What could I say? Then she invited me to her apartment to wash up. Before I knew what had happened we were rolling around on the floor making passionate love---“

“You liar!” cried his wife. “You utter sneak! You stand there, with chalk dust all over you, trying to tell me you didn’t go back to CERN to do physics!”

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Why don't you come and join us in the paizo slack chat room?

-> https://paizo.com/threads/rzs2h9x9&page=34?Paizo-Chatroom#1694

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Deep 6 FaWtL •
Feb 9, 2011, 08:55 pm by Solnes — NobodysHome, captain yesterday, gran rey de los mono and 18 others (13,220 new) ×

You guys talk a lot.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
We have the stats for both in pathfinder. should be easy enough to see who wins.

It will come down to tactics.

Godzilla v Cthulhu: Godzilla is well documented being a tactful adversary in battle field conditions. Cthulhu is surrounded by drama and lost his only recorded encounter.

Godzilla v King Kong: Kong is wily, and a monkey-brain has a naturally occurring RNG making predicting his moves a web of guesswork. Godzilla has the advantage at range and has always shown a willingness to enter the grapple. Kong's grapple is fearsome and I've never seen it broken in any of his recorded fights.

However, in both cases, my bet is on Godzilla. Godzilla is the King of Kings. Into the dirt his will be done. Now feel your fear.


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I'm looking for my big monkey.

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A jeweler led the geologist William Buckland (1784-1856) to an important scientific discovery of an enormous deposit of coprolites. Buckland first noticed them being worn by fashionable London ladies in rings and brooches. (Corprolites, for those who don't know, are fossilized feces.)

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Samuel Blake claims he and and two other cryptologists finally solved an encrypted message.

Does anyone have a link to their paper?

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first read, I thought you said "... cloning?"

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Did you see the part written in Elvish when it was pointed out money and currency are steeped with water analogies.

1. Banks = river banks

2. frozen assets, like frozen water

3. underwater, in debt

4. currency = current sea

5. liquid assets

6. make it rain = make money

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Gary Teter wrote:
Why do geese always fly in a plane?

I want to create an "Applied Optimization" computer program using an Evolutionary Algorithm, in a simulation of digital birds, to see if this behavior emerges after many generations of digital birds 'getting it on' with each other.

(note: And of course, I'm talking about Cargo planes flown by temporary-contractor-pilots, because who wants to hire full-time employees and have to pay for benefits.)

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Gary Teter wrote:
Is blood a kind of juice?

We are God's fruit, so... yes?

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I've decided to turn all of you into crabs.

:: ta da!

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Gary Teter wrote:
When did the first pooping animal appear?

A guy who draws cartoons on the internet says there is a ball floating

in black, empty space on the other side of the universe and there this*
occurred ~100 Billion years ago. But note, that floating ball was not Earth.

Then, a different cartoon drawer proposed, on the ball we live on (Earth), this* first
happened during the late Proterozoic era.

Wow! If you can draw cartoons, you can rule human understanding.


* first pooping "thing" appeared.

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Gary Teter wrote:
Is it cheaper to buy your elephants by the six-pach?


Where Cheaper := minimum( NPV(1), NPV(6) ); // elephants are Assets.

This assume they don't go the way of the hippopotami.

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Gary Teter wrote:
Why does it sound like a light saber in that ear?

Alas, that is permanent hearing loss.

The brain wants to hear and so if the transducer (your hair cell),
the thing your brain is waiting to get a signal from, is dead the brain's
neurons try to fit a signal as best they can. This often ends up sounding
like waves, or clicks, or a 'sssss'. The doctors call it Tinnitus.

There is no cure only careful maintenance and control of your hearing (hair cells).

It may be time for you to get hearing aids. They assist in protecting
your hearing as you enter middle age. Do not wait.

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Gary Teter wrote:
How much would you spend on an elephant?

I would spend drawUniformRandomInteger(0, 1000) US dollars.

Edit: You have to agree to sell it to me before I roll.

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Gary Teter wrote:
Why are electric kettles so loud?

So you can hear them.

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high G wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
How often are we interrupted and distracted from new ideas before being able to record them, due to intervention from parallel universe or time traveler, because that idea will have inevitably led to the total destruction of humanity?

Bgzhmr ne dudmsr sqzbd nts vnqkc khmdr. Sghmj ne z roddchmf rozqjoktf dlhsshmf z rozqj dudqx ldsdq ne shld qdzc nm hsr nvm vqhrsvzsbg. Dzbg rozqj hr zm dudms; sgd bnkkdbshnm ne rozqj dudmsr enqlr z bgzhm sgzs sgqdzcr sgqntfg rozbdshld, khjd odzqkr. Rsqhmf sgd rozqjr snfdsgdq zmc sqzbdr nts hsr vnqkc khmd.

Xibu jt uif ejggfsfodf cfuxffo b "qbui jo tqbdf" boe b "xpsmejof jo tqbdfujnf"? Bo bjsqmbof mfbwft b kfu usbjm jo tujmm bjs. Uibu usbjm jt uif qmbof't qbui jo tqbdf. Ublf b qjduvsf pg uibu usbjm boe zpv ibwf b tqbdf nbq pg uif npujpo. Gspn uif tqbdf nbq bmpof zpv dboopu ufmm ipx gbtu uif kfu jt npwjoh bu uijt ps uibu ejggfsfou qpjou po jut qbui. Uif qmbof npwft opu pomz jo tqbdf cvu jo ujnf. Jut cfbdpo gmbtift. Qmpu uiptf fnjttjpot bt fwfout po b tqbdfujnf nbq. Zpv mjwf jo gpvs ejnfotjpobm tqbdf.

Wkh zruogolqh jlyhv d frpsohwh ghvfulswlrq ri sduwlfoh prwlrq lq vsdfhwlph. Dv gudzq lq wkh vsdfhwlph pds iru dqb iudph, wkh zruogolqh whoov srvlwlrq dqg yhorflwb ri wkh sduwlfoh dw hyhub hyhqw dorqj lwv wudlo. D vsdfhwlph pds vxssolhv d frpsuhkhqvlyh wrro iru uhfrjqlclqj sdwwhuqv ri hyhqwv dqg whdvlqj rxw odzv ri qdwxuh.

Yt lt fsd kzwymjw wjvznwjx Hfqhzqzx. Mfaj dtz qjfwsji Hfqhzqzx djy?

How about now?

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In an attempt to get organized and stop typing up my game prep notes in Notepad,
I've learned how to use >LaTeX (Texmaker)<.

There are a >lot of samples< for many different publishing activities. But ...

=> Does anyone have a Template .tex file for Pathfinder 2nd Edition looking stuffs?


::looks around

(i found one for dnd5, but... meh.)

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I'll buy every one of them. Plus copies for my friends.

Go Jim!

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vidmaster7 wrote:

I'm Reading a Book on Anti-Gravity

I can't put it down.

I like your anti gravity book, it is enlightening.

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Call of Cthulhu 7th edition is a great system. Remember those old Godzilla movies? Well, you can copy the plot points of a movie, or even combine a few from different movies, and translate it into a Call of Cthulhu RPG adventure.

Post the links to your encounters, I'm curious to see how making Godzilla adventures worked out for you using the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition rules.

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Seer: In yonder bush there is a monster with three ears, five
legs, two tails, and orange eyes!
Skeptic: Nonsense! In that bush there is no monster with three
ears, five legs, two tails, and orange eyes!
Seer: There is indeed such a monster in yonder bush.
Skeptic: There is no such monster in yonder bush.
Seer: You don't have to take my word for it, all you have to do
is go over and look into the bush, and you will see such a monster.
Skeptic: I will be happy to take a look for myself, but I can
assure you I will not see any such monster.
Seer: It is futile for us to discuss this further until you have
taken a look and see for yourself.
Skeptic: Very well, I will go now and look.

A few minutes later
Skeptic: Ha! ha! I was right! There is no such monster in the
Seer: Really? That is fantastic! I could have sworn I saw such a
monster in the bush.
Skeptic: That is the trouble with you seers! You are always sure
you see things which in reality don't exist.
Seer: I still can't believe there is no such monster in the bush!
Skeptic: I can assure you there isn't!
Seer: Did you look carefully?
Skeptic: Most carefully.
Seer: And you saw nothing?
Skeptic: Oh no, I saw something.
Seer: What did you see?
Skeptic: I saw a monster with three ears, five legs, and two
tails, but its eyes are yellow, not orange!

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Let R be a Field, G be a ring, and F be a group.

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Gary Teter wrote:
How often are we interrupted and distracted from new ideas before being able to record them, due to intervention from parallel universe or time traveler, because that idea will have inevitably led to the total destruction of humanity?

Bgzhmr ne dudmsr sqzbd nts vnqkc khmdr. Sghmj ne z roddchmf rozqjoktf dlhsshmf z rozqj dudqx ldsdq ne shld qdzc nm hsr nvm vqhrsvzsbg. Dzbg rozqj hr zm dudms; sgd bnkkdbshnm ne rozqj dudmsr enqlr z bgzhm sgzs sgqdzcr sgqntfg rozbdshld, khjd odzqkr. Rsqhmf sgd rozqjr snfdsgdq zmc sqzbdr nts hsr vnqkc khmd.

Xibu jt uif ejggfsfodf cfuxffo b "qbui jo tqbdf" boe b "xpsmejof jo tqbdfujnf"? Bo bjsqmbof mfbwft b kfu usbjm jo tujmm bjs. Uibu usbjm jt uif qmbof't qbui jo tqbdf. Ublf b qjduvsf pg uibu usbjm boe zpv ibwf b tqbdf nbq pg uif npujpo. Gspn uif tqbdf nbq bmpof zpv dboopu ufmm ipx gbtu uif kfu jt npwjoh bu uijt ps uibu ejggfsfou qpjou po jut qbui. Uif qmbof npwft opu pomz jo tqbdf cvu jo ujnf. Jut cfbdpo gmbtift. Qmpu uiptf fnjttjpot bt fwfout po b tqbdfujnf nbq. Zpv mjwf jo gpvs ejnfotjpobm tqbdf.

Wkh zruogolqh jlyhv d frpsohwh ghvfulswlrq ri sduwlfoh prwlrq lq vsdfhwlph. Dv gudzq lq wkh vsdfhwlph pds iru dqb iudph, wkh zruogolqh whoov srvlwlrq dqg yhorflwb ri wkh sduwlfoh dw hyhub hyhqw dorqj lwv wudlo. D vsdfhwlph pds vxssolhv d frpsuhkhqvlyh wrro iru uhfrjqlclqj sdwwhuqv ri hyhqwv dqg whdvlqj rxw odzv ri qdwxuh.

Yt lt fsd kzwymjw wjvznwjx Hfqhzqzx. Mfaj dtz qjfwsji Hfqhzqzx djy?

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Limeylongears wrote:
I don't watch TV either, unless I'm over at ALL (DE)'s and the kids are having a 'Gumball' marathon.

gumball? whichone?

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Gary Teter wrote:
What’s the best kind of hat to keep the sun out of your eyes in 80 mph winds?

A hummingbird hat, of course -> (img)

note, Humming birds are mechanical masterpieces and an 80 mph wind will be like a stand still.

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Who is a Machine Learning specialist here?

If you would please, given a creature has: {"Darkvision", "Low-light Vision"}
build a decision tree to classify the monsters in each group. Why?
I'm curious what the first two or three nodes in the tree will be.

Edit: Nevermind I'll do it myself. Just remembered I can snag monster
stats from www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary.

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Icyshadow wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
Oh boy, got hired for a week, then gotta start working on my thesis. Life certainly hasn't gotten boring with the new decade!

WOOOOOOO congrats, Icy!

What are you thesising?

IT Security, specifically on the role of hackers in such things.

Did you do the CISSP yet?

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Ravingdork wrote:
Are random encounters as we know them a thing of the past?


Random tables in the hands of a skilled and creative DM, capable of riffing a story, are very helpful.

For me, when I run a game, if I don't roll on the random tables explicity, I always read through them. I read the table(s) to grasp the range of entities/things the author imagined for the encounter and is communicating to us by creating the random table. And I then try to at least, in my story telling, sprinkle in the "themes" learned from reading the random tables.

Random tables are a quick way for an author to add scope to an encounter by illustrating some variance for how it was imagined the encounter would play out.

Also, if you're mean (I mean a good DM) and it turns out things went too nicely for the group, we can always say, "oh wait, then this happens ..." and use a random table roll to quickly add some more adventure thematically inline with the author's intention.


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