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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 24 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hi Paizo,

When I opened up my subscription this month, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there weren't any packing peanuts. I think it is great that you've moved away from them. However, I did notice that you choose to replace them with Uline-branded air pockets, and this kind of made me pause.

Paizo's corporate values are so highly in line with various causes, most notably the LGTBQ+ community, which you have welcomed and even ingrained into your lore. Hence my disappointment to see Uline-branded products.

Part of why I like supporting Paizo is that they have taken an important stand on certain issues, and knowing what Uline management espouses privately, as citizens, and then publicly on letters they post on their website, gives me pause. I would hope that Paizo considers joining other companies in sourcing their packing materials elsewhere.

2014 letter from Oni Press:

2017 article with links to alternative packing product suppliers: e0b58da3a&_ss=r

2018 New York Times Article on their stance, publicly posted corporate letters, and donation history: donors.html

2022 article from ProPublica on their political stance and donation history:

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A word of warning for any GMs running this, especially if you rely on digital tools: There are a lot of weird differences with this scenario. Be careful with just using the elite and weak template (several of the elite templates have weak modifications to things like AC, saves, and HP), and watch out as one of the hazards has 24 HP but a BT of 22 instead of 12. One of the 8th level casters casts 8th level cantrips - 8th level telekinetic projectile can be quite lethal - and their spell list that is referenced to an AP has a change in the PFS scenario.

Since PFS is required to be run as written these all matter.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hello Pathfinders and Starfinders!

We're incredibly proud to announce that Cody and Cora from Foundry, Blake a.k.a Nethys from Archives of Nethys and GM Steve from Recall Knowledge will be joining me for a live-streamed game in support of the Extra Life Charities!

Once again, Cody will be making the noble sacrifice of facing incredible, bus-related odds and the stream will accept donations to throw him under the bus, by negating rolls and worse! All proceeds go to Extra Life. Come watch the events unfold live and see just how many treadmarks get left on Cody's back!

In addition to donating to hinder Cody, The PF2e Volunteer Developers for Foundry have an active donation group, available here, under the Paizo Super Team: 60699

(Note: For tax purposes Canadians must donate to TMun to receive a valid tax receipt from a Canadian Hospital. Individuals in the U.S. can donate to any member and receive a valid tax receipt from Extra Life immediately. Contact me for further details if this would affect you.)

**Donation Perks**

Each dollar you donate will get you one entry on a Rollable Table for the following prizes donated by Foundry Gaming LLC and the PF2e Volunteer Developers!

- One custom Side-quest written by Paizo Freelance Author Joshua Hennington for 5e, PF1e, or PF2e (Retail ~$200)

- A set of up to 10 custom tokens for your party, created by Anathema , in the style of the forthcoming PF2e Bestiary Token Pack

- One Foundry VTT License Key (Retail $50 USD)

- The PF2e Beginners Box for Foundry

- One PF2e adventure path book module for Foundry

- One copy of "A House Divided" produced by Foundry VTT (Note: this is a dnd5e adventure)

- A copy of Oracles+, Witches+, and Clerics+ for PF2e (each PDF comes with a URL to install the Foundry module)

- A copy of the Roll for Combat Battlezoo Bestiary Module for Foundry (provided via code, this could be either the 5e or PF2e version)

**Under the Bus Donation Menu**

$21: The next natural 1 on the livestream will become a natural 20 through the power of charity!

$25: You throw Cody under the Bus for charity (his next roll is at 5e-style disadvantage) - If you turn his roll into a Nat 1 you will receive a special second coaster

$50: TMun will GM a PFS Quest or Bounty (~1 hour) for you and your group

$80: TMun will GM a Dark Archive Adventure (~2 hours) for you and your group

$100: TMun will GM a Pathfinder Society Scenario (~4 hours) for you and your group

$100: (One only!) GM Steve will run a game for you and either your friends or the cast of Recall Knowledge!

$120: Turn Cody's next natural 20 into a natural 1 - You will also receive a second, special coaster

$500 (One remaining) TMun will GM the entire Dark Archive series for you and your group

If Tikael reaches $500 in donation they will be creating a mystery module (even I don't know what it is!) Additionally, for any $5 donation or higher to any team member, I will produce and mail to you this years Extra Life Supporter Coaster! If you would like to see the coaster design it is available on the PF2e Foundry Community Discord

Envoy's Alliance

15 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here is the first cut of things we found while doing data entry for Foundry:

Back Matter:
- Aldori Dueling Sword: Priced at 20g instead of 2g
- Mindrender Baton: No clear value for intimidation DC - recommmend DC 31 based on the wording
- Gromog: Unsure if perception is +5 or +9 (has the blinded condition, but can become unblinded)
- Hargulka: Morningstar is listed as piercing with versatile P trait; should be bludgeoning with versatile P
- The Stag Lord: Composite Longbow has reload 1, should be reload 0
- Tartuccio: Sickle strike has no attack modifier (Suggest +15 - moderate for level 6)
- Wild Hunt Archer - Should have true seeing as a constant spell
- Wild Hunt Scout - Has constant true seeing, but it isn't listed in the perception block as normal

Chapter 2:
- Unstable Pit: No disable check
- Hateful Hermit and Boggard Cultist: missing range increment and reload 1 traits for blowgun
- Hooktongue: Missing beast and aquatic traits, added animal trait compared to base NPC. Undetectable action is missing the detection, divination, revelation, and scrying traits; water travel is missing the concentrate trait
- Ngara: Attack modifier is from the level 8 base creature (DC32, +20 Attack), missing all coven-related abilities.
- Windchaser: Lost animal trait and gained beast trait compared to base NPC
- Tiger Lord Hill Giant: Fist has striking damage compared to greatclub (which should have it)
- Oversized Chimera: Breath weapon missing range - should be 30 foot cone per base chimera
- Hill Giant Butcher: Battle Axe should probably have reach 10
- Tree that Weeps: Saves are for the level 6 Scythe tree; which is far too low for a level 18 NPC
- Chief Sootscale: First attack is listed as a spear instead of a club (no spear in inventory, no strike for club)
- Spirit of Stisshak: Has nightmare as a third level spell, but it is fourth level
- Rigg Gargadilly: Spell DC is for a level 4 creature instead of a level 7 creature (not changed from base NPC)
- The Dancing Lady: Save DCs are for a level 6 creature instead of a level 8 creature (not changed from base NPC)
- Boggard Warden: Blowgun strike is missing traits

Chapter 5:
- Akuzhail: Has a range to its darkvision
- Life Bloom: Has the death trait, but it can't deal damage

Chapter 6
- Murder of Crows: has the same saves as base NPC, but is 6 levels higher
- Cephal's Feasting Bite references the "helpless" condition, which is not a PF2e condition

Chapter 7
- Ameon Trask: Composite Shortbow strike is missing range increment and reload traits
- Pavetta Stroon-Drelev: missing ranged strike
- Jewel: Is labeled as "Minion 9" Instead of "Creature 9" with the minion trait; emanation is used as a trait tag, but it isn't anywhere else in PF2e
- Terrion Numesti: His fist does slashing/versatile P damage instead of bludgeoning (likely unchanged from the sword strike of the base NPC except for the name)
- Zorek: Missing ranged attack. Has Dimension Door as a cantrip instead of an at will spell.

Chapter 8
- General Avinash Jurrg is missing the humanoid and fiend traits, and has the shapechanger trait (which other shapechangers don't have)
- Trapped Portcullis hazard lists a disable DC, but no skill or action

Chapter 9
- The 4 graveknights in A2 of chapter 9 have 61,500 gold worth of runes on their weapons - this is the entire wealth for going from level 16 to 17, so likely too much loot (missing the Ruinous Weapons trait, and even that doesn't cover +2 runes)
- Mastiff of Tindalos: Has the evil trait, but this is implied because they are neutral evil NPCs so is redundant
- Spirit Seal: Has no detection DC (even obvious hazards list a DC of 0 or -10)
- Thresholder Hermeticist: Has expanded alchemist's tools, but this should be either regular alchemist's tools or an expanded lab
- Threshold Disciple: fist and claw are lacking unarmed traits. The stance makes it clear that these should be there

Chapter 10
- Barbedtongue Wyvern: No damage type on the tongue attack

Chapter 11
- Werendegar: Has no damage type for his jaws attack

Companion Guide (Note that Companions are built using PC rules)
- Giant-Killing runes have 3 listed prices for 2 different runes.
- Deathdrinking rune reaction should grant a status bonus, not an item bonus
- Inkshot spell missing target line
- Jubilost (Level 1): Perception is trained, not expert; Primal DC should be 14, set to expert to be 16
- Jubilost (Level 8): Perception is trained, not expert. All strikes are -1, Innate spells are set to Wisdom instead of Charisma for DC
- Linzi (Level 1): No arrows in inventory
- Linzi (Level 7) - No arrows in inventory. Most things are computed at level 8. Leather armour strength penalty for acrobatics and stealth is ignored; Transcribe event spell should be transcribe conflict. Phantom protagonist should be phantasmal protagonist
- Nok-Nok (Level 1) - Perception set to DC instead of +4, no backpack or other container and he is really close to being encumbered
- Nok-Nok (Level 5) - Perception set to DC instead of to +8, composite shortbow damage adds 2 for strength instead of 1
- Tristan (Level 1) - Nature and Religion are trained, but values are for untrained skills, HP 18 instead of 17
- Tristan (Level 10) - Has celestial wings action, but has natural ambition instead of celestial wings as their level 9 ancestry feat
- Valerie (Level 1) - Has a skill feat (quick jump), shortbow does 1d8 damage instead of 1d6
- Valerie (Level 9) - No combat flexibility default feat selected, aggressive block is a free action, not a reaction, composite shortbow damage is listed as 2d8+2 instead of 2d6+4

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If these adjustments are the way that Paizo will be paying their amazing team of content creators and employees living wages then I'm all for it! The Paizo staff really do deserve it for the work that they put in; the value we get is really good if you look at the content and the quality.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For anyone looking for details on how to install the beginners box premium content I made a tutorial:

I’ll apologize in advance because I’m not the best video ever - so judge the content over the video quality please :)

Envoy's Alliance

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
AlastarOG wrote:

Writing can be made bigger with zoom setting on browser, Collapsable folders have been made for most of the compendiums.

I get what you're saying though, the UI is not SUPER intuitive and you have to really hunt down some of the solutions that are in there !

As an example: I know there's an option to allow players to loot dead tokens.... I just don't know how to activate it O_O

Defs a bunch of programmers without any marketing peeps :P

A more apt analogy is "a bunch of volunteers". Please remember that all of this is done by random people, not a company, who are unpaid and unsupported by Paizo for the community. Plus we are working on the UI/UX side of things, but if there is a professional willing to donate their time and help to redesign things please feel free to step forward (although likely this isn't the purview of a marketer so much as a UI/UX or accessibility designer). We used to have things like folders for the compendia (and the code for it still exists) but it wasn't natively supported by core Foundry, so the PF2e system developers can only do so much. The code we relied on to make that happen isn't compatible with 0.8 and this many compendia isn't an issue for any non-Paizo system, so it isn't a priority for Foundry itself to fix. The last major revision to the Foundry core (going to 0.8.x) meant rewriting 60% of the PF2e system code - 40,000 lines - to be compatible.

But for the $0 that you pay for the PF2e on Foundry and the $0 that you pay for the PDF importer on Foundry and the fact that hopping on the discord will likely give you the answer to any question within minutes, well, you're more than getting your moneys worth :)

Envoy's Alliance ****

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In fairness (as one of the volunteers doing data entry in Foundry) the text we have is pre-errata/first printing. I'll get it updated. So if he actually checked in the first edition book he would have gotten what was in Foundry.