Hello Pathfinders and Starfinders!
We're incredibly proud to announce that Cody and Cora from Foundry, Blake a.k.a Nethys from Archives of Nethys and GM Steve from Recall Knowledge will be joining me for a live-streamed game in support of the Extra Life Charities!
Once again, Cody will be making the noble sacrifice of facing incredible, bus-related odds and the stream will accept donations to throw him under the bus, by negating rolls and worse! All proceeds go to Extra Life. Come watch the events unfold live and see just how many treadmarks get left on Cody's back! https://www.twitch.tv/pf2eonfoundryvoldevteam
In addition to donating to hinder Cody, The PF2e Volunteer Developers for Foundry have an active donation group, available here, under the Paizo Super Team: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID= 60699
(Note: For tax purposes Canadians must donate to TMun to receive a valid tax receipt from a Canadian Hospital. Individuals in the U.S. can donate to any member and receive a valid tax receipt from Extra Life immediately. Contact me for further details if this would affect you.)
**Donation Perks**
Each dollar you donate will get you one entry on a Rollable Table for the following prizes donated by Foundry Gaming LLC and the PF2e Volunteer Developers!
- One custom Side-quest written by Paizo Freelance Author Joshua Hennington for 5e, PF1e, or PF2e (Retail ~$200)
- A set of up to 10 custom tokens for your party, created by Anathema , in the style of the forthcoming PF2e Bestiary Token Pack
- One Foundry VTT License Key (Retail $50 USD)
- The PF2e Beginners Box for Foundry
- One PF2e adventure path book module for Foundry
- One copy of "A House Divided" produced by Foundry VTT (Note: this is a dnd5e adventure)
- A copy of Oracles+, Witches+, and Clerics+ for PF2e (each PDF comes with a URL to install the Foundry module)
- A copy of the Roll for Combat Battlezoo Bestiary Module for Foundry (provided via code, this could be either the 5e or PF2e version)
**Under the Bus Donation Menu**
$21: The next natural 1 on the livestream will become a natural 20 through the power of charity!
$25: You throw Cody under the Bus for charity (his next roll is at 5e-style disadvantage) - If you turn his roll into a Nat 1 you will receive a special second coaster
$50: TMun will GM a PFS Quest or Bounty (~1 hour) for you and your group
$80: TMun will GM a Dark Archive Adventure (~2 hours) for you and your group
$100: TMun will GM a Pathfinder Society Scenario (~4 hours) for you and your group
$100: (One only!) GM Steve will run a game for you and either your friends or the cast of Recall Knowledge!
$120: Turn Cody's next natural 20 into a natural 1 - You will also receive a second, special coaster
$500 (One remaining) TMun will GM the entire Dark Archive series for you and your group
If Tikael reaches $500 in donation they will be creating a mystery module (even I don't know what it is!) Additionally, for any $5 donation or higher to any team member, I will produce and mail to you this years Extra Life Supporter Coaster! If you would like to see the coaster design it is available on the PF2e Foundry Community Discord