Imron Gauthfallow

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Ditto What Bill Said!


I can't say it any better than the reviewer before me said it.
I wish I had kept mine in a little better condition or maybe bought one for running the adventure and one for admiring (in a nice protective pouch). This baby'll be worth a pretty penny some day soon.

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One of Wolfgang Buar's Best Yet!


I love this adventure! It's got all of the elements that make for a fantastic, fun time. Flying gorillas with big ass falchions? Hell yes! Ancient tech magic? Ah, yeah! Undead spellcasters? Gimme more!

I got a distinct "At the Mountains of Madness" meets Robert Jordan's The City that Waits and Machin Shin (The Black Wind) from his "Wheel of Time" series on the set of Jurasic Park vibe from this module. I LOVE those elements.

Can't wait to run this for my group. This is one of those adventure that you pick up and start reading and 2-3 pages in you want to run it immediately. Definitely pick this one up!

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Herald of the Apocalypse!


Nick Logue and Tim Hitchock writing an adventure together?! Holy crap, the end is nigh!
These two sick MFers can come up with some straight up disturbing stuff. This is a must buy just to see where their sick minds went with this one.
Buy it! Run it! But you and your players will never be able to look at fey that same way ever again. BEWARE!

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Buy it! Buy it NOW!


Mike Kortes may just be one of the most intelligent RPG designers in the biz. The man is a genius! Nuff said. Get this module and run it today!!!

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Another Nick Logue Masterpiece


I ran my players through this one after Hollow's Last Hope. We had a great time returning to the Dwarven Monastery and delving into the dungeon beneath it.

The only reason I don't give it 5 stars is due to some typos in the stat blocks. One in particular to watch out for is the Forge Spurned's damage. IIRC, it is listed as 2d4+10 with its chain. It should read 2d4+1. That particular typo TPK'd my group and brought the adventure to an unceremonious end.

Still, we loved the adventure up to that point and I'm sure we would have had a great time beyond it as well. And even when the players had been slaughtered they still said they had a good time.

One thing that may bug people is the children in the dungeon. If your group takes a long time getting to them, their survival becomes a bit suspect and you may need to address that. Some of the rooms come off too obvious as moments suspended in time that only activate when player characters enter the area.

That's a necessary evil in most RPG design, but be aware that it's there and you may need to tweak it just a tad so you don't have to push your players' suspension of disbelief too far.

Overall, great module and one I'd recommend to any group starting off. The kind of stuff I've come to expect from the Young Master. :)

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What a Perfect Adventure to Start a New Campaign With!


I ran this one a few months ago with my group to start off a new campaign. We really had a great time with it. The NPCs were interesting, the monsters cool, and the story while a bit cliche was a very reliable mainstay in RPGs.

I give it one ding for not having more content in some places, but being limited to the size of the module, that's just a flaw in the overall design and not worth penalizing it.

Great module! Loved running it and my players loved playing it. Highly recommended for any GM starting up a new campaign.

Too Much Fun for 1 Deck of Cards!


This game is quite possibly the funnest time you can have with a deck of cards ever! The more the merrier when it comes to Lupus in Tabula.

Cards are dealt out to the group... two of the players get to become werewolves and try to slaughter the rest of the players, which are villagers. The villagers try to lynch other villagers they think are the werewolves before it's too late. An absolute hilarious fun time!

Five stars is just not enough!

A Must Have for Every DM's Library


I read this nearly 10 years ago and still use the tips and advice from it today. Everything from dealing with problematic players to developing truly memorable NPCs can be found in it. PLUS a lot of really cool material for creating cave systems and other underground adventures.