Shadowcount Sial

Sonny Right's page

3 posts. Alias of trawets71.


Sonny grasps R's hand and shakes it vigorously. My name is Sonny Right. Nice to meet you R. Some might call me a hero, but I am just a man that does the job that needs done. I've heard there may be some serious undead trouble here and I've come to lay them to rest. How about yourself?

A man with silver hair (silver not grey, it looks metallic), silverish skin and metallic blue eyes enters the tavern. He wears traveling clothes with a holy symbol of Sarenrae around his neck. On closer inspection you see very fine chain mail under his clothes. He walks to the closest empty seat Is this seat taken? he asks R and sits down after it is indicated it is free. Nice night for a stroll don't you think? Barkeep, ale please. None of the cheap stuff though, if you don't mind.

This is Trawets71 cleric submission. I've got everything but the spells done. I think. Never had or made a character of this level before. If anyone has any comments I'd like to hear them.