Gourd Leshy

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I don't understand the necessity of the changes really. I haven't played any Starfinder but just looking through the book the Solarian has a solid kit - it's flavorful and fun, almost like a space palladin.

It's clearly powerful, but it has the unique design that always it to flow with the ebb and tide of a dramatic battle. As the battle rages around you the Solarian warms up and as all hope seems lost they unleash power to turn the tide completely.

It's objectively fun to play a character that needs to "power up" to the point that its almost a worn out trope, but one of very few classes that exist in "-finder" gameplay. A decent example that's similar is the Kinetisist who can either accept burn or gather their power. Another is the Slayer who can become better as they study their target. In fact, to be honest, there's a host of classes that have to spend a turn or two setting up their better abilities and buffs. The only ones who don't are pure martials.

This feels like you're trying to take a class that's already got a decent flavor and powerlevel and trying to turn it into a combat savant. The point of these types of games is to be playing with a party who helps to make up your deficiencies, not to solo the encounter.

Also you added no utility to the class. It's combat or nothing, which is more boring that waiting a couple turns to blast the bad dudes because now I can't help other than murdering people.

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HP: 38/42 | Temp HP: 4/4 | SP: 5/5 | MNVR: Bronze Lancet Charge, Hasted Leap, Oaken Shield* | Init: +5 | Per: +9

I believe I need to add Background Skills. My apologizes GM Spooks. Other than that my profile should be set up more-or-less to be easily accessible.