RottenFridge's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Liz Courts wrote:
I am told that we should be getting an update to this in the next couple of weeks. You will receive an email notification that the file has been updated once that happens.

When you talked about that update that was to come two or three weeks ago, were you talking about this particular manual or about any of the other published stuff? ('cause I know that the Spanish Bestiary was updated recently).

Thanks in advance

Liz Courts wrote:
I am told that we should be getting an update to this in the next couple of weeks. You will receive an email notification that the file has been updated once that happens.

Waiting this update so badly :'(

Jose Antonio Lopez Bermudez wrote:
Hay alguna noticia de la fecha de salida del bestiario en pdf? [Any news about the release date of the Bestiary PDF?]

I hope it's out before holidays start. Otherwise I won't be able to play Pathfinder this summer as I planned... :,(

Are there any news about the release of the Bestiary PDF version?
(in Spanish I mean)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
pablo matturro wrote:
La versión que hay para descargar ya viene con las erratas corregidas.

Ole, te como los huevos.

And now that it came to me...

Let's say I buy the translation as it is now. Will I be able to download the newer version with the amended errata when you upload it or will I have to buy that new version separately?

Many thanks!

Liz Courts wrote:
RottenFridge wrote:

When will the second edition of this translation be ready?

I'm eager to buy it but not with the errata that comes with this one :/
That's a question for the folks at Devir Iberia, alas! I'll see what I can find out, though. :)

The printed version was released already. Although I guess it's also up to them when to upload the PDF, right?

Thank you for your time btw!

When will the second edition of this translation be ready?
I'm eager to buy it but not with the errata that comes with this one :/