Chaleb Sazomal

Remarian Cantaglia's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

As the title, Every time I try to add my apartment number to my shipping address it kicks it out and says its been updated.

Silver Crusade

Perhaps I've missed a similar post on this thread but I did not see anything.

We've had a situation arise twice now, monster is using stealth for exploration mode, rolls say a 24 stealth, monster is using stealth for initiative and rolls a 22. The rest of the party is seeking and rolls below monster with perception.

Now rules as I understand mean that the PC should have no idea there is a monster until it attacks or a PC with a perception initiative beats the monster's stealth initiative.

Where does that original PC's initiative end up, does he get shunted to the end because he rolled above and has to wait until it comes back around? Is he "delaying" until after the monster's presence has been established?

Silver Crusade 2/5 5/5

Rules question to those who know. The Celestial/deific/fey obedience thing and qualifying for the Evangelist prestige class

Requirement for Evangelist is specifically noted to be deific obedience. However does not mention celestial obedience as an option. In the Fey obedience section it says "counts as deific obedience" for the purpose of qualifying for the prestige classes." (celestial obedience came out before deific and the prestige classes so has no such ruling)

Now I guess RAW would be that an Evangelist could have fey/deific feat but not celestial yes? which means homegame I may be able to argue RAI but PFS it is likely not allowed yes?

In book of the damned they just said that fiendish obedience is exceptablrfor the evangelist is this somehow related as well?

Silver Crusade 2/5 5/5

Khloranna Tosslespark wrote:

Greetings all!

I have a few boons here and am interested in trading for Pathfinder Race Boons.


Silver Crusade 2/5 5/5

Have : kalo/verthani

Want: aasimar

Silver Crusade 2/5 5/5

Great! thanks for the info, I'll keep my eyes peeled for when it becomes legal

Silver Crusade 2/5 5/5

Sorry if this has been posted, I couldn't find it. I'm wondering if there is a PFS ruing on changes to archetypes with reprints.

I made a Thundercaller some time ago and with the recent reprint they made a change to Thundercall specifically, making it always a standard action. Is there a rule somewhere on if my bard is exempt because he was made before? Do I get a remake like when they changed Lore Warden?