Cutthroat Lawyer

Ravenfall's page

Organized Play Member. 147 posts (219 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 6 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.

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Unless something catastrophic happens, I'll definitely be there. And this time I'm gonna book everything way sooner so it's less expensive - flying from the east coast can suck sometimes @_@.

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This was my first Paizocon, and it really was everything I was hoping it would be. I can't wait for next year, particularly with the packing and preparation lessons I learned this year!

Thank you to everyone at Paizo for putting on a fantastic show. I can't wait to do it again.

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Level 5 sounds like a great starting place - characters just establishing themselves as heroes, getting built up before the long fall, ect, ect. Mythic could be neat, particularly with the idea of becoming mythic villains. Gestalt I'm less keen on, but I'd give a shot.