
Rasamoro Kensori's page

117 posts. Organized Play character for Tiaburn.

Organized Play Characters

Sovereign Court Nestezuk Gnorth

CG Male Half-Orc Bloodrager3
Need LvlUp to 3:
Init +2; AC14, Touch10, FF12, CMD18; hp 19/19; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1; Perception:+6 (darkvision: 60ft); Condition: enlarged, 20ft reach
(47 posts)
Silver Crusade Maeglin Seregos

NG Male Gnome Bard2/Summoner4 Condition: Inspire Courage Init +2; AC18, Touch13, FF16, CMD13; hp 30/34; Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +8 (+2 vs Illusions; +4 vs bardic, sonic); Perception: +6 (low-light) (149 posts)
The Exchange Khismia al-Khair

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5; (279 posts)
Grand Lodge Sothy Samnang

CG Male Human (Keleshite) Alchemist 2/Bloodrager 1
Need LvlUp to 4th:
Init +2; AC 17, Touch12, FF 15, CMD 17/15; hp 24/24; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +0; (+2 vs poison); Perception:+4; Rage: 5/5; Bombs: 5/5; Effects: none;
(173 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Silver Crusade Ariward Falconsflight

LG Male Aasimar Paladin4 of Shelyn
Needs lvlup :
Init +1; AC19, Touch11, FF18, CMD16; hp 23/23; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6; Perception:+2 (darkvision 60 ft) (58 posts)
Dark Archive Maldrek Methacan

LN Male Hellspawn Tiefling GhostRider Cavalier4 of the Dragon Init +2; AC19 (21 with shield), Touch12, FF17 (19 with shield), CMD16; hp 35/35; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 (+3 vs. mind-affecting from demons); Perception: +0 (darkvision 60 ft) (151 posts)
Liberty's Edge Calogero Gaetano

CG Male Musetouched Aasimar Swashbuckler1
Looking for ship in Absalom harbour:
Init +3; AC18, Touch13, FF15, CMD15; hp 2/10; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0; Perception:+0 (darkvision 60 ft)
(53 posts)
Samaritha Beldusk
Scarab Sages Lisyoni Shi Korusaku

CG Female Kitsune Bard1 (Flame Dancer)
Looking for Murder's Mark:
Init +5; hp 8/8; AC 17, touch13, FF14, CMD13; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2; Perception: 0 (low-light)
(0 posts)
Dark Archive Rasamoro Kensori

N Male Human Kensai4/SwordSaint2 Init +4; AC23, Touch 18, FF 16, CMD 25/18; hp 45/45; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4; Perception: +2; Arcane pool: 4/4; Effects: none (117 posts)
Scarab Sages Danila Nanuk
(0 posts)
Baron Galdur Vendikon
The Exchange Twillight Walker

RL games only :
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court Leudwig
(0 posts)
Scarab Sages Haijey Ini-Herit
(0 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Grand Lodge Quark-Quo Pleenks
(0 posts)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Juke Spacecrawler
(0 posts)

Sorcerer Sorcerer Deck - Qualzar
Hooded Man
Scarab Sages Tiaburn Stedd

CG Male Halfling Rog2 Deceased in Oppara, Taldor, 4711 Died due to magical cascade of irresistible force during, trying to stop two allies from bloodshed. (0 posts)


Jolis Raffles
Lantern Lodge Aleksandrs Zdancuks
(9 posts)
Arasti Fadamlia

CG Male Human (Garundi) Urban Ranger1
Looking for Skull & Shackles AP:
Human (Garundi) Urban Ranger1
(5 posts)
Athrax, the Mad Bomber
(2 posts)
Truthseeker Wayfinder
Lantern Lodge DM Tiaburn

Male Human GM Murder's Mark (458 posts)
Shadow Lodge Experienced Adventurer

Mogmurch Male Goblin Alchemist3 Init +4; hp 21/23 (NL:0); AC 27 (20), touch 19 (17), FF 20 (15), CMD 17 (15)/11; Fort +6, Ref +9 (+7), Will -1 (+0); +2 vs. poison; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 Bombs: 2/5; Acid 3/4; Alch. fire 2/4; CLW 3/3; Conditions: mutagen (Dex), shield (74 posts)
Contingent Wayfinder
GM Tiaburn
(1 post)
Arclord of Nex
Silver Crusade Gorazio, the Silver Spearman

NG Male Eidolon3 (Outsider) Init +1; AC 17, Touch 11, FF16, CMD17; hp 19/19; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 (evasion); Perception:+5 (darkvision 60ft); Conditions: None (29 posts)
Gvido Seyman

Graceful Glaive who Rides the Lightning (2 posts)
Lormo Shashud

NG Male Elf Investigator2 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF13, CMD13; hp 10/15; Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3 (+2 vs. enchantment & poisons); Perception:+7 (low-light, +1 vs traps); Inspiration: 5/5
Extracts: comp. languages, endure elements, touch of the sea
(148 posts)
Kobold Scalecaster
Mystic Seeker

Varanog the Majestic hp 26/26; AC 16, Touch 15, FF 12, CMD 12/9; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5; Init +3; Perception: +3 (darkvision 60ft) Spells: 1st: 7/7, 2nd: 2/4; Trap Runes: 6/6; Conditions: magic armor, mirror image (5) (59 posts)
Nalys Stern

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]
(135 posts)

LN Female Kobold Mythic Witch2/Skald1/Archmage1 Init +2; AC13, Touch13, FF11, CMD10; hp 12/17; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +8 (darkvision: 60 ft) Mythic Surge (0/5; +1d6) (238 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev

LN Male Human Cavalier (honor guard, beast rider)1 Init +2; AC 16, Touch12, FF14, CMD 16/14; hp 7/7; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; Perception +1; Condition: empty
Til'verth Animal Companion:
Cave Salamander, Animal; Init +1; AC 14, Touch11, FF 13, CMD 13/12; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1; Perception +5 (60 ft darkvision, low-light)
(9 posts)

Ulrich Howlwind

(5 posts)