Koriah Azmeren

Pax Glaucopide's page

Goblin Squad Member. 13 posts (61 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm selling an EE Month 1 account without Destiny's Twin.
The account has been active since 1/5/2015, so its main character has got full xp, only partially spent.
Please PM me if interested.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Aeternum Trade Alliance - ATA

Who says that battles, sieges, ambushes and skirmishes are the only ways of fighting a war? Who says that swords, maces, arrows, wands and shields are fun toys only if used against your enemy?

The most dangerous and effective wars are economic wars, the wars prepared by hammering in smithies, concocting potions in an alchemy lab, roaming the wilderness in search of resources, the wars fought raiding the markets and subduing prices.

The most powerful empires are those resting on arms and business alike.

Nation: Empire of Xeilias
Settlement: Callambea

Alignments: basically Lawful Neutral, with every compatible alignment allowed
Pax Gaming Membership Status: Required (see here)

Player Roles Accepted: Gatherers, Refiners, Crafters, Traders – any race, any class
Who Should Join: anyone willing to join our jolly army of crafters and stalwart economic military