
OsirionInfiltrator's page

Organized Play Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Scarab Sages

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Aranna wrote:
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
Aranna wrote:

I saw this coming. American is a nation that would never vote for a woman. Hillary would have had to have been a man to win.

You're right. 53+ million people didn't vote for a woman. That was all a mirage. How about enough people were so pissed she is a thief and liar, and that she stole the rightful nomination of Sanders, and that is what led to America not voting for *this* woman.

Sanders would have won.

That could just as easily have been 53+ million people who were just that disgusted by Trump.

You bet that Sanders would have won. Clinton and the DNC dug their own graves by sinking his ship and stealing the nomination. She can now live with the consequences of her actions.

Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
I fervently hope this and the accompanying financial crisis will be enough to start the System's reset and that this time we will not need a World War with millions of deaths

You don't get a "System's reset" without the deaths of innocents. History repeatedly documents that's not how it works.

We'll be lucky to avoid a World War, and it'll be a miracle to avoid new local wars. But the misery and deaths are still coming...

  • People that will lose their access to healthcare through Obamacare & Medicaid
  • People squeezed out by cuts to Medicare and Social Security, WIC, and other assistance
  • People who won't be helped after the next disaster by a now gutted FEMA
  • People who contract the next ebola, zika, or AIDs under a gutted CDC
  • People who will lose their already meager civil rights and hard-won basic equality, and will be openly threatened/harassed/attacked/forcibly converted/murdered simply for being non-CIS or non-straight
  • People who don't pass as white or Christian openly threatened/harassed/attacked/murdered
  • People losing their meager investments/pensions/IRAs simply because international confidence in the U.S. economy has evaporated
  • People working for less hours, less pay and fighting over decreasing job prospects because international confidence in the U.S. economy has evaporated

And none of that includes the possible EU collapse, more conflicts and wars, more fighting over resources, and ignoring the growing effects of global climate change.

Don't hope for an accelerationist collapse and possible revolution without owning all the people that are going to be ground up in the gears and under the tank treads. You don't get clean hands or a clear conscience.

I can already hear Tina Turner singing Thunder Dome. /sarcasm

Just stop. There isn't going to be another World War or another Civil War. I don't think you have to worry about blue fighting grey again in your neighborhood. The world will keep turning, another person will be elected in four years, and the opposing side will cry and scream that the world is ending. So sick of chicken littles.

Scarab Sages 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
medtec28 wrote:
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
So frustrating and confusing. I think I will borrow a line from the movie War Games if a pregen is involved. "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. "Thanks for the reply, I guess.
This is what I was advocating, but I will warn you that you may miss out on a lot of interesting pretend scenarios.

Time is valuable. I'm ok with "risking" having to miss out.

Scarab Sages 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So frustrating and confusing. I think I will borrow a line from the movie War Games if a pregen is involved. "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. "Thanks for the reply, I guess.

Scarab Sages 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's a home game. Why even ask? Just have a good time with your players. Good grief.

Scarab Sages 1/5

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Cody Hornberger wrote:

While you have the right to be disappointed in anyone or anything you wish, for any reason, this is not an appropriate place to make your dissatisfaction known. If you wish to complain, please do so elsewhere.

Thank you to those who made this little holiday treat possible! It was very thoughtful of you!

Thanks for your feedback, mr. Moderator. According to some people, there isn't any place in these message board that is an appropriate place to criticize, even when trying to be constructive.

Scarab Sages 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tom Mannering wrote:
OsirionInfiltrator wrote:
So, there is time to write a story and run it through editing, and complete and produce a Chronicle sheet that is only valid for a few weeks. But, we still can't get Chronicle Sheets for any of the remaining APs that would get a lot more use from a larger portion of the player base and last a lot longer? That's disappointing that this was a higher priority than sanctioning APs.

I don't think it's a matter of 'priority'. This is one little boon that would have taken a small amount of work compared to what it must take to sanction an AP (deciding what section to sanction, collating the items that are going to appear, checking it's all appropriate for PFS).

I understand your frustration, but why gripe about what you haven't got instead of appreciating a nice gesture, especially given the time of year. I have no doubt the AP's will be sorted sooner or later, but given all the recent changes in PFS I'm happy to wait and enjoy the little things in the meantime. Tis the season.

I wasn't griping. I was expressing my disappointment. Surely we don't have to just settle and be happy with the scraps. People have said this same thing the last several years. "Just be happy with what you get." How long to wait is sufficient? It's been more than 12-18 months since the last module or AP has been sanctioned. Even with going to three full time staff members quite a few months ago, there hasn't been any real increase in content. I guess instead of asking why there isn't more content, best to just sit back and wait and hope. If all the feedback Paizo ever receives is just happy unicorns and rainbows, how will they ever know they need to improve?

And since the one little boon would have taken a very small amount of work (even though it sounds like four people worked on it), wouldn't one Chronicle sheet for one of the modules we are still waiting for have gotten more use by more people for a lot more time than just a few weeks?