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Hey James,
I've had a heated debate regarding the

Bladed Belt:
On command, the belt’s wearer can transform the belt into a single masterwork slashing and/or piercing melee weapon of her choice. As long as she is holding the weapon, she can also revert it back to belt form with a command. Furthermore, the belt can be enchanted like a piercing and slashing melee weapon, using the cost of the belt as the cost of the masterwork item.

I believe that whoever holds/wears/wields this item can change its form back and forth with the command word. As per standard rules for using an item.
The counter argument was, due to the wording "she can also revert it back...", that only the person that turned the BB from a belt into a weapon can revert it.

I believe that this paragraph was a single statement split in 2 sentences, mainly due to the word "also", and the intend was that whoever holds this item can manipulate it with the command word.
ie: Character A can turn the belt into a weapon, die, and centuries later their weapon is found by B. Through some magic the command word is identified and B can revert it back into belt (even though they didnt originally convert it).

The counter argument held the believe that the item 'knows' or 'remembers' who originally converted it and wouldn't revert back, as per their interpretation of the wording, which to me would be something only an intelligent item could do ('remembering/knowing' and denying things).

To me, that sentence merely clarifies that being disarmed or dropping the item doesn't immediately turn it back into a belt, but that it consciously needs to be commanded (and thus held) for it to revert back into a belt.

What are your thoughts on how this works? Is either or both of us misunderstanding the rules?

Lastly, on a related topic, this item occupies a belt slot (due to it being a belt), but does converting it into a weapon change its slot into mainhand (or offhand) instead?

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Not really sure what is confusing about this spell.

• It targets a weapon or ammo. That's the target of the spell.
The SR reduction is an effect it bestows upon the target. The spell doesn't cause SR reduction, it allows its target to cause it.
Therefore there is no save against this SR reduction in relation to this spell.

• The save is made by the weapon it targets, since that's the only target this spell has, as shown above. Despite the (harmless) and (object) tags missing, this spell clearly indicates its target(s).

This is further verified by the first sentence:

You create an aura around the target weapon...
Regarding this:
Meirril wrote:
how often is the save made?

You basically 'enchant' a weapon. You don't have to cast Magic Weapon every single turn on a weapon for it to benefit from the spell.

You cast the spell, the target receives the effect of the spell for its duration.

The rest of the spell already clarifies only 5SR can ever be reduced per round through the use of this spell, regardless of the amount of sources affected by this spell, or hits weapons do in a single round.

James Jacobs wrote:
Myste wrote:

I've tried to scour the boards for a definitive answer and all I've found was interpretations regarding the Evangelist's Aligned Class feature.

It clearly states:

She gains all the class features for this class, essentially adding every evangelist level beyond 1st to her aligned class to determine what class features she gains.

Majority of the consensus is "you gain class levels in both the PrC and the aligned class", which to me sounds crazy. You're stacking levels and are effectively and practically gaining 2 levels per level with that interpretation.

How do you calculate CR for that, or xp gain? Since clearly a Fighter4/Evangelist6 (10hd) should be considered a Fighter9/Evangelist6 with that interpretation (15hd). Sure, you don't get the bab, saves, etc for the aligned class, but everything else scales?

To me, the wording clearly states that the added levels are only to determine which class features you gain that you'd have lost out on. Not that previous class features scale. You don't gain actual levels. You don't gain practical experience in a class you haven't been leveling up in. Your deity simply benevolently grants you abilities that you'd have gotten if you didn't choose to be an evangelist, not practical experience in them.

So what if you fail your Deific Obedience? You lose all the features granted by the evangelist class. If you interpreted that your aligned class features scale, then you have to reverse calculate everything until you perform your obedience again, rather than disabling the ones you were gifted by Aligned Class. Which just seems mechanically off.

Prestige classes do not exist in a vacuum, and when one does something that sounds overly powerful, it's wise to look at similar classes to see if there was just a bit of sloppy writing. Look at the INTENT of the class rather than just treating it as immutable computer code, in other words.

The evangelist doesn't gain multiple levels in classes. No class does...

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer with the intent of the feature and your own interpretation/adjustment!

I've tried to scour the boards for a definitive answer and all I've found was interpretations regarding the Evangelist's Aligned Class feature.

It clearly states:

She gains all the class features for this class, essentially adding every evangelist level beyond 1st to her aligned class to determine what class features she gains.

Majority of the consensus is "you gain class levels in both the PrC and the aligned class", which to me sounds crazy. You're stacking levels and are effectively and practically gaining 2 levels per level with that interpretation.

How do you calculate CR for that, or xp gain? Since clearly a Fighter4/Evangelist6 (10hd) should be considered a Fighter9/Evangelist6 with that interpretation (15hd). Sure, you don't get the bab, saves, etc for the aligned class, but everything else scales?

To me, the wording clearly states that the added levels are only to determine which class features you gain that you'd have lost out on. Not that previous class features scale. You don't gain actual levels. You don't gain practical experience in a class you haven't been leveling up in. Your deity simply benevolently grants you abilities that you'd have gotten if you didn't choose to be an evangelist, not practical experience in them.

So what if you fail your Deific Obedience? You lose all the features granted by the evangelist class. If you interpreted that your aligned class features scale, then you have to reverse calculate everything until you perform your obedience again, rather than disabling the ones you were gifted by Aligned Class. Which just seems mechanically off.

A final clarification would be very much appreciated.
Does the Evangelist's Aligned Class feature scale up all features of the chosen class, essentially stacking both class levels -1,
do the features of the chosen class remain scaled to their current class level, and you merely gain features you'd have missed out on?