Mesteco's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Nathan King 738.


I wanted to make this thread, to the same format as the "Level 12 Seeker" thread, to list all of the players that have completed "The Waking Rune" on Hard Mode on tier 7-8 or 10-11. (Just like the "Level 12 Seeker" thread, please no spoilers)

This scenario brings not only a sense of closure to heroes and adventurers that have fought the Lissalan cultists for so long, but bears a new beginning. These elite few answered the call to arms and through their physical prowess, magical expertise, and mental stamina were able to defeat a terrible power that threatened not only Varisia but Golarion as a whole.

Please list your character (full name if you like), character and class, and tier you played at. Though Hard Mode does not give any rewards, it does give bragging rights, so lets see it Pathfinders!

The Exchange 5/5

Good morning all,

Quick question. Can a summoner take an aquatic eidolon, like a shark? It does have a land speed but it doesn't have a way to breath above water. It came up at one of our Game Days and I wanted some thoughts about it. There is an evolution that can give them gills but it wouldn't be necessary if it an aquatic eidolon. I just have this vision of a this dried up, shriveled shark bopping around on the ground because it hasn't seen water in weeks. haha



Hey everyone, quick question:

Is the Ju-Ju Mystery for Oracles allowed in PFS? I noticed that it is in Adventure Path #39, however, after looking at the Additional Resources to check and see, I didn't see it listed. I was going to assume that it is NOT because it is not listed in there but, I wanted to ask to check and make sure.




Quick Question.

Does Paizo have any plans to take the Pregens that are society legal in the NPC Codex and make them into the same format as the original ones? I was curious because I was looking to provide those Pregens to players, if needed, but I couldn't find a good way to print those out. For example, for Valeros, his level 1 stat block is split over two columns, his level 7 stat block is split between two pages, and his level 12 stat block is the only one that includes a picture of him.

I was going to print out the pages for them, but i can see our players getting confused with two different stat blocks on one page.

If not, that's alright, I can copy and paste them to make them look a little better, but I wanted to see if Paizo was going to make offical ones.



Silver Crusade 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey all!

I've been looking all around Paizo's website and I can't seem to find a scenario tracker download to be able to help track which scenarios players have and have not played. So, here in St. Louis, I created one.

The tracker sheet holds ALL of the scenarios, quests, and modules that are currently legal for society play. I give these out to our players in order to track what they have GM'ed and what they have played so when we marshal for our weekly PFS, it's easier for our players to find a table.

Here is a link to my dropbox that has the tracker in it if you would like to use it! Everyone is welcome to it, if you don't have one or would like one.

Link! Tracker Sheet

This part is for you, Mike and Mark:

I know this is a long shot, but I thought I'd ask. Would there be anyway that you could release the names and levels, if available, of the March-May scenarios for Season 4 that have not made to the Season 4 PFS store page so they could be added to our tracker sheet? I have up through, I believe, February. I was asking because I am printing these out when you guys release new stuff, but if I was able to get the names of the new ones, I could add it and not have to worry about printing until at least March when new modules release.

I know this is a long shot but I just thought I'd ask. I love what you guys decided to do with Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star and as you can see those are added. As well, I have your Blog notes about the scenarios that are going to, tentatively, be released for June and July and notes regarding Emerald Spire from the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter that Mark said in a forum post would "probably" go for society as well.

Thanks for the help and again for all you guys do!


Silver Crusade 5/5

Good evening everyone,

I had a question. A buddy of mine ordered Kobold Quarterly 23 and we were reading through it and we noticed that there was a quest inside of it for Society play. There was a note on the first page of the quest stating that the chronicle sheet could be found on OR After searching both sites, neither of us could find the chronicle sheet for that quest. Does the chronicle sheet come with Kobold Quarterly in the Zip file or is it going to be placed somewhere on the site for free download?

Thanks for your help!
