Mawgetebab'dly's page

10 posts. Alias of Justin Sluder.

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Dark Archive

Please cancel my Starfinder AP sub and update order 7545889 so it contains only the PF AP.

Thanks, and be well.

Dark Archive

Please cancel the following subscriptions: Pathfinder Comics, Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Modules, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder RPG, Starfinder RPG, Pathfinder Tales.

Thank you, and keep up the good work.

Dark Archive

Just checking, did the payment process correctly?

Dark Archive

Greetings fellow Pathfinders!
I am starting a game at South Hill Games and More on Sundays starting at 3pm. This game is set in my homebrew world of Pellus, in the Kingdom of Kalas. Rules are mostly Pathfinder, with a little 5E (primarily advantage/disadvantage), with some additional house rules.

Contact me if you're interested (Subject: Heroes Forged; email: and we can get the character creation process started through email. Or, just show up and we'll build your character in person. Whichever works for you is fine by me. :)

I look forward to seeing some of y'all there.

Dark Archive

Please double check this order, as I did pick up my May subscriptions at PaizoCon.

Dark Archive

Please cancel my Campaign Setting, and Companion subscriptions, removing the respective products from the order, and attempt to process the order again, please and thank you.

Dark Archive

I had a good(enough) work week last week and would like to tend to delayed subscription items in my sidcart. However, I can't currently find my sidecart in "My Account". If things are set to ship my with April shipment, I just need to know how much the total will be before I pay other bills, or which items to cancel before things ship.


Dark Archive

My comics subscription, please and thanks.

Dark Archive

Why is this trying to ship? I had set this month to be picked up at PaizoCon.

Dark Archive

Please combine orders 3844510 and 3896315 and process them for shipment.

Thank you.

Dark Archive

...the following subscriptions: Battles, Comics, Campaign Setting, Companion, Modules, Roleplaying Game.

Dark Archive

1 Durable mithral arrow: Yes, I know the primary material of arrows is wood, but I just want to know what having mithral arrowheads would change things.

Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

Is there supposed to be a visible sidecart for nonsubscription items waiting to ship? If so, I'm not seeing it anywhere.

Also, please cancel my order for the goblin bank and the iconic heroes set I preordered. They should both be listed originally under order #3455464.

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

Dark Archive

Please cancel my campaign setting, comics, modules, and player companion subscriptions.

Dark Archive

I'm going to run Shattered Star as a prequel to Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, and Second Darkness.

It'll be starting in 4706 AR, just as Heidmarch Manor is getting set up as a Pathfinder Lodge, and before Volume 44 of the Pathfinder Chronicles as been finalized and published.

Also, replacing part 1 of Shards of Sin with Rise of the Goblin Guild (PFS scenario 4-01), putting the first mcguffin on the scenario's BBEG.


Reminder, use the spoiler tags if you want to get specific about details.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

A computer that only has integrated "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600"? If not, I guess I'll need to upgrade my brand new computer....

Dark Archive

In exchange for an honest review, I'm giving away one copy of my first professionally written and published adventure: Within Wheels.

Review can be posted here on, or on

All you have to do is agree to honestly review the product, and PM me your email address.

Sorry about only giving one copy away, but there are only so many resources I have at my disposal.

Thanks, and happy adventuring! :)

Dark Archive

Not only are they missing, but I'm unable to add a new one. Is this a wider issue than just myself?

Dark Archive

With the arrival of the Wrath of the Righteous pawns I discovered that my copy of Pathfinder Adventure Path #75: Demon's Heresy is missing pages 49-64 and instead has duplicate pages 81-96.
I know it's been many months since this came out, and I should have caught it sooner, but, if possible, I would like a replacement copy sent with my next monthly subscription, please and thank you.

Keep up the awesome work,
Justin P. Sluder

Dark Archive

If using a wand of cure light (or moderate/serious/critical) wounds, would it benefit from the effects of a ring of curing?

Dark Archive 2/5

I will run Scenario #0-01 Silent Tide (tiers 1-5) from 1:00-5:00pm on Saturday, May 17 at Nerdy Stuffs, 12223 Pacific Ave S., Tacoma, Washington 98444, (253) 537-1782.
We try to begin at 1:00pm, so please arrive earlier if possible. Nick will be prepared to run Scenario #1-43 The Pallid Plague (tiers 1-7), if we have more than 7 players. I believe Ryan F. will be prepared to run as well, but I do not know which scenario.
Please RSVP by replying to this post, and please indicate your name and your character by class and level.
If you have played the scenario listed, please make a note of it in your post. Also, if you sign up on the post and for some reason are unable to make it, please notify us on the forum as well. We all understand life happens, but please be considerate of the time of the others as well.
GM Justin S., Scenario #0-01 Silent Tide (tiers 1-5)

Dark Archive

Which inquisitions would an inquisitor of Achaekek have access to?

Dark Archive

"Nuns on the Run" sounds like Liz's game. ;)

Dark Archive

Is there anywhere the pdf is currently available?

Dark Archive

I was reading through some of my old issues of Dungeon and came upon the "Spiral of Manzessine" in issue 94. It's a mind flayer prison. This also got me to thinking of Carrion Crown part 1.

These got me to thinking. What if Candlemere was an Azlanti prison. A remote location guarded by now barely functioning clockworks, with a demilich warden and a homunculus that used to be it's familiar. The homunculus would be the old reason any of the clockworks actually still function.

Perhaps it's another of the Star Towers?

The prisoners would be various "rebellious" figures. Some mythic, most not.


Dark Archive 2/5

Why is the Beastmaster Ranger archetype allowed but the Pack Lord Druid archetype is banned?

Dark Archive 2/5

If I was to run The Dragon's Demand for my group using the non-PFS character option, am I still required to have 4-6 players?

Dark Archive

On 3 Dec, 2013 I purchased a 3-day badge and banquet ticket for PaizoCon 2014. They are still not showing up on my account.

Additionally, my mother (Pat Sluder) purchased a gift certificate for me for X-mas which has yet to show up on my account. I don't have the order number, and she's unavailable at the moment to look it up. I understand if she needs to sort this specific issue out herself, just thought I'd mention it so y'all could poke things if possible.

Thanks and keep up the awesome work.

Dark Archive

my Tales, Comics, and Pawns subscriptions and place the currently available items in my sidecart.

Thanks, and keep up the awesome work.

Dark Archive

Comics, Pawns, and Tales.

Thank you.

Dark Archive

When can we expect an encore? ;)

Dark Archive

Are Goblin Squad Members getting Konkrud?

Dark Archive

...all of my subscriptions. I'll not have the money to pay for things until August 9th.


Dark Archive

This is finally done and available. I'm just a contributing freelancer, but I'd love to hear what folks think about this product. All feedback is welcome feedback! :D

I love it when my food comes to me. :D

Dark Archive

For anyone interested, here is my most likely schedule for PaizoCon

2-3PM YOU are the Publisher!
3-4PM Secrets of Golarion
5-6PM Ask the GM's
6-7PM Editing In the RPG Industry
7-8PM Developing Pathfinder
8-9PM Wayfinder: The fanzine seminar by fans for fans
9-10PM Secrets of TSR

8AM-1PM To Kill a King (I'm actually playing in a lottery game!)
2-4PM Pathfinder RPG Rules Design Workshop
4-5PM Pathfinder RPG Rules Q&A
5-6PM Intro to Mythic Adventures
7-10PM Banquet

8-9AM Writing for Pathfinder (depends on how late I'm up after the banquet)
9-10AM House Rules: The Great, the Bad, and the Totally Ludicrus
10-1AM Killer Adventures: 60 Minutes to a Better DM
11AM-12PM Freelancing 101: How to Break into Game Design and Editing

Dark Archive

With the permission of Liz Courts, I'm posting this to find out who else will be playing in her game.

I managed to win a slot. Who else? :D

Dark Archive

What is THIS?

Dark Archive

Please switch my comics sub to just the single issue sub, please and thanks. They're awesome, but I can't justify the deluxe sub.

Dark Archive

"The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites."

Would this mean that a caster can create ioun stones even if they lack the required caster level of 12th by increasing the DC?

I read the rules as the answer is yes, but I would like to see other folks opinions, and possibly even one of the developers from Paizo chime in if they have time.

Thanks in advance folks.

Dark Archive

Did y'all check into one of the hotels down the hill near Southcenter?

Dark Archive

Anyone know if this is going to happen?

Dark Archive

Is there a compiled list anywhere?

I know of Jamandi (AP 33) and Brinian (NPC Guide). Rorr (webfiction - Plow and Sword) is a retired swordlord. Rastone Selline is a swordlord from Mivon (Guide to the River Kingdoms).

Any others already named?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One the night of 23 Calistril, 4707 AR you gather in the townhouse of a retired Swordlord turned farmer named Rorr. In addition to the eight of you, there is Lord Mayor of Restov Ioseph Sellemius, High Priest Ezvanki Keegh, and another man eventually introduced as Xenos Tobler, a merchant.

There is simple, yet delicious food fixed by Rorr and his family, and drink. After the meal is cleared from the table, Sellemius opens a pouch, and hands each of you a scroll. Before any of you can open your scroll, the Lord Mayor says, "You have all been brought here for various reasons, some because you heard rumor through your families, others caught the attention of myself or one of the Swordlords. Regardless, you have all distinguished yourselves in one way or another. If you wish to leave a legacy to last the ages, open your scrolls and accept the job. Otherwise, toss them in the fire, leave, and never speak of this night to a soul." He finishes with steel in his voice and the promise of death in his eyes. His hand rests casually on the pommel of his exquisite blade.

Be it so known that the bearers of these charters have been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than forty-eight miles west-north-west, twenty-four miles east-south-east, and ninety-six miles south-south-west of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

Once you have all read your scroll, Sellemius pulls out a larger scroll. He unrolls it to reveal a larger, much fancier version of what you have all received. "Those of you accepting the job, please sign your name."

Feel free to talk amongst yourselves and ask them questions.

Here you go folks, discuss....stuff.

Dark Archive

No blog entries from Megan, Michael, Dylan, or Lissa?

Dark Archive

Anyone have any experience with this game/system? What can you tell me about it?

Dark Archive

Are there any materials that shield against the unluck aura possessed by pugwampis?

Dark Archive

I'm considering pick up a Samsung Stratosphere. My current phone is close to being useless and there's a good deal going for one right now.

Anyone have or had one? What are your thoughts?

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