
Macona's page

Organized Play Member. 142 posts (145 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

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Good ideas, I think I'll go for a mix of different races.

It also leads into a potential adventure where the PCs could investigate why top chefs from all over the continent have been disappearing.

EDIT: The head chef/jailer is now called Warden Ramsay

Scarab Sages

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Resolve points for stabilisation
I actually like the idea of all classes having a pool of points to use on special abilities, but I hate having them tied into the dying & stabilisation rules.

Egregious scaling back on power & magic nerfs
I felt Starfinder was incredibly declawed for the sake of re-balancing player choices. A lot of fun stuff was removed and the lack of casting defensively was mean. I can stand it in Starfinder because it can be seen as a brand new game, but I can’t imagine a watered down version of Pathfinder being that fun.

Scarab Sages

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Ah thanks. I'll check with my FLGS

Scarab Sages

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Starfinder has no flat-footed or touch AC

but under the Envoy 'Clever Feint' ability it states:

As a standard action, you can fake out an enemy within 60 feet, making that enemy open to your attacks. Attempt a Bluff check with the same DC as a check to feint against that enemy (though this isn';t a standard check to feint, so Improved Feint and Greater Feint don't apply). Even if you fail, that enemy is flat-footed against your attacks until the end of your next turn. If you succeed, the enemy is also flat-footed against your allies' attacks until the end of your next turn. You can't use clever feint against a creature that lacks an Intelligence score.

Maybe flat-footed is now a condition that gives a flat penalty or something

Scarab Sages

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I think the preview in June will have some of the compatibility rules in it; and I don't think it's going to be too complicated.

There's nothing stopping you writing your fluff now though. I would bet that most of us are doing that currently (I know I am)

Scarab Sages

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I don’t mind more options, but new content is being released quicker than I can keep up. I roleplay multiple times a week, but we tend to play long campaigns and a mixture of systems. There’s still content from APG, UC & UM that we haven't touched on.

It’s not a problem in home games, but it has driven me away from PFS. Last con I went to I was sat with a lizard, a fox and two glowing outsiders who were all playing weird munchkin archetypes that I’d never heard of. “I’m done”

Scarab Sages

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Lincoln Hills wrote:

Macona wrote:
...One day a really fat sixth-form student with a beard on his neck turned up and invited us to a roleplaying club...
Say, what exactly is up with the neck-beard thing? Why is it endemic to gamers and if one cultivates a beard (as I do), what is so darn hard about shaving those parts of it that wander off the face to southward?

From 1d4chan:

"A more plausible theory claims that neckbeards are in fact a form of tears. Those with neckbeards grow them because no one will ever love them and thus, there is no longer a desire to groom due to the acceptance of their inherent repulsiveness."

Scarab Sages

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A tend to find that a campaign’s difficulty is far more dependent on the GM than the campaign. Some GMs run things tactically 100% and show no mercy. Others pull their punches a bit or adept the encounters depending on their group.

Just think of the random encounter tables in Kingmaker. It’s possible for a first level party to encounter a Wil-o-wisp or a pack of Trolls at first level. A lot of GMs would just leave that out.

Scarab Sages

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Obviously, the next AP will be a tie-in for the new Ponyfinder ruleset.

Scarab Sages

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I’ve been thinking of better ways of starting a game. Most games seem to start with a variation of "you meet at a tavern" or the PFS-style “I’m your boss, do this”.

Some of the adventure paths have more interesting ways of bringing the party together:
-The players are all attending an event, when something suddenly kicks off
-The players are shipwrecked and need to work together to survive
-The players are press ganged by pirates

Here are some others I’ve thought of:
-The players are soldiers in a large army which has just lost a huge battle against [BBEG] forces. The survivors are retreating while being pursued.
-The player’s home town is attacked by [monsters]
-The players all awake together in a strange place with amnesia
-The players are all prisoners who get broken out of jail

What else can we think of?

Scarab Sages

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In a Werewolf game I run, the players have named their pack Daddy's Little Angels.

Scarab Sages

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I need a concept and personality that's a bit quirky and fun to play.

For example, my next character is going to be a female summoner who worships Zon-Kuthon. Her Eidolon is going to be a gimp that she leads around by a chain

That should entertain the folks at PFS

Scarab Sages

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This is probably my single worst experience in gaming. When I was about 18 or 19, a friend invited me to a d&d campaign with a few of his other friends. I had played games with this guy for the past year and he had proven himself as an able & fair GM. I was looking forward to having a great game!

He and his friends were all in their 30s and beyond. Now I hate to stereotype people, but these guys were all a bit rough and had laddish alpha-male behaviour. The average sentence coming out of their mouths had at least 3 swearwords and they were constantly chain smoking

As a quiet, introverted sort of person who avoids any sort of conflict, I quickly became the Omega wolf of the group. Constantly being the butt of a group’s jokes is bad enough, but this bullying behaviour affected my character in-game too.

Now for the worst bit. The GM, my friend, joined in! Every NPC I spoke to was rude to me and every action my character attempted would fail in some sort of humiliating way (followed by a roar of laughter from around table).

Here’s an example:
A Dwarf PC disturbs a barmaid by squeezing her arse an asking ‘for a shag’ My Elf approaches her and apologises for the vulgarity of his companions. She then slapped me for some reason, and then her father kicked me (and only me) out the inn. *howling laughter from table*
Me: I look for another inn
GM: It’s late, they’re all closed now *laughter*
Me: Ok, I guess I’ll look for a place to sleep on the street
GM: The town guard come along and try to move you along
Me: I have nowhere else to sleep!
GM: They beat you up *rolls* take 10 damage *laughter*
Me: Fine, I’ll sleep outside of town then
GM: *rolls* you’re attacked in the night by wolves *laughter*

That sort of thing happened to my character constantly, but never to the other players.

I stupidly endured for about 5 sessions before quitting that toxic environment.

Scarab Sages

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All my character's games seem to recorded fine. I usually find one or two missing each con I go to (probably my fault as my handwriting is dire).

Out of interest, who do we thank for the free Book?

Scarab Sages

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Quatar wrote:
I'd not be surprised if, at some point we run into a Half-Gelatinous Cube

Which is why when humping a gelatinous Cube, never forget to use protection...

...from acid

Scarab Sages

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I always find it hard to strike a balance. My players even taunt me sometimes, 'pussy GM, give us a challenge!'

But those same players go quiet and sulky whenever things start looking even remotely bad for them.

What do you cretins want from me!

Scarab Sages

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Adamantine Dragon wrote:
*Pored over* not "poured over." Sorry, if you're going to self-identify as a "rules laywer" I can't help but give you some grammar rules...

Yes, you have corrected me because I am wrong. I accept that am in error and have changed it. This is the reaction that I expect people to have when I correct their rules errors. I only do it for the benefit of the game, not to be a knob.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
If none of your friends will GM for you, it's not because you know the rules better.

It is. They will run anything else for me, just not Pathfinder. ( I don't rule Lawyer other systems because I see them as 'inferior'.)

Scarab Sages

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I love Pathfinder. I’ve spent hours and hours poring over the rulebooks and know most of the rules inside out. I share my knowledge with other player’s and GMs at the table whenever a rule dispute pops up. I only do this so everyone has a clear & fair standing, but this annoys a lot of people.

I don’t understand why people ‘make up’ s*&& on the fly instead of using a clearly stated rule. Why would someone pay money for an expensive rule book if they aren’t going to use half of it? I have never used my powers for evil, but my extensive knowledge is so feared that none of my friends will GM Pathfinder for me.

So what is my grand reward for my love of the game? Never getting to play it.

#firstworldproblems :(

Scarab Sages

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Here’s what I’ve got so far.
The first couple of nights he'll just sneak into their camp and steal stuff, shred clothing, and possibly replace character's drinking water with his pee.

Then things will get a bit nastier. He'll sneak in and wipe poison ivy leafs into a sleeping character's eyes then run off laughing.

Another night he'll use his fire breath of them, run off and lure them into a pit trap (which might have some angry animal at the bottom).

As a climax I’m thinking of some kind of rock formation that he can jump about and loosen boulders at people.

If things go really well I might have him survive so he can do more stuff later.