Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain seeing the reported murder Kyras about to escape fits a second arrow to her bow and unleashes a hail of arrows each one sending a horrifying shriek through the air. 5 ear splitter arrows DC 15 fort or 1d8 sonic damage and nauseated I'll let the two of to roll your own saves
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Feeling Maiathreen's magic flow through her body she quickly follows him her bow at the ready an earsplitter arrow nocked and ready. Ready action to fire at them if the act aggressively if fired Dc 15 fort or sickened andSonic Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8 ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain drops down her wings folded in tightly when she reaches her desired height she snaps them open and arrests her fall pulling an arrow as she does she fires a sleep arrow at Urk. The arrow passes a hairs breath from his thigh. 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (3) + 24 = 27 ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24 Which is which is Shoto the beggar or is the scarecrow? Livain frowns when she hears that the goblin is apparently enchanted in some way. "My love don't injure the goblin is apparently not in control of his actions ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote: Maiathreen nods silently drawing Servais as a precation. "We were told to scout and I'm not sure of things like that are normal but at the very least it could prove informative." with that the two Silastrix and the Wyvern head towards the strange sound. Livain's eyes widen as she sees the unusual amount of water coming from the gutters. She didn't know quite what to make of that. She looks at Maiathreen with a puzzled brow. Sar hissed at the thought of the gutters filling up that fast. The gutters were her home before she met Livain and Maiathreen. Sar closed her eyes for a moment imagining herself immersed in cold water. Oh how she hated the cold! She was much like Maiathreen in that regard. Seeking warmth and cozy places any chance she could. "My love, I don't know if I like the looks of all that water." Sar holds on tight to Livain and snuggles herself under her scarf nervously. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() "I am Livain Gyssearnith, the rude ones wife." She says with a playful elbowing of Maiathreen's side at his terse introduction. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Your sister has told me much of you." ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Hearing Maiathreen and Sir Damian bickering made her slightly melancholy. She wanted to stand in between and calm the two but knew that it was better to let them handle it on their own. Hearing the vision of her fate she felt her heart skip a beat. She tightened her grip on Maiathreen's hand almost as if afraid to let him go. She then gave Maiathreen a comforting touch on his shoulder and at last a small attempt to smooth things over a bit. "Sir Damian, please excuse my husband. He is a bit of a sleep deprived grouch in the morning, especially when he has not had his mint tea..." She looks at him for a moment and smiles at the two men. "please accept our apologies, he did not mean to offend." The soft rays from the sun fluttered about, making patterns on the wet earth. The trees were magnificent giants to behold, towering in all their glory. The view was like the finest tapestry. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() night before: Upon arriving to their quarters, Livain removed her wet clothes and slipped into her new night gown and gently rubbed the sweet scent of black roses onto her skin. She gently dabbed it onto her soft skin and then cleaned her face. She combed her hair and braided it into a soft rope that hung over her shoulders and dangled down to her full hips. Her pale skin glimmered with the oil in candle light and her black hair shined. When she was done grooming herself she realized that Sar was still filthy. She grabbed a bucket of water and warmed it up. She grabbed a small piece of sweetly scented soap and readied herself to give poor Sar a good scrub down. "You can't meet your new Dad with mud all over" she said teasingly to the little wyverling. She lifts little Sar's body and places her in the warm buck of water. For a moment Sar purred and dunked her head in the water. When she surfaced she let out a small sigh followed by another purr. After much scrubbing, Livain toweled the little wyverling off. She held Sar in her arms and started to walk towards the door to see if perhaps her husband would be making his way back. While she was toweling her off, a familiar sound drifted in the air. Almost as if perfectly timed and on cue, the sounds of Maiathreen’s familiar foot fall and voice followed by the click of the knob prompted Livain to attack. She gives a devilish grin to Sar and Sar gives her one in return. Before Maiathreen could finish the words “I’m back” she yanks the door open and tackles him to the ground. Sar followed suite tackling his head and sticking her tongue in his ear as a practical joke. For Sar, any friend of Livain was a friend of hers too. Livain pecked his cheeks repetitively with kisses and giggled in between breaths. She gives another large grin. “Maiathreen, this is Sar. When I was out at the market and picking up dinner, I decided to go to one of the large trees in town and eat a quick bite before heading back. There were some bushes nearby and I heard some commotion. When I went to investigate, 3 ratty boys were picking on this poor majestic creature.” Sar looked up at Livain as the word “majestic” leaves her lips. Never was she called that. Sar averted her attention from Maiathreen for a moment and lets out a loud “squeeeee” followed by a pounce into Livain’ arms. “I told her all about you and she got very happy at the thought of meeting you my love.” Like a cat next to a warm fire on a cold day, Sar began to purr and stretch. Her little swollen eye began to close. Just as she starts to go limp into a sleepy bliss, Livain mentions something about “food”, “dinner” and then that other word with “cheese” tagged on it. Her sleepy eyes shot open. “Well love, what would you like for dinner?”
Livain helps him to his feet again and sets him down at the table. She wraps a warm blanket around him and then sets Sar next to him on a chain with two pillows to prop her up with Livain’s shawl wrapped around like a cocoon. While waiting for him to decide, she placed the food on the table in their chamber and began to light some candles for a relaxing ambiance. Sar studied Maiathreen curiously. Sending him mental messages of affection and buzzing with questions. That night Livain set 3 plates down on the table. At last she felt like she had an official family. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain was going to inquire of the orphans she cared for deeply in hopes of finding their whereabouts. She wanted to fit in with the locals as much as possible in hopes of having a low profile. First though she needed to go to the market for dinner that night and also to pick up a few odds and ends. Livain had put on her best garments and carefully placed her hair in an elaborate style adorned with metal pins etched with an elegant ivy motif. She rouged her lips lightly with a plum colored stain and lined her eyes carefully with kohl. She stared at herself in the small hand held mirror for a moment. One of pale hands encased the lacquered mirror while she gently cleaned some smudged kohl with the other. She paused a moment and felt almost like a stranger to herself. She didn’t remember the last time attempted any form of beautification. She looked down at her nails and decided to quickly dab some oil on them to polish them up a bit. She grabbed her largest bag that she had and after what seemed like an eternity of emptying out the bag of all its contents she was off to the market. The sky was gloomy and the soft scent of wet earth could be smelled all around. Livain relished this scent as she walked under the grey clouds.
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain is done leveling. She now threatens in a 15 ft radius and has taken Leadership for reasons only DRA knows. She can also Trip people with an arrow although I am tempted to take bill rush instead because its kinda funny to bull rush someone with an arrow... ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Aurora looks around herself examining the three doors. Her brows furrow for a moment as she debates which one to pick. She sighs and admits to herself that she is ready as ever. She looks down at the bodies and plucks two guns, tucking them away in leather pouch. Once she secured the pouch with its brass buckle she turned to her husband.
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() At the word “everywhen”, Livain’s heart sank for a moment in remembrance of those lost within it. She listened intently to any plans spoken of. She couldn’t help but wince once more at the idea that there was a statue of all of them. She wished that she could understand what that meant for them all. Were they in grave peril? Was this just a representation of them? Limbo…”Could my dear brother be there?” She thought for a moment and then shook her head to regain focus on the conversation. Her mind was scattered like fragments of broken ice, melting and reforming thoughts. Within those fragments move the faces of her brother, the children lost to the dark void of the everywhen and that abhorrent canvas. For once, she had nothing she could contribute, for in her silence she found solitude, a temporary asylum in order to digest what may come next. She surfaces again to the words spoken by Min. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain is taken back by the abrupt departure of the gnoll. She is barely given a chance to react. Before the word, “wait…” could leave her lips, the gnoll had left. Livain couldn’t help but try to figure out a way to pursue for more information but his parting words obliterated all hopes of receiving any more information from him. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() She gives a sympathetic smile to her husband. "Don't worry my love, I'll fix it." She gathers herself together straightening her garments, she cooly tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She takes a moment to find another worker preferably not the one her husband accidentally insulted. "Hello, might I borrow a moment of your time. I was hoping maybe you could direct me to an elderly gnoll that lives about the bar. Any help would be greatly appreciated." Her words were accompanied by a genuine kind smile. diplomacy + hero point:1d20 + 4 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 4 + 8 = 29 ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Belsarious II wrote:
Livain couldn't help but feel sad at Belsarious' words. She thought for a moment for a suitable response. At first she was going to tell yet another sad tale of her own past but then something stopped her. She needed to put him at ease and the easiest way to do so was to be down to earth. " Well dear," She clears her throat and for a moment looks around almost as if afraid her lady-like manner might be tarnished by what she was about to say "if I managed to live in hell's a@% h*~#, endured countless horrors, then manage crawl out like a maggot from a dung heap and all the while not be tainted, then I believe you will be just fine!" She gives the "jolly good" pat on the back and a big warm smile backed with hope to cheer him up a bit. "It was all better when I finally got to take my first shower, I didn't get any of those while under the black dragon flight. We were lucky to have a cup of water and a rag for personal cleansing, needless to say the only true tainting was that my own stink was branded in my mind along with these lovely markings... Trendy eh?" For a moment she let out a deep laugh. She thought to herself, "if only Mai were here, I could picture it now. His brow would have shot straight up and then we would have had to hide a smile." ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote: Maiathreen gives a quick nod in response to Servais' acceptance of the payment. "Are yo OK with this payment Sia Itova? He asks Livain. Livain gives a slight nod flavored with hesitancy. She bows her head a moment and gently let's out a breath through slightly pursed lips. All the dreadful possibilities Of what this woman could do with their blood warred against any positive outcomes she could think of. For a moment she yelled at her mind to stop worrying followed by a deep rooted yearning for a taste of a "normal" life, one not filled with doubt or fear. She looks up at her husband and finally after a few seconds that felt like hours after nodding her head, She mustered a slightly defeated "yes itova..." ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain steps in front of Maiathreen and lets out a slightly embarrassed sigh. "I'm sorry, don't mind him. We just ask questions as a form of caution. We have been through a lot. It is a pleasure to meet you I'm sure you already know my name but I'm Livain and this is my husband Maiathreen and the quiet one is Belsarious. We do have the stones and just what are the worth?" Gives a gentle nod to her husband along with a glare asking him to behave and bring out the stones. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() She gives a small nod along with a sad look. "It did hurt when I was given these marks, but the pain has been gone now for man many years. It is only the memories that haunt me now." She extends her arm out closer to the gnoll pup. "Yes you may touch them." ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain’s eyes sadden, quilting them with softness like a mother’s gaze upon her wounded child. She takes in a deep breath and releases it slowly. “Child, If I only had wished to harm you then I would have spared the time of rescuing you and just executed the foul deed. I am not one for wasting time, therefore I did not save you only to betray you.” She lifts up a sleeve and reveals seasoned scars and grotesque branding. “If I were a great one, would I have suffered these?” She pauses for another moment and a soft smile sprouts from her lips. “No, dear child I would not have suffered these marks. I believe I am quite sympathetic to your plight for it was mine as well.”
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() She gives a courteous smile in hopes of concealing a whirlwind of emotions. Images of the painting surface in her mind at the sight of each of their faces. She takes a step closer to her husband. In hopes of consoling the children she tells them her life's story. "Everything I've just told you all is to let you know we know the pain you've been through and that your not alone anymore. We are here now and no one is going to hurt you anymore. No priests or devils NOTHING." She hopes that by telling them the horrors that she and Maiathreen had endured that they would see them as kindred spirits. That they will not injure them or let injury come to them. Despite the rising memories of the painting she feels the tears flowing down her face as she thinks about what these children had gone through. It mattered not that they were kobold, orc, and gnoll. To her they were just children, children who had seen much more than they ever should have. She feels Maiathreen's strong hand grip her own as he stands with her as he always has and always will. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() "Thank you Aylaeth, take care as well. We'll be fine" She says with a smile as she hugs back. Turning to her husband. "Are you ready my love?" She says with a quick kiss and a laugh. After taking off she can't help but laugh as the colorful flock of birds fly around the two of them. When the birds return to the jungle she becomes more serious knowing they were possibly heading into dangerous territory. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain smiles for just a moment before smacking her hand against her forehead upon seeing the massive size of this complex and realizing it could take weeks just to search this place. She takes a deep breath....and slowly releases it as she tries to keep her sanity. She nods distractedly at Min's suggestion of heading back to the others, while mumbling softly but not so softly as to not be heard. "Of course we're in a live volcano why wouldn't we be? Couldn't be somewhere nice like a mineral hot spring oh no of course not!" ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain is cast into a restless and empty slumber with only the images of the mirror surfacing her sleeping mind. She sees all the images from the painting in full bloom as they unravel in horrible shades of shadow and anguish. Her body twitches gently as her lips quiver for a moment only long enough to utter a soft mumble and then expel a troubled breath. Her heart's rhythm would pound then subside to a soft beat, her only indication of trouble from her nightmares. Her bodies only signal for help from those lucid dreams that keep gracing her fragile mind. Suddenly she feels a soothing relief as the warmth of a single caress from Maiathreens finger striking her forehead ever so gently in the relocation of a strand of hair. She could feel the warm blanket surrounding her for a moment as she stirred from the touch on her forehead. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Did our loving DM have a bad day at work today? Poor Livain was probably happily looking at the pretty landscape and then BAM! Here comes the proverbial sh!t storm brewing in. She will never look at paintings quite the same way again…As for orphans, DAMN LITTLE ANNIE AND HER MUSIC! Just imagine if Mai, Livain and Servais were in our world how they would handle the situation. Thanksgiving dinner with Servais would never be the same. “Servais would you care to pass the corn and not eat my husband’s soul! Pumpkin pie is in the fridge…”
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Livain eyes widened and she could feel her heart in her throat. Her blood drained her face and the taste of metal laced her tongue as fear overcame her. She suddenly dropped anything that was in her hands and ran as fast and as far as she could from that loathsome room with it’s vile painting. She suddenly had a new found deep disdain for art, children and Servais. Livain was not one to be shaken but she was thoroughly rocked. Tremors weaved through every muscle and her pupils stayed in a constant state of shock. She mumbled things to herself for a moment and started pacing back and forth like a mad woman. The look on her husband’s face when he drew his last breath and uttered her name was branded in her mind for all eternity. The death of her brother seemed palatable compared to what she saw in the painting. She could almost feel each little blade jab her as the children danced around her. She felt every emotion etched upon the surface of that canvas. Was it real? Was it an illusion by magic? Everything began to spin and she felt the contents of her stomach come forth from her quivering lips. A cold sweat poured from her brow and she could feel the world spinning underneath the soles of her feet. Never had she felt such a deep sense of terror, not even when she was besieged as a child at the hands of her torturers. The images kept playing over and over in her mind. They plagued her like a vulture taunting its dying victim by looming nearby. ![]()
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() *cough*
"I see it, Min." She says, following the orders of the lieutenant she takes a step back but keeps a Razortusk arrow nocked and ready just in case anything attacks. readied action: shoot anything threatening
Female Silastrix Archer 11 - HP 93 AC 24, T 16, Flat 18 - F+7 R+8 W+ 4 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision Low-Light Vision)
![]() Actually Min do you still have the adamantine longsword you found in the prison room? If you do can I grab it? Even though I fight only with the bow even in melee now for image purposes I still want to carry a melee weapon....unless you are using it. I know you normally use a bastard sword in melee I wasn't sure if you had switched or not... Also completely unrelated...I want adamantine tipped arrows....for sundering purposes I think it'd be aweso to break an enemy's weapon with an arrow. ;)