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We found stats to the Diablo II Hell Bovine. They are going in my next module...

And one of the players could possibly end up with a weapon with a curse on it called Bovine Allegiance. They suffer a -4 to all attacks against anything that falls within the bovine species.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
21. By some miracle, your killer blow misses; your adversary realizes what they just managed to avoid, and that they probably won't be so lucky next time, and voluntarily surrenders.

Love this one!

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DM-DR wrote:

A must resource for me when I am stumped for trap inspiration:

Deadly Trappings from Kenzer and Company

Thanks for that. I've been wanting something exactly like this for some time. Just bought the last one in stock at Hehe

14. You are suddenly angered and swing harder than you ever have before. Some might call it temporary insanity, but your cousin was a barbarian and you see him rage before. Calculate the damage as if you had the STR of your cousin the Bob the Barbarian (He always hated that name) +4 to STR modifier when calculating damage.

15. Your hit is so accurately placed that it cuts through any DR your opponent would have had. If your opponent had no DR add 3 points of damage on your total (after multiplying critical damage)

16. That was a beautiful swing. The heroes out of legend couldn't have done it better. Calculate your damage as if you had rolled max damage possible for your character.

17. You steady your stance and swing the hardest you ever have. Roll D12 for damage rather than your usual dice. If your usual dice are D12's roll a D4 along with it.

Domestichauscat wrote:
10: You bash off a man's head so hard it flies into another opponent for 1d6+str damage!

10a: If there is no other opponent, the same thing happens, but hits one of your allies.

DrDeth wrote:

6. Double Damage.

7. Triple Damage.
8 and of course- quadruple damage!


Sorry, someone had to do it.

Yeah, those gotta be in the list somewhere.

ngc7293 wrote:

What you need is 3rd edition Rolemaster. Arms Law had the great fumble tables but I lent that to a friend but there is still the fumble table in Spell Law

example: "All the elements visit you at once. All that is left is a charred mass of flesh." :D

I didn't play Rolemaster much but when the GM announced a critical D fumble, you knew it was going to be bad!

I actually have a critical failure chart. Mine tend to be ridiculous rather than deadly most of the time.

I love the toe one and the severe head trauma a lot. So using those. and I like # 4 as well

Pan wrote:
Most of these are shortly delayed death effects. That is a little too far on the ridiculous side of things if you ask me. Hope you have fun I guess.

They are supposed to be. And that's just 1 out of 100. options. So first, you have to roll a natural 20 and then you have to roll an 00 and 1 on percentiles. So, most of them are not going to be death effects, that's just the first one I thought of. And yes, ridiculous is what I'm totally after. My critical fumble chart is full of ridiculous.

So, most of you know I have a very ridiculous Critical Failure chart. Now, I want an equally ridiculous critical hit chart, because, why not! I like lists!

So, why don't you all help me come up with things that can happen on a critical hit.

I'll start.

1. A butterfly distracts your opponent giving you the perfect opening to hit him where it hurts. Roll Percentiles:

________1-10%: You hit your opponent in the right leg, breaking its femur. Your opponent receives a -4 penalty to all attacks and loses all Dex modifiers to its AC.

________11-20%: You hit your opponent in the left leg, breaking its femur.Your opponent receives a -4 penalty to all attacks and loses all Dex modifiers to its AC.

________21-30%: You hit your opponent in the right arm, breaking its humerus and can no longer use that arm. Your opponent does not find this in the least bit funny. Roll percentiles again. If you roll above a 25% your opponent is right handed it suffers a -4 to all attack bonuses.

_________31-40%: You hit your opponent in the left arm, breaking its humerus and can no longer use that arm. Your opponent does not find this in the least bit funny. Roll percentiles again. If you roll below a 25% your opponent is left handed it suffers a -4 to all attack bonuses.

_________41-50%: You hit your opponent in the chest. If you are using a blunt weapon, you opponent gets the wind knocked out of it and a couple of broken ribs. It cannot attack until it gets its wind back, which takes 1d4 rounds. Also, it takes a -1 penalty to AC because movement is painful due to the ribs. If you are using a slashing or point weapon, however, your opponent now has a lovely hole in its chest and falls over at your feet dead. Hooray for distracted opponents!

_________51-60%: You hit your opponent right between the legs. If your opponent is male, he falls over holding his crotch and groaning. He is unable to do anything for 1d4 rounds. If your opponent is female and you are male, however, she is very angry and gets an attack of opportunity. If your opponent is female and you are female, she drops her weapon and tries to grab your hair for the classic cat fight. You get an attack of opportunity on her.

_________61-70%: You hit your opponent in the eye. It is blinded in that eye and suffers a -4 to all attacks and half it's Dex modifier to AC due to loss of sight.

_________71-80%: You hit your opponent in the stomach. If you are using a slashing weapon, your opponent is now trying to keep its guts from falling out. It drops its weapon and can no longer attack. It will try to run away to go get help. You get an attack of opportunity on it. If you are using a blunt weapon, it gets the wind knocked out of it for 1d4 rounds and cannot attack during that time, suffering a -4 to AC as well. If you are using a pointed weapon, your weapon goes into the front and right out of the back, leaving a gaping hole in your opponents middle. It will try to run away giving you an attack of opportunity.

_________81 - 90%: You hit your opponent in the head. If you are using a slashing weapon, your opponent's head is now split neatly down the middle. It falls over dead. If you are using a blunt weapon, your opponent has a dent in its head and it falls over dead. If you are using a pointed weapon, your opponent has a hole in its head and falls over dead, however, it takes your weapon with it. If you try to retrieve it, it will take 1 round to free it from your opponent's hard head.

_________91 - 100%: You hit your opponent in the neck. If you are using a blunt weapon, your opponent's throat is crushed and it will die in 1d20 rounds. In the meantime, it will continue to try to fight, because its stubborn like that, but will suffer a -1 to attacks + -1 for every round it remains standing. If you are using a slashing weapon, your opponent no longer has a head. It's rolling somewhere nearby. Roll a d4 to determine direction. If its head rolls past one of its compatriots, the compatriot will have to roll a DC 20 will save to avoid becoming shaken. If it does not roll higher than DC 10, it will attempt to run away. If you are using a pointed weapon, your opponent's neck is now spewing blood everywhere as it quickly exsanguinates. Roll percentiles again. If you roll lower than a 50, its blood gets all over your, in your face, in your eyes, everywhere. You must make a DC 20 will save to avoid being sickened for 1d4 rounds.

2. You disarm your opponent. Roll percentiles. If you roll over a 50% you also catch your opponent's weapon and may use it instead of your own next round. Dropping your weapon is a free action.

Pan wrote:
Have you checked out the NPCcodex?

No, I didn't know it existed. Thanks!

Goth Guru wrote:

I have a cleric of Abadar I can advance to 8th.

I was GMing Runelords when my gaming group broke up.
I will get him out of storage tomorrow.
Other than him, what is the point buy and standard WBL for gear.

Each PC is going to have one "Special" magical item, but I use some lists to roll those up. You can choose what piece of equipment you want magicked. You get 30,000 gp to spend on any equipment you want other than that one item. The item is a "heritage" so the doesn't come out of your budget.

Not really a point buy per say, You can arrange 93 pts. any way you choose 1 pt per ability score. none of this nonsense with increasing costs. A 13 would cost 13 points, etc. Or you can use the baseline I gave above: 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Yes, overpowered, but so are the things I throw at them. :)
Don't forget to add your two stat bumps (for level 8) and your racial scores, which, you probably already have for the racial scores if you're leveling an already made character.

My games are not normal pathfinder games even though I generally use the system. I tend to lean towards the ridiculous.

Okay, here's the deal. I am running a game a PacifiCon in September and I need 8th level Pre-generated characters. I'm not very good at making said characters. If anyone feels like helping me out, I'd be most grateful. I would like one of each of the Core Classes (1 Barbarian, 1 Bard, 1 Cleric, etc) It's going to be a 6 player game, but I like giving my players a little bit of choice. They all need to be level 8 and I'd prefer only core races are used.

Stat block to use: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 + 2 stat bumps (for being level 8) and any racial modifiers. Yes, these starts are a bit high, but my Pathfinder games are never normal pathfinder games. They tend to be slightly high powered (but so are the monsters) and high magical item (usually with a twist).

So, if ya'll would like to help out. Post your character below. I intend to reuse these characters for all my 1 shot convention games from now on (Yay laminator).


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Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
Soilent wrote:

This happened this week, actually.

A greater Shadow attacked the party while they were asleep, only one person had knowledge Religion, and failed to identify it, so they began referring to the creature as "The Darkness".

The sorcerer, having just gotten all his spells back, was very excited about the combat, and shouted "I CAST MAGIC MISSILE INTO THE DARKNESS!"

The entire table started cackling and he had no idea why. Appearently he had never even heard the phrase before, which warms the cockles of my dried up GM's heart.

I've never come across the phrase either. What's going on?

Dungeons and Dragons by The Dead Ale Wives. Youtube it. It's worth it.

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Nullpunkt wrote:

I love the idea and I'm sure my players would, too!

Did anyone get around compiling some into a pdf for printing as a handout?

Yes, PM me your email and I'll send you the one I have. It's entertaining. I generally print them out and laminate them, punch a hole and hand the players a keyring to put them on

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I like gnomes. The idea of Kender amuses me (but only if said PC is using his/her skills on NPCs or silly things like taking another PC's soap). I don't want to kill my PCs. I like ridiculous things to happen and I love seeing PCs come up with unconventional solutions.

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We have a system that a seems to work. When someone makes a good roll, but can't think of something to go with that roll, the rest of us chip in to give the person ideas and the GM reacts based on the roll not necessarily the idea, because it's not fair to expect someone to be excellent at what their character is excellent at. It's not a LARP. We aren't actors. We do the best we can and have fun with it.

I've used both notes and private conversations at my con games. They usually work pretty well. I intend to use the heck out of them during the next game because of a single very complex very tricky trap room.

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Yes, but the PC's description of what he was attempting and the fact that he not only used charm person but was spouting pickup lines at the female BBEG and his PC was male and a Bard....

If I hadn't rolled a 1, I wouldn't have gone with it, but it was too funny to pass up. And everyone at the table was dying of laughter.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:


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From something that actually happened in one of my 1-sthot convention games:

I'm just that Charming: Seduce the BBEG at the end of the module.

the PC used a simple Charm Person spell and I rolled a 1 on the save... Talk about anticlimactic end to a module.

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I had one that said something about roll a 1, then roll on the critical failure chart and end up injuring an ally instead of your enemy.

Friendly Fire Isn't.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I did do a chase scene in a dungeon once with the "Scooby Doo Hallway", where there were 3 doors to a side and the parties exited via random roll through differing doors until the roll came up where they opened the doors directly across from one another. Then the fight was on.

That is hilarious. I may have to use this.

Usual Suspect wrote:
Please, please , please make the party just high enough in level that one member can be an awakened Great Dane.

How high would that have to be? I was thinking 5th level this time.

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It's meant to be silly, but I do actually use achievements for my players during my one shot convention games. They are amazingly popular with my players.

Usual Suspect wrote:
You could just post a link here, couldn't you?

it's a pdf file. no link to post. :P

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Magical Item: Necro-Gnome Icon - A small Gnome figurine dressed in sorcerer's clothing. With the command word "Jinkies" 5 HD worth of Zombies will be summoned. However, these Zombies are uncontrollable unless a Control Undead spell is used after they are summoned. If Item is used and no Control Undead spell is cast, roll percentiles. On a 1-45, Zombies attack the party, on a 46-89, Zombies attack the nearest non-party member. On a 90 or above, Zombies ignore everyone else around them and tear each other to shreds.

Let me find the description. :D

Didn't you hear about that minor magical item, DC?


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Yeah, I refuse to draw maps. I grab online ones and make my campaign fit them :P

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What? I'm a smurf, not Liranys!

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If anyone would like to see my New and Improved PDF of achievements made for my most recent one shot game, feel free to PM me (some are module specific most are not)

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

"Ursa Minor" (successfully complete a "personal quest" campaign)

"Capricorn" (successfully complete a "bizarre" campaign)

All my campaigns are bizarre. Isn't it amazing that I'm a Capricorn?

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Vincent Takeda wrote:
And now for something completely different - attack someone with the banana.

This is killing me! Ick ben een Banaan!

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Sorry ya'll. Life just caught up to me. :D I got busy. I'll try to poke my head in once in a while from now on. :P

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Nope, haven't seen her. Not at all.

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The Indescribable wrote:
Congratulations! As for a mystery using all skills I would need to craft said mystery entirely to do that.

I'll take any ideas you might have about what kinds of situations would go with various skills. :) Not asking for the entire mystery here. I already have a premise. I'm going to re-use the Necro Gnome Icon. ;)

Orfamay Quest wrote:

There's a new Sherlock Holmes RPG out (via kickstarter) that had a very nice mechanic for mysteries. You (the GM) handed out lots and lots of clues from a large list -- the actual number of clues that they (the party) got depended upon their rolls of their investigative skills, so there might be six clues available at a site, and they get one (randomly) for every full five points on their roll.

Following the rule of three, I'd suggest making three skills relevant to each task, so that the party has a good chance of having at least one of the skills and doesn't get trapped in a 'what do you mean, no one has Handle Animal?' situation that shuts the mystery dead.

Great advice. I won't have to worry about the party missing a skill because I get to make the characters. It's a one shot for a convention so they will all be pre-generated. I'm basically going to make Pathfinder versions of the Scooby Gang. :)

My games tend to get a little ridiculous, but I love the suggestions about the clues and red herrings. I think what I need to do is come up with the conclusion first and then go about crafting the mystery around it. I've done some of that already. The game is going to be incredibly punny, but then, mine usually are. :)


ReckNBall wrote:

With all the Craft/knowledge/Profession/Performance skills, there has to be suppliers, buyers and the occasional middleman. Add flavor and nuance, we have a town.

So without further ado:
8) Jakob's Lyre

I'll see your pun and raise you another...

Jacob's Larder
Owner: Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt
Description: The sign that hangs above the door to this shop has a butcher's cleaver, a bundle of wheat and a bunch of grapes. The window display has food that fits every category from dainty pastries to an entire ham, bone in.
Sells: Every type of food imaginable.
Slogan: Heaven can be found at Jacob's Larder

Name: Mad Catter's Hattery
Owner: Kit Catter
Description: The sign out front has a very peculiar top hat on it with the name of the store written below in calligraphy. The door of the place has a big toothy smile with a top hat above it. In the window one can see a variety of hats to boggle the mind.
Sells: Hats, what else? Some may even be magical, Kit doesn't really check for those types of things.
Slogan: Don't end up dead! Cover your head!

Yeah, I am thinking of doing something vague and running with it and see where they take it.

Hello all,
I'm back for a bit! To bring those who recognize me and have missed me hanging around... I landed the best job in the word with an IT Consulting company that most people have never heard of (unless you work in the IT world somewhere) back in February and have been busy since then. I'm in a little bit of a lull right now, waiting on a potential project to get off the ground and to see if I get hired to it. So, I'm going to have a little bit of fun while I'm listening to pod casts on IT related things.

My last module that I did at ConQuest Sac back in March, went over well. It was based on a clash between Wonderland and Oz. This coming November is ConQuest Sac Avalon and I'm needing to come up with another module to run.

I've decided I want to do something different. Instead of sending adventurers out, I want to create a "Sherlock Holmes" type mystery (well, maybe more along the lines of the Scooby Gang ... because I'm silly) and so I want ideas for this. What kind of mystery are my players going to solve. I want to make sure every single skill not the skills list is needed at some point during the game. So, while there will be combats sprinkled in the module, it's going to primarily be a skill based game.

Let's have some fun!

So did anyone come up with a build for the Wheelers from Return to Oz? If so, I'd love to know where it ended up.

You know your GM is out to get your WARLOCK when ever opponent has a high Spell Resistence...

You know your GM is out to get your WARLOCK who can fly when he starts throwing spectres with energy drains at you.

We usually ignore areas unless there's a nat 20 involved.

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Aaron Bitman wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Run away, because the next time, you can choose the battlefield, be buffed, and bring allies.

That's right! He who turns and runs away...

** spoiler omitted **

Only if they forget to run in zig zag patterns...

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Run away Brave Sir Robin!

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Never cross a Sicilian when death is on the line.. Oh, wait... That was a movie not an RPG...


Deck of Mini Wangs