Monster Hunter

Leighton Wise / Zelus's page

24 posts. Alias of Kubular.

About Leighton Wise / Zelus

On the surface, Leighton Wise is a homicide detective that grew up in the foster system in Little Italy. In truth, he is an android so advanced and so convincing, even he didn't know. Now that he has discovered his true nature, Wise needs to know the truth of his past while protecting The City from the monsters in the Mist.

Detective Leighton Wise (Android Awakened)

Mythos: BASTION (Made Man) - Mystery: "Who made me and why?"
Leighton is a super advanced Android and has only recently discovered his true nature. His memory is full of pitfalls and calling on the full powers of his body dulls his personality.

Power tags: [What quality or ability granted by your mythos most often protects you?] bulletproof muscles
[How can you use your defense actively?] throw myself at them
[what other effect or quality, not necessarily defensive, cam with your defense?] Eidetic memory,
[What tactics do you employ when you use your defense?] offense is the best defense
Weakness tags: [What are the unwanted implications of your Mythos?] False Past,
[What personality trait derived from your defense gets you into trouble?] inhibited emotions

Logos: ROUTINE (Homicide Squad Golden Boy) - Identity: "I defend this city from monsters."
Power tags: [What do you do with your time?]Homicide detective,
[What specific actions do you engage in as part of your main occupation?] investigative interviewer
[What privileges come with the territory of what you do?] Squad has my back
Weakness tag: [Who or what can interfere with your routine?] Suspicion from I.A.

Logos: MISSION (Aspiring to be Chief) - Identity: "The city needs me, but I need to be at the top to influence real change."
Power tags: [What do you need most to carry out your mission?] Political Navigation
[Who is helping you on your mission?] schmoozing with the brass
[What sort of tactic or methods do you employ to reach your goal?] above and beyond the call of duty
Weakness tag: [What are the side effects or burdens of pursuing the mission?] No time for life.

Logos: DEFINING RELATIONSHIP (Wise guys?) - Identity: "We'd do anything for each other."
Leighton's best friend Ray Jilani and the other members of their group, Joe Greco, Petey Moretti, and Frank and Don Ianucci have been thick as thieves since childhood growing up in little Italy. They've avoided involvement with the mafia so far, but aside from Leighton, the fellas are all blue collar workers and get a lot of their contracts within the community.

Power tags: [Why is this relationship so important to you?] a sense of belonging,
[Being around them has made you...?] a loyal friend
[What helps you protect them?] solid advice
Weakness tag: [How can they be hurt or impeded?] Mafia trouble