
LanguageJunkie's page

Organized Play Member. 50 posts (137 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.

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Solar27 wrote:
... but I think that we should be aiming to tear down the system by starting a civil war (BURN IT ALL DOWN!!!!!).

I don't know that I really want to go that far. Maybe at a later point in the game, but at least for now that just seems like an absolutely crazy idea for most people. I mean even most of Kelsier's crew didn't believe that was possible.

Now that doesn't mean some of us can't have that additional goal. I think that even has good story potential with inner crew drama. But I think the lesser goal is a good common cause.

As for character idea, I'm thinking about an ignored second son of a very minor Noble house. Possibly a misting, something like copper, bronze or even gold. I think I'd eventually become a savant in whichever one I go with.

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Okay, so maybe more talking as the general crew stuff:

Common Cause: Improve the lives of the skaa

Primary Target: Nobles, particularly those who prey on the skaa

How does that sound to everyone? We'd still have to figure out a preferred method, but those seem to be a common denominator between everything that's been brought up so far.

As for method, I was thinking thefts and cons, ambushes and tactics when force is needed, but preferably not even needing it most times.