James Sutter's private Kirin

Kirin the Heretic's page

1 post. Alias of James Sutter (Contributor).


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From Kirin's Journal:

Anyone who still believes in gods should see what those creatures did to that boy's father. My clothes still reek of another man's insides turned outside, and I'm not so sure we'll be any different by the end of the night.

I went in through the upper window (throwing down a rope for the humans), only to be met by the biggest spider I've ever seen. Before I even knew what was happening, it had sunk its fangs into my arm and pumped me full of venom that blackened my flesh and turned my nerves off at the shoulder. Well, except for the pain sensors... those were just fine.

I stepped off the branch and left the insect to the barbarian, and in rising panic at my festering arm, actually asked the cleric of Gorum for assistance. Shows how flustered I was. He was useless, of course - just stood there poking and prodding while I frothed and vomited, growing weaker every second. Finally, however, I managed to pull through on my own, no thanks to his Lord in Iron. Then it was back up through the window, dizzy and barely keeping my feet, only to find those... things....

Dammit, this arm is useless. Finish later. For now, a note on my new companions:

Ostog: Simple. Proud. Brutal. Easily befriended with a bottle of wine. In other words, a typical human. The northerner's straightforward manner of speaking continually leaves the more dandified men at a loss, and keeps me entertained.

Styrian: A foppish scribe clawing at bits of rumor, constantly scribbling in his notebook and hoping for fame. Humans are so cute when they pretend to be historians, always making pronouncements about how "these events happened over FIFTY YEARS AGO!" Shock. Gasp. Applause.

Zandu: Another loner - saw him following me as I searched through the dump for salvage. Seems to have taken on the town's protection as a personal burden. Motives unclear.

Velmarius: An arrogant and sissified magician from Cheliax, focused more on women and rutting than study. Amusing to watch him interact with Ostog. Hard to keep from laughing when he starts in about the "cities" he's seen and women he's conquered. Child, I was escaped from bondage and traveling the world when your interest in those fleshy milk-sacks was purely culinary.

Vorn: Deputized to take care of the town, for whatever that's worth. Another so-called cleric, too scared of the truth to walk this life alone, but at least he's big and knows how to hit things. It'll give him a nice back-up career once he comes to his senses. Perhaps the only one.