
Khismia al-Khair's page

279 posts. Organized Play character for Tiaburn.


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The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia kept her wand prepared, in case unlucky club will get through her friends defense.


The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- At least, we can do a sermon for this one. His soul now departed from the body that chained it, from the mind that was badly suited and it is only Pharasma, who will judge him

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia used this storage room as short opportunity to recover some of her healing kit supplies.
- I feel odd that we need to fight those people, but we need to find this Crove to figure out, what is happening. They are mentally unstable, but something brought them out of water and made them even more aggresive than previously.

Can I script default behavior of stopping bleeding and tending wounds on those that fight us, so they do not die? I have stabilize at will and +7 to my Heal check, that should help them a bit.

She noticed a bruise on her friends shoulder.
- Tuich, I've missed when you were hit. Do you need me to help with that?

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia were running out of band-aids, so she prepared her wand again, just in case the blow will be to hard and bring one to close to the Gray Realms.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

I will travel tomorrow to Finland, then Russia and return to office on August, 9th. Please, feel free to GMPC Khismia meanwhile. She is mainly debuffer/healer, feel free to use other her abilities as well (speak with dead or Command Undead, for example)

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Sorry, but shield range is personal.

Khismia prepared her wand, getting ready to heal her friends.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- Another madman? - Khismia looked disapprovingly at deeply cut guy on the floor, - let me tend his wound. This place is quite dangerous to work in. This Crove we are looking for, might be as well, person of specific mindset.

She kneels beside the wounded guy and starts to apply bandage to stop him from bleeding.

Heal (Take10): 10 + 7 = 17

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- Girls, I think I will be following our gentlemen and give you a shout, if there is something here, so you can prepare. Please, take care and relax. I understand, this things can be very intense, but we always can handle it as a team.

Khismia started moving along the corridor, leaving Miko and Tuich.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Miko, that was great!

- Ah, the asylum! Perfect place for you, my dear, - voice in Khismia's head starts laughing, sending shivers along her spine.
- Will you leave me be if I say to stay here? - she tries to argue, but it is quite hard speaking with yourself.
- No way! I need to take care about my girl, you brought with you in this crazy town, and that's why I will keep follow you until you get us both out of here.

Khismia followed her friends with a wand in hand, deeply involved by internal dialog.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

I am back as well

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia have ready, so feel free to move forward.
Starting tomorrow I will be traveling and feel free to GM-PC me around

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia prepared her wand in case one of those loosy swings will wound her friends.

Use CLW on adjanced ally if it is hit

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia took a step forward to be in reach for her friends, if they need help and pointed one finger against the guy in a club.
- Hey, your companion would like to test some of your club, before we go!

Murderous command at yellow, Will DC16 or attack his nearest ally

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia looked at all that people.
- Not sure, but might be they overdosed with some drug?..
She take a look, trying to recover, what might bring this condition

Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- Even that book work is not new to me, I'd prefer to speak with people outside. I have people skills, you know. Haggling about prices requires you to understand them.

Diplomacy +13 is best Khismia's skill. Knowledges range between +2 to +5.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

My time to ask for forgiveness. Have to much on my plate at the moment, but it should become easier next week and I will return to full-strength gaming. Please, bot me if needed to keep story going.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- My prayer invokes some of necromantic powers, making a tiny portion of life to return back to their bodies, but it's just a sparkle, so they may resist the urge to obey and refuse to speak. The most smart of them may answer incorrectly in this case, but they are just a shadow of the former self, so their anger is mostly gone. We can ask each one of them a question.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- Reading this doesn't bring nice feelings, quite contrary, but this seems a way to go for me. Let's speak with mayor and then follow what else do we found. If one of those, - she waived back, - was involved in summoning that creature, other people might be in danger too. It is bad for business, when such beasts appear in the city.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Actually, Khismia may ask those bodies some questions, if they are not damaged to point of not speaking

- I can ask those to answer couple questions, - she pointed at ragmen bodies, - but I am not sure, they speak Common and I don't know much languages to speak with them

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia started looking through her possessions in order to find her healing wand.

Standart - take wand of CLW, 5ft north, closer to the darkness

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Fort: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Flash of light made Khismia blind, but that hasn't changed much.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia found a place behind Jeffrey's back and started a prayer.

- Ayu, do you see them?
- Now, you need my help, girl
- Please, help us...
- Your horned friend is almost falling
- What!?

Woman lost her nerve and switched to Qadiran, gesturing and calling for the vengeance.

- Vyk is in danger! I feel that

Cast Bane, Will DC16 or -1 to attacks

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- Goddess, let the power of life bind us together! We are ready to stand for our friend and sacrifice our blood if he needs help..., - Khismia chanted an old Qadiran prayer, but to her friends it sounded awkward.

Casting Life Pact. Everyone who is willing join in (I hope we all in)
Vincent, Khismia has quite good healing check, so if you say you need healing, I probably will grant you another +4 for next check.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia looked her friends from behind.

I am still sketchy in my appearance, every time I check I have no ideas, how to contribute. Next week I will return to office and will work regular hours, checking threads more often

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- Trying to command this creature made my mind overwhelmed with its filthy presence. Sorry, I couldn't help you much. Let me take a look at the wand

Spellcraft (wand): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Recovering from virus

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- Undead scums! - Khismia walked forward.
- Let me get them! - Ayu immidiatelly appeared as she sense the undead nearby, - I'll get them!
Words of player in Qadiran were complemented by presenting a silver spiral - holy symbol of Pharasma.

Control undead, Will DC19

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Meanwhile, Khismia walked forward and touched Vyk's back:
- Go for it, Vyk! We are nearby to help you!
She switched to Qadiran, chanting some words of prayer and her hand glow with warm red light.

Move, CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
2GM, Khismia has Eerie Sense feat, so please inform me if I sense something

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Fort: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 +2 if poison or disease effect
Khismia could hold herself well in the stinky area, but still, preferred not to inhale much, so followed others silent.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

As Khismia hears some screams from inside, she hurries up to keep with other friends.

I'm back from my convention duties and slowly picking steam

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

K:religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 3 Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Khismia felt herself lost. First, delays at customs and then, when she finally found her way around, she wasn't able to see much. Rain was all around the place:

- I actually surprised all this people haven't moved to Qadira or other warm countries, yet. Probably cheap alcohol is sold in batches here. And some kind of drug, like that one used - she pointed at Tarrig, - May be they even make it from that middenstone bug.

After the pause, she continued:
- I've seen those bodies, but they are so broken, that probably we could not make them speak again. I might have success speaking with living..

Trying not to push for more, she started speaking around with traders, showing them proper signs of respect and appreciation of their work, as Trade Princess should do. After she finished with them, Khismia switched to other people around, hopefully to get attention of those, that were hiding near the roof or find out how to meet them.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30 +2 if using enhanced diplomacy spell might be appropriate in this situation

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Sorry for not contributing much here. I could not complete my level-up and I didn't wanted gameplay post in this threads affect my spell/feat decisions. I am fine now, alias updated and I am reading everything happened in the game, while Khismia was "delayed at Ustalavic customs because of her caravan taxes".

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

- "Hello, friends!" - said Khismia, - "haven't seen for some time and I missed you a lot"

dot. Will update soon!

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Congratz on 2*, StephNyan!

Vincent Blackwood wrote:
Is it just me or is the Borderland Keep really.... not good? Am I reading it wrong, or does it cost 15 PP which you slowly make back over the course of the next 5 levels (supposing 3 scenarios per level and no day job) and grants +1 followers. Are we talking Leadership followers? I don't feel that a vaguely helpful level 1 commoner is really worth very much. No offense meant to commoners.

Followers are vanities that you purchase with your PPs. There is fixed amount of followers you may have, so this vanity gives you more followers you may have.

I have Sabah as my squire purchased like that. May be I will purchase a borderland keep some day, just to have you friends visiting me more often.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;
Vyk Tyr wrote:
Sounds cool to me. Heard a lot of good things about that module.

Quoting the local player: "Damn, great module! We ran away, scaried, white like a paper, with shaking hands, dropping poo like toddlers and screaming like schoolgirls at Justin Beeber performance! Great experience! Highly recommend!"

After such lines I am all in for it

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Feel free to take mine, If XXXL fits you

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

I haven't seen new trilogy yet, but I know Season 7 has To Judge a Soul which is 3-7.

Only thing in 1-5 I haven't played in Season 6 is Scions of the Sky Key, but I've GMed those and am familiar with the plot twists.

I'd like to play Midnight Mauler or Blackros Matrimony. I've heard those have massive RP opportunities. As well, I've heard there is a horror theme nicely played out in Carrion Hill which is 4-6 and can fit us all.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

This scenario is 3XP worth.

Regarding character focus - Khismia is mostly flavor-driven debuff support, that is good in nothing except Diplomacy skill and undead flavor back.
She will get lvl5 after this module, but I'm still thinking between getting powerfull blindness/deafness debuff spell or flavor-full adding one level of Spiritualist class, that will give her ability to manifest her haunt.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

As fight goes slower, Khismia still uses her wand to heal Vincent wounds. Than you can see her having an internal struggle, trying to reason Ayu.
Suddenly, she burst in anger:
- Tuich, destroy that abomination of Goddess will, please! - and she keeps all her will to control haunt, while possessed undead is not crushed as pile of bones. Oracle's nose bleeds, but she holds the holy symbol of Pharasma in her hand and smiles gently.

Vincent, since wand discharged, please add yourself 2 hp.
Due to my character faith believes, I cannot let the undead leave so let's have it destroyed.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Trade Princess Khismia al-Khair
PFS #34327-4
Faction: The Exchange
Day Job: Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 Caravan vanity

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia moved forward casting a curative spell again, but holding charge until the better opportunity.

- Vincent, don't rush into fight, you are wounded. Let me heal those!

Move, cast CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2, ready to heal Vincent, when he's in reach.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia moved forward, retreiving her healing wand. As she reached the dog, she chanted several words, hoping to heal it's wounds.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

- Tuich, think about buying a rope, it helps sometimes, - she gave an advice to her friend, who just finished expecting her backpack.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;
Vyk Tyr wrote:
Good thing I missed the green skeleton then, I guess. :-)

Actually, it is only that IS one in range, because others are slightly to sides and it is tricky, count them in range or not, as description of channel energy mentioned that it might be blocked by massive stone or metal walls.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Let it be green and command is attack to his master.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia moved past Tuich, whispering something in Qadiran. The words seemed to be familiar for the most as they heard them already for several times. She tried to convince Ayu to stop, but the haunt was planning to possess at least one of those bodies.

Command Undead, Will DC19, 4HD - might not be the best tactics, but it is first thing that comes to mind for my character

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

- Never seen such complex arcane bonding, said Khismia.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia took her scroll away.
- If you need that again, I have a prayer scroll, - she said, just for her friends to know what to expect.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia used her wand to heal Vyk's wounds once again and moved backwards, giving room for Vincent to come closer.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

My actions depend on how GM ruled the previous situation and what is my condition. If I am in Vincents square prone, I will use my actions to standup, step out and grab a flask

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Khismia called for last resort and chanted two-line prayer for healing. She moved forward and touched Vyk to help him, but she needed to get away not to fail Vincent's attack.
cast and step forward to heal. If I need to fall prone to make room for Vincent attacks that Ok with me CMW: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 = 9

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Watching Vyk unable to get out of grapple, Khismia started looking in her scroll case for something.
- This might help him, if his body cannot resist a poison, - she passed scroll to Vincent.

Standart: retrieve scroll of lesser restoration, move: give it to Vincent