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Did any of you even read the Shifters abilities!? The chimaera, greater chimaera, and final aspect abilities?? You get to COMBINE MULTIPLE ASPECTS!! Combining even two with the chimaera at 9th is cool, but with greater chimaera at 14th you can have a +6 to all your physical stats with Bear, Bull, and tiger all at once!! And still pick two more aspects at final level with final aspect, that combined with full BAB, and a high wisdom to add to AC along with dex from tiger, d10 claws that eventually ignore damage reduction. And if you pour into wisdom, then all the saves become good. Shifters can tear up!! They’re a martial class, and damn good at it. And if you get the feat Shifters Edge, you add your level to your claw damage!! That’s 80 damage if you land all your hits before you even add your dice!! Seriously. I feel like people are looking at the words without reading them!! And the rest of this book is loaded with stuff, especially useful archetypes, and I love the exploration rules. I just feel like people are hating the shifter, when it’s really a well thought get out class.