Necropye Wraith

Heliocentrist's page

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And now I would like to bring something up that has bugged me for some time about D&D, and now bugs me about PF.

Does anyone else find it strange that Perception -- the capacity to see, hear and smell -- is tied into Wisdom? Why is there not an ability called Perception, on which the Perception skill could then be based?

"Wisdom" means insight, common sense, emotional intellgence. It really is an attribute separate from perceptive capability, the ability to see a hidden foe, to hear a quiet sound. Why are the two tied together, other than for simplicity's sake? It makes no "real world" sense.

For example, a cleric may be wise -- but should he be able to hear and see better than the rogue with whom he travels?

Or, a rogue can see hidden objects in the shadows, and pick the slightest sound out from a din -- but is he therefore automatically a wise sage?

Really, it makes no sense. When the PF designers were overhauling the world's oldest RPG, they should have added Perception as an ability, correcting one of the most basic -- but far-reaching -- problems in 3.5. In fact, I've been working toward making it a house rule. But I wish the PF designers had done the work -- so I wouldn't have to!

Just my 2 cents. Any thoughts?

Has anyone out there found some good adventures for evil PC's -- you know, where you get to smite the paladin, blackmail the king, rob the treasury, kidnap the mayor? Wage war on the forces of good? Liberate ancient artifacts of evil?

If not, has anyone at Paizo thought about writing an arc for evil PC's? It could be very interesting!

Has anyone confronted (and solved) this problem?

I bought the PF Core Rulebook PDF. It is sitting on my computer. I want to print it out.

I tried to print out the first 20 pages in black and white -- at work. I thought the printer had frozen, I turned it off and went home. I came back in the next morning and was handed my 20 pages by a co-worker...then I tried explaining why I was printing out pictures of scantily clad elven females...

So I took it to a print/copy shop, where they also tried to print it out in black and white. After 3 hours of trying, their printer had still not produced anything. They quit trying.

How do I print this PDF? I don't need the pictures, just the text, really. But when you save the thing as a .txt file, all of the tables are scrambled and nothing makes sense.

What do you think?