Achaekek, The Mantis God

Heart_of_the_Wildfire's page

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moosher12 wrote:

Personally while I'm open to introducing new actions. I'd rather Paizo not modify existing actions too much. As the bigger the changes, the harder it will become to port classes across systems when expectations of functionality will break down. Which is to say, anything that should be added to Starfinder should be a reasonable addition to Pathfinder, and vice versa, such as being able to make Piloting its own skill instead of Lore skills.

We already see such issues with the Soldier, where the majority of it is simply incompatible with Pathfinder without underlying changes in one system or another, which will likely make it a banned class in a good proportion of Pathfinder tables that are open to introducing Starfinder classes.

Id agree with you if Sf2e was an expansion for Pf2e, everything in the new book should work 100% with the game it is expanding. If Starfinder wants to stand on its own and be its own game, it needs to make changes. As is Starfinder is never going to be more than a Pathfinder expansion. Paizo has said contradicting statements in interviews and in the playtest itself about Starfinders relationship with Pathfinder. They need to come out cleanly state what they want Starfinder to be. I and others want Starfinder to be its own game with its own rules that uses the 3 action system (Paizo engine). While others want essentially a space themed splat book, and there's nothing wrong with that, but in this case Starfinder would just not be for me and many like me.

DMurnett wrote:
Chiming in to say that for someone wanting to play a flying bug guy, yes, it's gonna be a bummer that Shirren don't have innate (or even especially low level) flight... But it's not like they're the once and forever bug ancestry of Starfinder. It's a very likely chance that we'll get a playable bug species that does have innate flight sooner or later. Just from a quick skim of AoN, 1e had plenty of arthropod species and some of them have innate flight. Yeah it's not gonna be on launch, but we're not even getting starship combat and archetypes on launch, it's not unreasonable to have to wait for a future splatbook to do a thing every now and then. Still waiting for more playable fey (satyr satyr please satyr) for PF2e myself.

But why? If flying PCs are something they want to show off (enough to specifically call them out), then why would they wait for a Splatbook to have them? I think it's naive to assume future races will have LVL 1 flying. They have made it clear that compatibility is important. In Pathfinder flying is at lvl 9 and Shirren shows us that Starfinder flying is going to be lvl 9. With the supposed "ranged meta" they claim, flying isn't op in combat since every enemy is going to have a gun/ranged attack. There likely isn't any cover for fliers either.

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Gobhaggo wrote:

Yeah and I don't like that balancing then, if I want to fly as a Bug dude then I want to basically whenever I want at Level 5 at the latest--make it slow at first at level 1 if it's needed then have a level 5 feet to upgrade it.

Once per day flight sucks ass when I want to play bug guy.

Agreed, it really feels like Sf2e is being kneecapped or restrained by its Pathfinder compatibility. Really seems like the only reason they get flight at 9 is because that's how pathfinder does it.

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I’m curious about the “cosmic” trait on the glass snake in field test 5. More specifically Im wondering if its a descriptive/family trait like “fiend” or “humanoid” or if it has actual rules associated with it like “mindless” or “amphibious”. Unless i missed it somewhere, i didn’t see an explanation.

Wzrd wrote:

I was thinking that since Starfinder 2E is compatible with Pathfinder 2E, then bringing in a gun from PF2E Guns and Gears should be viable. I would expect the guns in Starfinder to be at least as good if not better.

There are also monsters that won't have modern armor. A modern gun should feel deadly against them. Especially more so then a long bow with it's deadly d10 trait.

Didn't stormtroopers have fatal guns. When they could shoot straight, anything they hit went down. Same with Hans with his blaster, one hit is all it would take.

In my home campaign I do plan to mix Pathfinder and Starfinder together, so I was really hoping that given someone armed with a longbow and someone with a blaster rifle versus an unarmored warg, the blaster rifle comes way out in front with damage potential.

They have said multiple times that Starfinder and Pathfinder are their own games. They are not balancing anything from Starfinder around Pathfinder and vice versa. Compatible doesnt mean balanced. If you want to mix the two they said to do so at your own risk as they are not checking or designing for balance.