
Grimbulg Ironkeg's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Benrislove.




druid 6

About Grimbulg Ironkeg

He's an old salt beard who's ship crashed 150 years ago, he ended up standed on a volcanic island, one day during a storm he wandered into a cave, a mudslide and bonk on the head later, he had no memory of any of it. Then he met his new family of dinosaurs, it took him some time but he learned to communicate with them, then befriended them and now Grim and the Dino's are family.

Trouble has befallen his "families" home island (the volcano is looking non-to-pleased) and Grim has to make fame to buy himself and his family a newer, safer island. Venture Captain Grandmaster Torch promised him an island should he turn over the names of the Decemvirate and works his way into their good graces.

After [Rivalry's End], Grim found the Valsin could offer him the same island for his loyalties, oh the joy of a safe, non-volcanic home!

Now Grim and his "brother" Gnom carry out missions for the Pathfinder Society in a concerted effort to earn rights to their own, dormant, island.