About Gib Gnome in BlackGib - Rogue 9 N / Small / Gnome-Chameleon / Gnome / Humanoid
Languages Common, Gnomish, Sylvan Skills
Treat wounds (up to 4 at a time, immunity for 10 mins) / Battle Medicine
Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +3 Items +1 Resilient Glamered Studded Leather, Disguise Kit, Arrows (40), Healer's Tools, Thieves' Tools, Doubling Rings, Predictable Silver Piece, Healer's Gloves, Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks) (4), Wayfinder, Clothing (Winter), Climbing Kit, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Sleeves of Storage, Darkvision Elixir (Lesser), Dueling Cape, Ring of Energy Resistance - Fire, Invisibility Potion, Cloak of Elvenkind, Boots of Elvenkind, Thieves' Tools (Infiltrator), Thieves' Tools (Infiltrator Picks) (3), Potion of Flying Gear notes:
+1 Resilient Glamered Studded Leather - AC Bonus +2; Dex Cap +3; Check Penalty -1; Speed Penalty — Strength 12; Bulk 1; Group Leather; Glamered Activate Single Action envision; Effect You change the shape and appearance of this armor to appear as ordinary or fine clothes of your imagining. The armor’s statistics do not change. Only a creature that is benefiting from true seeing or a similar effect can attempt to disbelieve this illusion, with a DC of 25. Disguise Kit - This small wooden box contains cosmetics, false facial hair, spirit gum, and a few simple wigs. You usually need a disguise kit to set up a disguise in order to Impersonate someone using the Deception skill. If you've crafted a large number of disguises, you can replenish your cosmetics supply with replacement cosmetics suitable for the type of your disguise kit. You can draw and replace a worn disguise kit as part of the action that uses it. Healer's Tools - This kit of bandages, herbs, and suturing tools is necessary for Medicine checks to Administer First Aid, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Wounds. If you wear your healer's tools, you can draw and replace them as part of the action that uses them. Thieves' Tools & Thieves' Tools (Replacement Picks) (4) - You need thieves' tools to Pick Locks or Disable Devices (of some types) using the Thievery skill. If your thieves' tools are broken, you can repair them by replacing the lock picks with replacement picks appropriate to your tools; this doesn't require using the Repair action. If you wear your thieves' tools, you can draw and replace them as part of the action that uses them. Doubling Rings - When you wield a melee weapon in the hand wearing the golden ring, the weapon’s fundamental runes are replicated onto any melee weapon you wield in the hand wearing the iron ring. (The fundamental runes are weapon potency and striking, which add an item bonus to attack rolls and extra weapon damage dice, respectively.) Any fundamental runes on the weapon in the hand wearing the iron ring are suppressed. Predictable Silver Piece - This seemingly unremarkable, weathered silver coin bears the bust of an unnamed monarch on the face and a majestic bird on the tail. You can toss the coin without activating it, in which case it follows the normal laws of probability.
Healer's Gloves - These clean, white gloves never show signs of blood, even when used to stitch up wounds or treat other ailments. They give you a +1 item bonus to Medicine checks.
Wayfinder - It serves as a badge of office for agents of the Pathfinder Society and as a status symbol among adventurers of any stripe. A wayfinder functions as a compass.
Clothing (Winter) - Winter clothing allows you to negate the damage from severe environmental cold and reduce the damage from extreme cold to that of severe cold. Climbing Kit - This satchel includes 50 feet of rope, pulleys, a dozen pitons, a hammer, a grappling hook, and one set of crampons. Climbing kits allow you to attach yourself to the wall you're Climbing, moving half as quickly as usual (minimum 5 feet) but letting you attempt a DC 5 flat check whenever you critically fail to prevent a fall. A single kit has only enough materials for one climber; each climber needs their own kit. If you wear your climbing kit, you can access it as part of a Climb action. Sleeves of Storage - This loose robe has wide, voluminous sleeves that each contain an extradimensional space. These spaces each function as a bag of holding that can hold up to 5 Bulk of items (for a total of 10 Bulk), though no individual item can be of more than 1 Bulk; the sleeves grow slightly heavy as you reach maximum capacity. You can add or remove an item from a sleeve with a single hand free as an Interact action. Darkvision Elixir (Lesser) - After you drink this elixir, your sight becomes sharper in darkness. You gain darkvision for the listed duration. The duration is 10 minutes. Dueling Cape - You can pull a dueling cape you're wearing from your shoulder and wrap it around your arm with an Interact action. While wielding the dueling cape this way, the cape uses that arm and hand, and you can't hold anything else in that hand. While you do so, you can spend an action to hold it in a protective position, giving you a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and to Deception checks to Feint until the start of your next turn Ring of Energy Resistance - fire This ring grants you resistance 5 against one type of energy damage: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Each ring is crafted to protect against a particular type of energy damage, and its design usually embodies the type of energy it protects the wearer from in some way. For instance, a ring of fire resistance might be capped with a ruby, whereas a ring of cold resistance features a sapphire instead. Invisibility Potion Cloak of Elvenkind This cloak is deep green with a voluminous hood, embroidered with gold trim and symbols significant in elven culture. The cloak allows you to cast the ghost sound cantrip as an arcane innate spell. When you adjust the cloak’s clasp (an Interact action), the cloak transforms to match the environment around you and muffles your sounds, granting you a +1 item bonus to Stealth checks. Activate ◆◆ Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You draw the hood up and gain the effects of invisibility, with the spell's normal duration or until you pull the hood back down, whichever comes first. If you're also wearing boots of elvenkind, you can activate this ability twice per day. Boots of Elvenkind These tall, pointed boots are made from soft, supple black or green leather and are decorated with trim and buckles of gold. When worn, the boots allow you to move more nimbly, granting you a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks. Activate ◇ envision; Frequency once per hour; Effect Until the end of your turn, you ignore difficult terrain when moving on the ground. If you’re wearing a cloak of elvenkind, you also gain a +5-foot status bonus to your land Speed until the end of your turn. Thieves' Tools (Infiltrator) Infiltrator thieves' tools add a +1 item bonus to checks to Pick Locks and Disable Devices.
AC 27, Fort +16, Ref +20, Will +15; Evasion
Unexpected Shift/Fortutious Shift ⤾ Trigger You would take damage from an attack, spell, or another effect.
Deny Advantage - You aren’t flat-footed to hidden, undetected, or flanking creatures of your level or lower, or creatures of your level or lower using surprise attack. However, they can still help their allies flank. Evasion When you roll a success on a Reflex save, you get a critical success instead. Speed 25 feet Ranged +1 Striking Shortbow +18 (Deadly d10, Magical), Damage 2d6+2 (P)
Sneak Attack Deals 2d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
Debilitating Strike ◇ Trigger Your Strike hits a flat-footed creature and deals damage. You apply one of the following debilitations, which lasts until the end of your next turn. Debilitation The target takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds. Debilitation The target becomes enfeebled 1. Fient ◆ deception vs Perception DC:
Requirements You are within melee reach of the opponent you attempt to Feint.
With a misleading flourish, you leave an opponent unprepared for your real attack. Attempt a Deception check against that opponent’s Perception DC. Critical Success You throw your enemy’s defenses against you entirely off. The target is flat-footed against melee attacks that you attempt against it until the end of your next turn.
Weapon Tricks - When you critically succeed at an attack roll against a flat-footed creature while using an agile or finesse simple weapon or any of the listed weapons, you apply the critical specialization effect for the weapon you’re wielding.
Critical Specializations:
. Knife: The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls. . Club: You knock the target away from you up to 10 feet (you choose the distance). This is forced movement. . Sword: The target is made off-balance by your attack, becoming flat-footed until the start of your next turn. . Bow: If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. The target is immobilized and must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10 Athletics check to pull the missile free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. The creature doesn't become stuck if it is incorporeal, is liquid (like a water elemental or some oozes), or could otherwise escape without effort. Rogue's Racket (Scoundrel Racket) - When you successfully Feint, the target is flat-footed against melee attacks you attempt against it until the end of your next turn. On a critical success, the target is flat-footed against all melee attacks until the end of your next turn, not just yours. Surprise Attack - On the first round of combat, if you roll Deception or Stealth for initiative, creatures that haven’t acted are flat-footed to you. Quick Draw ◆ You draw your weapon and attack with the same motion. You Interact to draw a weapon, then Strike with that weapon. Battle Medicine ◆ (General, Healing, Manipulate, Skill) Prerequisites trained in Medicine RequirementsYou are holding or wearing healer's tools.
Treat Condition ◆◆ (Healing, Manipulate, Skill) Prerequisites Medic Dedication Requirements You are holding healer's tools, or you are wearing them and have a hand free. You treat an adjacent creature in an attempt to reduce the clumsy, enfeebled, or sickened condition. If a creature has multiple conditions from this list, choose one. Attempt a counteract check against the condition, using your Medicine modifier as your counteract modifier and the condition's source to determine the DC. You can't treat a condition that came from an artifact or effect above 20th level unless you have Legendary Medic; even if you do, the counteract DC increases by 10. Treating a Condition that is continually applied under certain circumstances (for instance, the enfeebled condition a good character gains from carrying an unholy weapon) has no effect as long as the circumstances continue. Critical Success Reduce the condition value by 2. Success Reduce the condition value by 1. Critical Failure Increase the condition value by 1. Predictable Silver Piece ◆ (Divination, Magical) Activate Interact; Effect You rub your thumb on one side of the coin with the intent of slightly tweaking the strands of fate, then flip the coin into the air in a coin toss. No matter how the toss is resolved— letting the coin fall to the ground, slapping it down on the back of your hand, or catching it on your open palm—it always lands with the side you rubbed face up. Healer's Gloves ◆ (Invested, Magical, Necromancy) Activate Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You can soothe the wounds of a willing, living, adjacent creature, restoring 2d6+7 Hit Points to that creature. This is a positive healing effect. You can’t harm undead with this healing Wayfinder ◆ (Uncommon, Evocation, Invested, Magical) Activate command; Effect The wayfinder is targeted by a 1st-level light spell. Additional Feats: Advanced First Aid - Prerequisites master in Medicine
Assurance(medicine) - forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers). Cat Fall - expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter. Incredible Initiative - You react more quickly than others can. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative rolls. Chameleon Gnome - The color of your hair and skin is mutable, possibly due to latent magic. You can slowly change the vibrancy and the exact color, and the coloration can be different across your body, allowing you to create patterns or other colorful designs.
Charming Liar - Your charm allows you to win over those you lie to. When you get a critical success using the Lie action, the target’s attitude toward you improves by one step, as though you’d succeeded at using Diplomacy to Make an Impression. Vibrant Display - you can cause your hair, eye, and skin color to scintillate in brief and disorienting bursts. Once every 10 minutes, when you use the Feint action, you can compare your Deception check result to the Perception DCs of all adjacent creatures rather than just one creature within melee reach. It’s possible to get a different degree of success for each target Medic Dedication - When you succeed with Battle Medicine or Treat Wounds, the target regains 5 additional HP at DC 20, 10 HP at DC 30, or 15 HP at DC 40. Once per day, you can use Battle Medicine on a creature that's temporarily immune. If you're a master in Medicine, you can do so once per hour. Paragon Battle Medicine - When you successfully use Battle Medicine, you can also reduce the target's sickened, enfeebled, or clumsy condition by 1 (this has no effect if you are subject to an effect continually applying the clumsy condition, like enlarge). Continual Recovery - When you Treat Wounds, your patient becomes immune for only 10 minutes instead of 1 hour. This applies only to your Treat Wounds activities, not any other the patient receives. Ward Medic - When you use Treat Disease or Treat Wounds, you can treat up to two targets. If you’re a master in Medicine, you can treat up to four targets. Robust Recovery - You learned folk medicine to help recover from diseases and poison, and using it diligently has made you especially resilient. When you Treat a Disease or a Poison, or someone else uses ne of these actions on you, increase the circumstance bonus granted on a success to +4, and if the result of the patient’s saving throw is a success, the patient gets a critical success. Godless Healing - You recover an additional 5 Hit Points from a successful attempt to Treat your Wounds or use Battle Medicine on you. After you or an ally use Battle Medicine on you, you become temporarily immune to that Battle Medicine for only 1 hour, instead of 1 day *** Current Game Notes ***