Nezuyo's page

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Hm, feels a little bit like the easy answer out of a sticky situation, was hoping for something a bit more impactful, like Shelyn or Sarenrae.
Ah well, we'll see how things shake out, really.

Captain Morgan wrote:

I feel quite differently about those two feats. Continual Recovery was invented just so people would have a good feat to pick-- there was no one hour cool down in the playtest treat wounds. I also don't know what the cool down is supposed to represent in fiction, though whole Treat Wounds system is pretty bad for immersion. Continual Recovery is also mandatory.

I disagree quite heavily with Continual Recovery being mandatory, since I've played three full campaigns now without it ever being in play.

Seifter at one point mentioned it was added post-playtest to, and I quote, "to attempt to square the circle with a subset of the playtesters who wanted slower HP recovery who said they were OK with it overall if it was a bit slower."

AKA it was made an optional feat to make the system more palatable to people like me, who wanted slower HP recovery and for time to be bit more of a precious resource.

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Runnetib wrote:
So, if I'm reading it correctly, Paladins are perfectly okay with lying now?

Well except for Paladins tied to gods that still have lying as their own Anathema, such as Erastil and Sarenrae, yes.

Like that change, makes it more based on the god then the type of Champion you are.

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Praise be to the Lamashtu changes.
Thank you, Paizo.

Everything except the wizard school changes.
What can I say, I actually like the old Runelord. I might be tempted to switch once they bring out a decent Remaster Runelord, but up until then, no chance.