Millech the Hump

Gaedren Lamm's page

2 posts. Alias of overlord_laharl.


Gaedren grins at Emma. As she passes the gator, it turns to watch her, but doesn't attack.

"There's a smart lass. No need for anyone to get hurt, right? We can all of us be pals."

"I don't just makes my money picking pockets and selling fish filth, no ma'am. This place fronts a far more lucrative trade. Ever hear of Shiver? Marvelous stuff, peps you right up. And it just so happens I has a shipment in the other room there, ready for the street. Worth a nice tidy sum, plenty for each of ya'."

"So here's what we do. You go and helps yourselves, I leave. That's it. And you won't tell the guards, because if they caught me I'd send you up for accepting my generous deal. And you won't stop me leaving because..."

With this he shifts his aim slightly so that the crossbow is no longer pointing at the door. It's pointing at the gator.

"Fun fact about Shiver. With people it just makes 'em sit quiet like for a while and watch the pretty colors. With Gobblegut, there? Makes him madder than a gnome on a bender. And just you guess what this arrow's tipped with."

"So...we all gonna be pals?"

"That's close enough."

He looks the five of you over, light slowly dawning.

"Well well, Nicky my boy. So good to see you. Come to pay an old friend a visit? The rest of you I've never met in person, but I knows. Gaedren knows. Don't last long in the business without keeping tabs on anyone with a grudge."

"Don't last long by holding one, either. So here's what I thinks. I thinks we make us a deal. How's that sound?"