Froderick Fronkensteen's page

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For the past few years I've been including links to the PRD in my game notes and prep sheets for NPC stats, spells, name it. Suddenly all of those links are dead and my campaign is basically broken unless I take the time to replace them all with the new site's links.

Of course Piazo is free to do with its content what it wants but I wish they would have considered scenarios like this before pulling the plug on the prd so suddenly. A little warning that this was going to happen would have been appreciated.

I'm super bummed by this and will probably have to scrap a campaign that my players have been investing time in for years. Either that or spend a lot of time going back and trying to fix all the broken links in my notes - not even sure where to start with this new site. Don't @ me but it looks like its from geocities.

Bummed man.