
FarmerDad's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 13 Organized Play characters.

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Total Waste of Money


This is mostly about the PDF version, which is what I got. I don't know if the physical version is a bound book (which would also be worthless and qualify for only 1 star) or a collection of papers which could earn it another star -- at least if the errors are corrected from over 2 years ago).

The PDF version is going to be targeted by people who want to print when needed instead of trekking to a copy center and trying to guess how many copies to make. As such, the PDF is a colossal failure. I saw a lot of comments about the PDFs not being fillable, and I see how that would be handy, it isn't necessary for The Purpose of Printing. There are two major issues that will prevent me from ever using this product.

1) Page placement. The pages should be placed/spaced so that related pages will print back-to-back. For example, the front cover of the product should not be on the reverse side of the front page of the generic character sheet. There should have been a blank page or informational page inserted into the PDF. That way, I won't end up with Alchemist feats on the back of a Barbarian character sheet.

2) Color. Ok, I'm tech savay, and I have the tools to add dummy pages where I need to, to correct for problem number one but I won't because the sheets are in color -- lots of color, and lots of color equals a lot of expensive ink. Even if you set your printer to only print in black and white, all those colored boxes will still mean a lot of black ink. While black is usually cheaper than color, ink is still not cheap.