
Facie's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Silver Crusade

Grey maiden. No doubt.

Silver Crusade

Tiger Lily wrote:
Werecorpse wrote:

I think the assumption in general is that the options of raise dead / resurrection aren’t often used by those not of the adventuring persuasion. “An untimely death” is a well used plot device, and it simply doesn’t work (or detracts from the story) if you have to think up blocks for the different ways the victim could have been brought back. If you need an explanation because your players won’t let it go, you can use one of the ones James provided. Alternatively, you could simply say that it’s local tradition among the monarchs of Korvosa that they get one shot at life to make their mark, and no one would follow a monarch who had to be brought back for a second go at it. Can create all sorts of taboos against it for the royals.

And, what about body decomposition?

I wouldn't want to return to my body now that it had been entombed for quite some time. . ..

Silver Crusade

Zahara wrote:

Hello there. I am only fluent in 3.5 as well as a few dabbling sessions in 2nd edition. I was wondering, from your perspective, how you would compare Pathfinder to 3.5 both in combat mechanics and Character options.

Thanks for the input in advance!

Literally, in the last two weeks my group has converted a campaign from 3.5 to Pathfinder. We are all delighted. It plays cleaner. It fixes a number of lingering oddities and adds some really subtle and inventive techniques. The character classes, to me, play better and allow for greater play at lower levels. Pick up the book and check it out. There is also a conversion guide PDF for free here. Grab it. It explains the most basic changes and conversion issues. But, having just done this myself (as did my 5 players), the conversion is a non-issue.

Enjoy and welcome!

Silver Crusade

I'm about to start this Path with my group using Fantasy Grounds 2 (the virtual table top software). Has anyone done that? Are there any reliable sources for the maps? I can, of course, scan my book and then adjust sizing, apply grids etc. to create on-line battle maps, but wanted to see if anyone here has already done that.
